Thursday, June 6, 2019

Chiron activation in June 2019 - Transits

June 2019 activation of Chiron

As the month starts, on June 4, the Moon in Cancer, our emotions around home, family and comfort are clashing with Chiron vulnerabilities, because of the first quarter square. To learn more about the monthly emotional dance between the Moon and Chiron, please read my previous post here.

June 7, it's Mercury's turn to make the first quarter square to Chiron. We want to tell someone something that's been bothering us for a while now, but we don't know how, because it's painful, it feels inadequate, awkward. Where do we start? How do we say it? There may be feelings of shame or blame, and our mind is heavy. Vulnerability takes center stage in the conversation. Or we read a message and feel it going through directly to the wound, much like when your knee hurts and you bump it again against the table leg. Ouch! Or, you know  you need to talk about that achy issue with your sibling, friend or spouse, but you just can't wrap your mind around the idea of doing it.

In conflict with Chiron, Mercury, especially in Cancer, can also be trying to be a story teller to comfort someone, the psychological counselor, or just the friend or sibling that tricks you into forgetting your hurt. Do you remember the movie Life is beautiful ? That father protecting his son from the cruel reality through his made up stories is Chiron square Mercury.

Loaded with emotions, the mind has difficulty thinking in a logical and coherent way that can make a whole picture of the issue. The ideas are fragmented and we cannot make sense of what is needed. It is painful accepting that we cannot let go of certain bothering thoughts.

Also, Mercury in conflict with Chiron, can have us look for written healing methods, youtube health videos, or other communications found in the environment. Relaxing the mind with meditation, accepting the mental chaos, or talking with another person, if possible, can help us go through this transit.

June 13 Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron This is a favorable aspect and healing energy that can show up through relationships. It represents a window of opportunity for a couple of days to heal the wound of Chiron in Aries. As Jeremy Neals, Astrologer, says "True love cannot be made without Chiron". Venus can be a balsamic relief for your Chiron pains.  But we have to tap into the energy and use it to sooth the rawness of the wound, care for it, treat it with compassion, understanding, patience. Even though, Venus is not the unconditional love Neptune can give us, we can get a glimpse of what true love may be.

We can meet a person or have a relationship situation that makes the wound obvious to our awareness. We understand that something is broken one way or another, but we are still whole. It may show as an opportunity to remember it with compassion, we can then establish a harmonious and balanced love exchange, where both parties receive what they need. However, the whole process only starts within ourselves, when we understand that we are lovable in spite of our faults, when we look in the mirror and say to ourselves 'I love you' sincerely, with all our own heart. Then, we are ready to love.

Love in human life is as necessary as food and water. Babies cannot survive without it. Adults only survive without it. Wether we have a partner or family to love, Love is an essential part of human life. If alone, we have to learn how to provide it for ourselves. If in relationships, When we relate to others, all areas of life are involved, especially the ones that hurt. They need to be included as well. The sextile to Venus in Gemini brings the interaction, communication, understanding, and information to give us the opportunity to heal by realizing where it hurts.

Last night, I was talking with a classmate about a conflict that I have with another friend I love, and told her that even though I've done all I could to resolve it, I still feel that it won't ever be resolved, and don't know what else to do. She said, "try forgiving yourself and your friend". Even though I have consciously done it, but maybe very deep inside, I don't feel I am forgivable. This was an insight that helps me heal if I apply it purposefully.

June 27 the Sun makes its first quarter square to Chiron, thwarting our self authority, self expression, and our ego. We struggle to find joy. Now, we see certain sides of our personality that don't feel "good enough". For a couple of days we become more sensitive to our personality flaws that seem to increase in size and ugliness. One can feel divided, and try to hide certain uncomfortable pieces. Shame is very common with this aspect. Any mistake may look like a horrible monster that makes our existence miserable.

Father and authority figures show now their flaws. One may be in conflict with one's father. We ourselves, may have a hard time integrating our own sense of authority or the masculine (yang) outgoing and assertive energy.  One may act out or show off in order to compensate.

Chiron likes to have us divert his vulnerability to avoid the pain. Often times we find ourselves trying to heal someone else with this kind of problems, instead of focusing on our own sensitivity.  However, it is this pain that awakes in us the need to search for alternative healing tools.  Becoming aware of the issue at hand these days can help us tremendously to face the wound of our existence, and look for a way to heal ourselves instead of diverting the energy outside. Accepting imperfection is a great part of being able to enjoy who we are as we are.

All month of June, Uranus semi-sextile Chiron. I dedicated an entire blog post to this aspect since it is a long lasting one, here: Chiron in Aries and his Maverick friend, or foe? Don't miss it, because, both will retrograde this year and travel approximately together, back and forth, for a long time.

These Cancer transits now represent a set up or a preface to the July eclipses. If they conjunct, square or oppose any of your planets around 10º or 24º in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, your Chart may be activated in a significant way. Keep tuned in because I will write about Eclipses soon.

If you are interested in a personal Astrological reading, feel free to contact me at

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Chiron in Aries and the Moon Phases

Foto credit Suzanne Haik-Hynes

The Moon traveling around the Zodiac (around the Earth) in 28 days aspects Chiron in Aries almost constantly even if for a couple of hours. This represents a constant emotional trigger of the issue Chiron represents in Aries for each of us.

Every month, then, the Moon goes through all the phases in her relationship with Chiron, conflicts, tension, challenges, crises and surrender. We can use the energy of this cycle to deliberately develop our healing.

Dane Rudhyar illustrated description of the Lunar Cycle


Our emotions are fully charged with Chiron's pain to the point that we can't deny it, we know exactly where it hurts. Our feelings about this vulnerability are raw, difficult to bare, we feel a victim of it. It seems we would never overcome the wound of being what it is -or who we are. Either we dwell on the suffering, or we look for a way out. We welcome new thoughts, envision a plan.

1st Quarter Square

During the period of the Moon transiting these 90º from Chiron, we started with a decisive impulse either to try to heal, or show our pain in actions. The intention becomes a goal. We look for a healing approach, or we complain in a 'poor me' mode every way we can. Around half way, there is a struggle, the healing  method presents a challenge, or we realize that the complaining doesn't take us anywhere.


To reach the 180º, one encounters obstacles and needs to overcome them. We decide to take action, apply some remedy, or practice an appropriate healing technique or method that aligns with the previously set goal.  During this period, we may need to refine the process. Once the Moon opposes Chiron one sees the results of one's work.

3d Quarter Square

Another 90º forward, we find ourselves in introspection, reassessing the process. We may feel grateful for the results. We have gained some revealing insights about how the Chiron wound works in our life. So, we are ready to let go of a piece of the pain and suffering. We assimilate the healing like fresh water in a hot day.

Balsamic and New Moon (again)

During the last 90º of the Moon's travel around the Earth, we are able to have a new perception of our Chironic vulnerability. Having worked for three weeks on the issue is like seeing things clearer through a new prescription of glasses. We understand ourselves better and surrender to what is. But, wait. Here it comes again, the Moon meets Chiron again and the emotions awake yet another face of the wound.

So the cycle starts all over again. Month to month, we can heal a bit at a time at an ever higher level of consciousness. In fact, this is the way we grow through all the planetary cycles. Every planet relates to another through the same cycle.

June Chiron Moon Cycle

Conjunction May 29
First Quarter Square June 4
Opposition June 11
Third Quarter Square June 17
New Conjunction June 25

Now you have the key. Enjoy the process and make it a great month! Sat Nam!

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