Thursday, November 22, 2018

Full Moon 0º Gemini - November 22/23, 2018.

Sun in 0º 52' Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter 3º 15' Sagittarius, Moon at 0º 52' Gemini.

The Sun at 0º Sagittarius together with Jupiter at 3º and Mercury Retrograde at 11º, opposite the Moon 0º Gemini, both square Mars at 4º in Pisces. This New Moon forms a T-Square, a combination of challenge and tension energizing (if not galvanizing) the emotional mind and the creative mind in the opposing fields of information, conversation, communication and beliefs systems, the big picture and the higher understanding of the scheme of things.

The trigger of this electrifying contest is a mellow Mars, the ball of fire and determination, swimming softly in the ‘ocean’ of Pisces. Here, our warrior planet is fighting a spiritual (foggy delusional? belief) cause, so we may be taken for a competitive wrestle of ideas, diverse faith principles, different cultural viewpoints, and multiple philosophies. The rushing mind will be all over the place, but still Mars can keep us stubborn in our own opinions and even angry about it.

Not a good combination to sit at the Thanksgiving Holiday table with us, right?

As I always say, just be aware of the running energy, and when you feel its rush, just recline your posture on your chair to better listen and observe. We will certainly have the chance to learn a LOT of information thanks to Jupiter magnifying Mercury in Sagittarius, and the Moon shining in turn its light on Gemini, the sign that loves gathering data.  Don’t forget the Sun is there with its big ego (next to Jupiter) and its ‘know it all’ attitude!

Now, I’ll tell you the secret about how to survive and even thrive during this important Full Moon. But before that, I need to remind you that we will have several Lunations at 0º, some key Planets (Uranus, Chiron, soon Venus) and the Nodal Axis in critical degrees making things happen. For a couple of months at least, if not more, we’ve seen several interplanetary aspects at 0º. This will continue for some time into the new year, making 2019, the year of New Beginnings in many aspects of our life. If you are a fixed sign, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius, set in your own ways, hating changes and moves, you’ll be shaken hard, because important changes will be unavoidable. The world as we know it is being swept from under our feet, and for some time, we will not know where we stand, or even where’s the ground!

Now, the secret to survive the agitation and probable animosity of this Full Moon is the fourth leg. The astrological T-square is like a table standing on three legs, thus, if we find the fourth one we are able to stabilize the situation. The fourth leg is found opposite of Mars in Pisces, in Virgo. Look at your chart and find out if you have a planet around 4º Virgo and in what house it is; it will give you the clue about how to manage your own personal circumstances. If there is no planet, consider the themes of that house and focus on them. For example, if you have, let’s say, Venus there in the 2d house, you may be focusing on your self-esteem in relationships or the value of your own resources. If you have Pluto in Virgo in the 12th. Pluto is power, and total transformation, like in metamorphosis. Virgo is healing, service, organization, skills, humility, and fixing what is broken. 12th house is the most private hidden aspect of personal life, our spiritual endeavors, psychological evolution, dreams and the secrets we hide inside close doors -sometimes the skeletons in the closet. Those are the themes that will help you balance this Full Moon energy.

There is also an important aspect forming slowly in this chart, Uranus opposite Venus, which I wrote about in a previous blog post. Check it out here, because this influence can show you where you will feel an important ‘life earthquake’. Additionally, your mind and ability to communicate can also be foggy, misleading and confusing or very much inspired, considering the square between Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, the Sign of exploration and optimism, and Neptune in Pisces, the Sign of dissolution, spirituality and confusion. Since Mercury is Retrograde, this is happening three times in nine weeks. However, awareness, as I always say in my Kundalini Yoga teaching, is the key to succeed. When we know what is going on, we can do something about it. It may be hard to do during a Holiday, but taking the time to meditate, go within to see things as they are, is the best we can do for our peace of mind, to find the right attitude in face of events, and for making good decisions. 

The house placement of the Planets playing in this Full Moon will be different for each person, which will make for a completely unique event for each of us. However, always consider that an astrological Chart works as a whole, that other elements may modify, change or affect the energy in sometimes contradictory ways.

Consulting an Astrologer is always advisable if you need to make an important decision or you need guidance on how to face and deal with certain troublesome family members at the holiday table, and even if you are that troublesome person 🐒. In those cases, feel free to contact me at

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018 - Sun Chiron North Node Grand Trine of Healing

Chiron 28º of Pisces, Sun 28º of Scorpio, North Node of the Moon 28º of Cancer.

This emotional Grand Trine in Water Signs brings a culmination of healing to deep seated psychological or subconscious issues from the past or even from long gone past lives. Take some time during the day to meditate and find out what this harmonious energy brings today into your life. Becoming aware of your psyche is the first step to heal.

Let's break down the meaning.

The SUN has swept through the Sign of Scorpio for a month, enhancing the clarity of Jupiter 's investigation there for a year, since October 2017 to November 2018. Now at the last degree of Scorpio, the Sun is giving us the final report on sex taboos breakthroughs, culmination of sexual issues uncovered by the planet of expansion. We are now fully aware of our newly developed psychic abilities that helped us SEE into the unknown, find hidden secrets, and understand better our intense creative power of transformation. We now know that our penetrating mind and emotions can solve mysteries of power, sex and finances.

CHIRON coming back to the last degrees of Pisces is looking to close the chapter of his Piscean journey of 8 years. Chiron in Pisces believes that life is painful, that making sacrifices is the only way. Where have we sacrificed too much in detriment of our own identity (the Sun)? Have we lost our self authority trying to save something or someone? What was the result? Many of us thought that redeeming the world, the circumstances, another person would give us happiness. Was that true? We were left with this sour feeling of falling short, of not being able to save the other. Perhaps we took a responsibility that weren't ours, therefore we found out that no matter how much we did, we couldn't change the situation, or 'save' the person from his or her fall. We were left frustrated, bruised, or at least disappointed because we thought we were doing the right thing.

However, this Grand Trine of Healing with the Sun and the Lunar North Node now gives us the balm of understanding. It helps us put back together the fragmented pieces of our personality, with the emotional fulfillment that provides the North Node of the Moon in Cancer (see my previous post about what it means according to your Rising Sign). Now, each individual has earned the 'healing' authority of his or her own life by discovering that the personal mission is not to fix broken things outside ourselves, but instead find expansion in the safety and security of our own emotions (in the area where Cancer falls in your personal Birth Chart). There is nothing wrong with us because we made mistakes, we failed, we were broken, we experienced pain and disappointment. We can now find the vitality, creative expression and wholeness by forgiving ourselves and the other, healing, nurturing ourselves, and having compassion for our defects, and for our sense of inadequacy.  Let us reflect on the lesson of the last 8 years and integrate it into our life: we achieve the purpose of our life by doing so. As we grow and maintain our physical body, we also develop our life purpose by absorbing the experiences, positive and negative, processing them and integrating them into our unique individuality.

I feel deeply grateful for the lessons I have assimilated all these years. Together with the decisions I have taken, they have contributed to make me wiser and to learn to love better... unconditionally.
How was it for you?
Find out in an astrological consultation with me; email your request to

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Venus in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries at 29º November 29, 2018

Towards the North Node in Cancer
Uranus 29 Aries opposite Venus 29 Libra, Nodes 28 Cancer/Capricorn

If  the Grand Cross in Fixed Signs did not do it, this one in Cardinal Signs will.

Image result for uranus god greek mythology
Venus, the lady of Love, Money and Beauty has now found her way forward since November 15, in her own home of Libra where she’s ready to make changes and start a new 8-year journey.

But today she’s face-to-face with the Lord of the Heavens, who gives her a new, and much unexpected insight about her identity in matters of love, money, value and beauty. She now will suddenly see a different perspective, a new situation, a new decision to make, a new freedom to walk in an unconventional journey. While retrograde, she’s had time and space to reflect in deep (in Scorpio) introspection and found a way to rebalance (in Libra) her issues. 
Across from Uranus in Taurus now, she remembers the past 8 years when, while she was making her tour around the Sun, Uranus was traveling Aries, the part of the sky inhospitable to her. She now remembers his eager look for freedom to be authentic, different from the norm, and her desire to find an interesting new way of being. In fact, she can’t forget the few times she had bumped into him, when she got electrified and triggered to give in to his maverick ways, and she was left with her hair undone. Yes, in those occasions, her values were tweaked, her likes and dislikes twisted and turned, because Uranus strikes with electrical might and can change Venus’s sweets into psychedelically wiggly neon gum worms. Uranus, the bohemian scientist is, at the same time, the electrical shock of spiritual insights that can fracture Venus kindness in the blink of an eye.  
Image result for uranus god greek mythology
Today Uranus and Venus have an issue to rebalance. It has to do with who we think we are, what we love, who we love, what we value, and the value of our finances.

Uranus transiting Aries is closing a 7-year chapter of identity fracture, transformation and remake in the area of our personal chart where it falls. He’s giving us the final exam about it. What have we learned? How have we changed? what is our new style, our new look? How have we integrated this new identity into our environment? Do we still fit in the same tribe?
Venus, across the Zodiac is now ready for a new Love and Value journey. She has reflected and reviewed, reconsidered, redefined and has made up her mind about what she wants and doesn’t want. In Libra, not only is she cozy and comfy, but she has made the decision, has changed and closed the previous chapter.

The Bowl configuration, where all the planets are still pointing their energy to the Cancer Lunar North Node.

Today, as if he hasn’t triggered enough upheaval, Uranus the Lord of the Heavens, shakes Venus yet into another change! As usual for him, it’s about freedom from the norm, about independence and sudden irreversible change. He strikes our values, our relationships, our financial resources once more with his lightening rod. What he has in store for Venus is unpredictable, but certainly something we haven’t seen before. Would it be a new way of making love or have relationships with greater allowance? Would it be free resources for all? The only thing we can say is that our Values will certainly change dramatically if not  shockingly.

Uranus opposing Venus are triggering and supporting another major shift we’ve had in November when the Lunar Nodal Axis has progressed into Cancer/Capricorn. This new axis has changed the game in important ways that helps us build upon what we started 18.5 years ago, last time the Lunar Nodes were in these signs. Now that the collective consciousness has found balance between social groups (Aquarius) and self (Leo), between the masses and the leadership, we are challenged to rebalance the masculine (yang) or Capricorn and the feminine (yin) or Cancer energies of our life. Capricorn represents our going out into the world to achieve goals, seeking some kind of place in it. Cancer represents our inner world, our emotional body needing safety and comfort.  We now experience a tension between the power of the social and institutional structures (Capricorn) and the basic social unit of home and family (Cancer), with an emphasis on nurturing and caring for the people close to us.

Remember that the Nodal Axis defines a subtle energy considered to be imposed onto us from the Moon cycles and eclipses that brings a general emotional undercurrent making us crave certain things, and letting go of others. With the North Node in Cancer we crave home made life, food, comfort, feelings, care, safety, grounding and coziness.

In fact, the clash between Uranus and Venus, is the final push we needed to realize the importance of family life and emotional security, and to be able to take the necessary actions, especially if we had neglected or sacrificed this aspect of our life in order to achieve a certain social status. We have now a clear insight into how much we have neglected those issues in the hands of the outside world, and that we should focus on rebuilding there if we hope for our own safety and survival. We’ve come to a point where we have realized that Government Institutions don’t really care nor work for our families, that we will need to do it ourselves if we want to have a fulfilling life.  

For each Rising Sign, this Venus opposition to Uranus, marks a different kind of challenge depending on where it falls in the Natal Chart. I next generally describe the 6 axes of houses and the North Node focus. House placements vary for particular Zodiac signs depending on the time and place of birth. The reader will have to look on his or her own chart what exact houses Venus, Uranus and the Nodes are transiting. 

Aries needs to find a balance between the value of long term personal or business relationships (7th) and the freedom of self (1st) in order to find comfort at home (4th).

Libra needs to find a balance between the value of self (1st) and freedom in long term relationships (7th) in order to find comfort in the career or public reputation (10th).

Taurus needs to find a balance between the freedom of resting, sleeping, self sabotage, hidden life  (12th) and value of health or work and daily schedules (6th) in order to find comfort in their neighborhood, communications or with their siblings (3d). 

Scorpio needs to find a balance between the freedom of being healthy, at work and ing daily schedules (6th) and the value of rest, sleep, self sabotage, hidden life and hidden enemies (12th) in order to find comfort in higher education, travel, higher knowledge or spiritual faith (9th).

Gemini needs to find a balance between the freedom of social groups and friends, hopes and dreams (11th) and  the value of their creativity and joy, children, romantic life (5th) in order to find comfort in their own finances, values and self worth (2d).

Sagittarius needs to find a balance between the freedom of their creativity and joy, children, romantic life (5th) and the value of social groups and friends, hopes and dreams (11th) in order to find comfort in their sexual life, shared resources with partners, and transformational experiences (8th).

Cancer needs to find balance between the freedom in their career, public pursuits (10th) and the value of their home life (4th) in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in themselves (1st).

Capricorn needs to find balance between the freedom of their home life (4th) and the value of their career, public pursuits (10th) in order to feel emotionally fulfilled with their long term personal or business partners (7th). 

Leo needs to find balance between the value of their communication, siblings relationships, in neighborhood, the freedom their skills provide in business (3d) and the freedom of long distance travels, higher knowledge, faith, cultural and spiritual interests (9th) in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in their most private hidden space, spiritual and psychological development, rest, sleep, and all hidden activities (12th).

Aquarius needs to find balance between the value of higher knowledge, spiritual and cultural quests, travels and belief systems (9th) and the freedom in their neighborhood, in the siblings' relationships, communication, skills (3d) in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in regards to place of work, daily routines and health (6th). 

Virgo needs to find balance between the value of their own finances, their self worth, (2d) and the freedom given by their shared resources with partners, deeply transformational experiences and in sexual life (8th) in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in social life, big groups activities, hopes and dreams and earnings from career (11th).

Pisces needs to find balance between the value of shared resources with partner, deeply transformational experiences and sexual life (8th) and the freedom found in their own finances and resources, and self worth (2d) in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in regards to the search of joy in creative life, children and romantic life (5th).

Remember that this may not exactly correspond to your Natal Chart because of the time and place of birth. If you need a personalized analysis of transits like this, please email your request to Reading prices vary depending on your questions and the length of the report. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio 15º 11' on November 7, 2018.

This New Moon is the more powerful one of the year, and here are some of the reasons.

First, it squares the last Solar Eclipse of August 11th, 2018, at 18º Leo, indicating the turning point of the issues it arouse for us and put us back on tract to process it, solve it, transform it or plainly get rid of it, so we are ready to take on a new step in our personal mission when the next set of eclipses come. The next Solar Eclipse comes on January 6th, 2019 at 15º 25' Capricorn, followed by the Lunar Eclipse on January 21st, 2019, at 0º 52' Leo. Eclipses are stepping stones in our personal and collective evolution. They bring things out of our control, challenges that push us to make new decisions, new beginnings, to leave things behind that are no longer useful, and take a new path to learn new things. All they while they guide us towards becoming who we really are, accomplishing what we came to Earth to do. Eclipses are called karmic because they bring situations that seem to fall upon us, however they are the result of all the previous situations, circumstances and decisions of our past existences as an eternal soul. Believe it or not, we weren't born yesterday...

The configuration of the New Moon in Scorpio 15º 11' on November 7, 2018 is called a bowl. Look at the North Lunar Node at 29º Cancer that looks like the handle of a basket formed by all the other planets on the other side. 

The meaning of this is that all the energy is focused on the North Lunar Node. Since the "basket brim" is marked by Uranus and Venus in opposition, the South Lunar Node is the midpoint of the basket, so the Nodal axis plays the fundamental role in the chart.
The rulers of the Nodes, the Moon and Saturn, are 50º apart in a karmic relationship that brings stressful changes so we can revise and refresh ideals and goals.

Since Saturn is very strong in his own house where the South Node just moved in, it gives a new structure to the establishment, to the social and political organization, and in your personal life, it reorganizes your public image, your place in the world, in areas like career and social status.
The Moon is unhappy still in Scorpio, shining its light on unsavory truths, searching deeply for the information it needs for the rest of the month, is supported by the Scorpio ruler, Pluto, that gives this New Moon the intensity to transform our emotional life with the courage to clean our dark spots.

And what is it about the North Node in Cancer that all the planets are sending their energy in its direction?

The Lunar Nodes are the evolution of our collective consciousness. But in your Natal Chart they mark your chosen path in life, the path that you decided to take before you were born. In fact they may appear to bring you life events, conditions, and circumstances that are out of our control, when in reality, they come to help us manifest our life purpose.

In Cancer, humanity as a whole is aiming its focus on safety, security, home, family, refuge, shelter, and basic emotional needs of nurturing and care. Capricorn in turn, it is shedding the old skin of the public social status, of our function out in the world when we find ourselves sacrificing too much of our personal, home and family life for it. We are letting go of everything that doesn't work there anymore, and we are inclined to find comfort and joy in our most intimate environment.

The New Moon is here an intense new beginning, is the seed that Cancer will nurture, water and care for to unfold during the next 18 months that the North Node transits there.

Jupiter and Chiron closing the Grand Trine with the North Node in Cancer can indicate healing or hurting, and  also both at the same time, which one can easily see in the collective. This brings an overwhelming feeling that things are unfair, unjust, brings an awareness of flawed morals, or finding faith in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Like this, Jupiter and Chiron seem to fuel the process of changing direction into a world more focus on the needs of people, the feminine energy and family, instead of looking for support in authority figures, the masculine energy or the governmental institutions. It's worth exploring more about Jupiter Chiron connection.

This New Moon trines Neptune in Pisces with a small orb. It can take us into a spiritual ride of high ideals and big hopes for unconditional love to transform the area of life (astrological house) where Scorpio falls in your Natal Chart. It can inspire us to raise our standards, to set our spiritual boundaries farther out, and since the veil is so thin during the Dark face of the Moon, we can dive deep into intuitive knowledge and understand things that we couldn't see before. Scorpio is deep, Pisces is the Infinite that contains all. 

However, we need to be careful in our thinking process. Mercury , the Lord of the Mind and Communication,  now in Sagittarius, soon squares Neptune as well. Mercury in Sagittarius is taking us for a huge thinking trip to explore the big picture, to show us the bird view of the forest, and can make us miss the trees. Those of us ruled by Mercury -Gemini and Virgo- find our mind going here there and everywhere, unable to stay put on things. We need to make sure that we zoom into the details of things here, so we don't miss important ones. Especially, because this tense connection with Neptune, will make Mercury more dreamy exploring intuitive insights and inspired information that may either elevate our standards or trap us into delusional ideas. Another consideration is that soon enough Mercury will come back over these degrees to reconsider our thoughts and communications. Mercury Retrograde over the Holiday travel season is no good news. Be aware of possible communication, technology and travel mishaps. Read the small letters when you make agreements, and wait to make big transactions or contracts if at all possible until December 24th, 2018. In fact, the best gifts deals will be found after, in other words right at the last minute before Santa makes his spectacular performance. If you don't believe me, wait to see the unusual mountain of returns in the stores right after Christmas!

Venus Retrograde in Libra will trine Mars, now traveling forward in Aquarius, both Intellectual Air signs! While Venus is still thinking and reflecting about her love and financial relationships and reevaluating her values, Mars, the action planet, our will power is already charging ahead, "yes, let's do it, I am so sure now this is what I want!" Even though this aspect is harmonious and favorable, it means that our feminine receptive energy is kind of at odds with the masculine outgoing drive. How are they reconciled in a harmonious way? Go figure! Make up love? Kisses and hugs? or "Hurry up, I have things to do!" kind of mode. 

Remember what happened for you on 12 September 2018 and October 31st 2018 in your love or financial life or both? We received some unexpected out of the blue strike from thunderbolt Uranus! Venus and Uranus were antagonizing, backward motion, in the Fixed Signs of Scorpio and Taurus respectively. And we were caught in their stubbornness, with tension and the impossibility to see through to make a definite decision on the matter at hand. But wait, there is more to this story. They will have another face-to-face meeting again on November 29 2018, this time in the Cardinal signs of Libra and Aries, Venus will be moving forward and we will be finally able to change the situation, make a decision and move forward with a little help from another lightening strike from the Lord of the Heavens. Just for us to gain some perspective, Uranus takes 84 years to go around the Sun, so last time it opposed Venus in Libra from Aries was on October 28, 1934. Do you remember history? What was the situation then? Not happy, right! that's why I am here giving a heads-up. More to come on this in my next blog post. 

Until then, I wish you the best, but just in case you need some insight to navigate this in your personal life, send me a Reading Request by email at I will read your Natal Chart and find exactly where those transit fall on it, and will explain how it works out for you personally. I hope to 'see' you in that space. 

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