Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Chiron in Aries and his Maverick Friend, or Foe?

Chiron semisextile Uranus

Uranus in Taurus just moved to the 4º, May 18, 2019, forming now a semisextile (inconjunct) with Chiron, right before Mars reaches that degree in a few days, and squares Chiron. Even though the semisextile is considered a minor aspect, is not less powerful, especially considering Uranus rebellious nature.

Chiron in the Aries house of the chart, gives us a hard time asserting ourselves.  For details on your own house, please refer to my previous posts scrolling down the blog. Or read the Part II article.
We feel inadequate, not good enough, and very vulnerable in the Aries part of our life. Our spiritual and emotional being is often at odds with our physical existence, and we don't know how to reconcile them.

Uranus in Taurus radical influence can add one more conflict to the context. Its innovation, its eagerness to apply technology and futuristic scientific features to our body highly disturbs our physical functioning. It creates uneasiness and even disease, because the body has a hard time adjusting. For example, the highly vibrationally charged environment with electromagnetic communication waves (wi-fi, 5G) and neutrinos from the Sun affect the nervous system in yet unknown ways. We may experience anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, sudden mood changes and other more physical symptoms as well. I am conducting a study of people's charts regarding this phenomenon to correlate symptoms with natal placements. If you like to participate, please contact me by email.

Personally, Uranus semisextile Chiron has an awkward influence, that in fact can help us adjust and compensate. Our Chironic wound is a perceived limitation on us, be it in our mind and communication (3d house), relationships (7th house), career and social status (10th house), etc. depending where Aries is in the Natal Chart. This constraint makes us frustrated, disempowered, even angry, and Uranus awakes a state of uneasiness, anxiety even, making the repression evident through resistance. The rebellion of Uranus cannot accept the wound, he has to divert the submerged inadequacy and vulnerability into another channel of manifestation. Thus, a very tangible and personal problem,  can be solved in a very impersonal, shocking and abstract way.

The Uranus rebellion acts up in weird ways because one feels unfit. There is a sense of ineptitude that make us afraid and frustrated for feeling something is 'not normal'. There is an urgency to solve the conflict, but we can't do it in a conventional way because our problem is not conventional. We may even have a hard time articulating or identifying what the problem is because we feel so crippled that it might be shameful. So Uranus makes an explosion, and force us to diverge the energy by creating a solution that doesn't have to deal with the reality of the problem, or deals with it indirectly, with a detached, aloof, and sterile approach. He may even resource to groups of people with similar issues in order to pour its inventive solution out of the person's system and 'dump' it onto them.

An authentic solution may not be easy now, but Uranus is just providing another way to avoid and escape the pain. However, holding back the reactions, observing, reflecting, and becoming aware are better tools to recognize where it hurts and discover an alternative healing instead of an explosive reaction to divert it somewhere else. Try to "understand through compassion", be kind with yourself, accept that you are 'good enough' just as you are, that perfection doesn't exist, and each person is the way he or she is because we have unique missions. Love is, in fact, the source of us all. Therefore, the way to heal is through loving ourselves and others, no matter how 'dysmorphic' we feel we are or how weird we feel others are. Feelings are just feelings, they come and go, but love is always.


If Chiron is transiting your 7th house, you feel you're not being able to establish an appropriate relationship, something is out of whack, not 'normal' in the way you relate to others. Then with Uranus in your 8th, you may be repressing your wounded feelings about relationships, and channeling that submerged energy to help others transform their own traumatic alliances (financial or sexual) using internet distant and impersonal communications, videos, email, blog articles, etc.

If Chiron is transiting your 3d house and Uranus your 4th you may be remodeling or upgrading your house, because you need to channel the repressed wound of not being able to create your own family or express your yearn for a biological  home.

Chironic health care

Understanding myself and others through Astrology, and especially the Chironic influence, has made me even more compassionate to people. One understands how complex and vulnerable a person is because of the past conditioning from the family lineage and from sociocultural structures. Next time you feel judgmental about someone's actions or lifestyle, think that what you see is just the tip of the iceberg! I encourage people to become compassionate, forgiving and tolerant, and dare to be vulnerable yourselves. Remember, there is much unnamed suffering deep inside a Soul; yes, where
Chiron is. May we all have plenty of TLC for self and others.

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me pukavypora@gmail.com or satsangatyoga@gmail.com

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