Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Rise of Power & Increase of Control

The Chart of Saturn Pluto 
Conjunction in Capricorn 
January 12, 2020

    If you follow my blog, you probably read that already in July 2019 I was forecasting that "Something we haven't seen in our lifetimes is gestating during 2019. The gestation culminates in January 2020 with a metamorphosis that will completely change the world we live in forever. There is nothing trivial about it. We are not able to elude, avoid, evade, or escape this 'atomic' force (Pluto) upon us. Everyone will be affected one way or another, depending on the place this conjunction falls in one's own chart, what natal planets it challenges (specifically with hard aspects). The effects of it are the experience of our human evolution as a collective entity."(1)

    And as expected, Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn delivered! They started a new 700 period  of power plays (their next conjunction in Capricorn in 2754). The agents of society power and control are challenged, restructured, reorganized, redistributed at a massive level. The establishment is shaken to the core, and while certain power structures fall others rise. One empire collapses, another rises

    All around the world authoritarian regimes are popping up like mushrooms, be it from the right or the left, they have the common denominator of control over the masses. Also radical conservative principles want to force humanity progress backwards. Authorities have figured out that the best way to achieve their goals of gripping to power and control is to create a favorable environment for people to feel insecure, become increasingly ignorant, and fall victims of addictions. Of course, what better use of Neptune in Pisces. Moreover, the Jupiter Neptune boosts confusion, chaos, disillusionment, and insecurity. 

    I'd like to go back to the chart of January 12, 2020 at 18 UT, from the Greenwich UK location which is the 0ยบ longitude meridian, representing the whole Earth and the entire Humanity. 


    The first thing that jumps out is the chart funnel configuration with its focus on the Moon in Leo. From the start, Leo and the funnel put the Moon center stage. And in Mundane astrology, the Moon represents the people, the public, and the general public opinion and disposition. People want to be seen, heard as protagonists, they want to rule and command. A Leo Moon is a Queen Moon.  This Moon, moving away from the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer that occured on January 10 (watch my video), carries its symbolic meaning with her, of the need for safety, nourishment, protection, and the need to defend the homeland. 

    Furthermore, this Moon is the apex of a Yod with Sun and Neptune in sextile at the base. If one wants a more exact aspect, consider Neptune exactly sextile the midpoint between Jupiter and Saturn/Pluto. 
This leaves an open door of opportunity for the authority figures (Sun) to become more compassionate, intuitive and creative when dealing with the demands of people (Moon in Leo). However, and unfortunately, there is also the possibility of authority figures using deception and all kinds of subterfuges to undermine the social stability. 

    In this Yod, the Moon makes 150 (Virgo energy) degrees angle from Neptune, which talks about emotional ambivalence. The ambiguity of this imbalance challenges clear communication. People yearn for approval of their demands believing that dreams can be achieved. However, the effect is entirely the opposite and people fall victim of their actions in that regard (i.e. Russian protesters imprisoned, Afghan women forced to wear the burqa, in US women losing the right to abortion). 

    The Moon makes also a 210 (Scorpio energy) degree angle from the Sun or more precisely, from the above mentioned midpoint. The scorpionic aspect is nothing trivial, it makes relationship between authorities (Sun) and the public (Moon), or the male and female archetypes, extremely tense, and highly intolerant. There is a need to take people's suffering into account. However, the authorities and powers that be are only focused on incrementing their power and control by all means, regardless of the consequences on the masses. 

    There is definitely an urgency to make adjustments between those holding the power and people's needs. The gap between them has reached dangerous levels of inequality and injustice, and people are now at the end of the rope.  Given that all energy forces in Nature tend to balance themselves, the heavier the pressure, the more tragic and possibly extreme, the reactions. 

    Additionally, the Moon, the gentle and nurturing feminine power is at the Rising angular placement and the Sun is setting way below the horizon, which symbolically speaks volumes.

    Mars in Sagittarius leads the funnel. which indicates increasing actions and possible aggression in the name of ideologies, religious or cultural beliefs at a global level.  

    The chart is highly Cardinal (7) Earth (8), which reflects the profound changes of Humanity's physical reality experienced since that date. Those changes are social, institutional, geopolitical, and continue manifesting themselves dramatically in Nature. From the magma to the water, on the Earth surface as well as in the atmosphere and underground, our planet Earth is ill and suffering. From those who detonate bombs to those who throw their trash to the water currents, I ask, haven't you ever considered how privileged you are to step on the surface of this jewel of a planet, unique in its nature among millions of other cosmic bodies? Unique! Unique in so many ways. I bow with reverence to this Earth, she is our Mother. 

    In addition, Ceres should be given its significance as part of the stellium with Saturn, Pluto, the Sun and Mercury. According with latest research by renowned Astrologer, Maurice Fernandez, Ceres has been prominent with the Sun and the Nodal Axis in significant political developments (2). Goddess of Agriculture and the Bounty and resilience of the Earth, she represents the need to take responsibility for the food production in order to avoid famine. She reminds us that the economy is at the very foundation of political evolution and even revolutions. In Capricorn, she is only comfortable once she achieves the goals through hard work. Her addition to the Capricorn party can lead to great efforts of encouragement to focus on organizing and controlling agriculture, even by manipulation of information and strict management (Pluto/Saturn) of resources. For this, there is plenty of evidence of how the belligerent authoritarianism has triggered a food crisis so severe that in some countries, people literally are dying of hunger.(3) Thus, this critical point calls for a reorganization and redistribution of economic resources. 
    The stellium square to Eris in Aries has to be recognized as the major challenge that the powers that be are and will face. She will not keep silent, nor will she be silenced. Representing those who are left out of the God's banquet, she creates havoc and chaos, she bravely takes people to the streets to protest and is there to undermine rules and order until she is heard. 

    If the intense Capricorn energy strengthens its dominance, it will not be without disputes and confrontations in the next twenty years to come. Struggles and conflicts can be expected for the next 32 years until Saturn and Pluto meet again in Pisces in 2054. Many of us will not be here to see it, but it's probably then when the system as we have known it until now will finally collapse for good. Pluto in Aquarius for 40 years will certainly contribute to the rebellions that will completely transform collective society like it did at the end of the eighteenth century (in sync with Uranus) through the revolutionary independentist movements. 

    Finally, an important factor is that the stellium is in the presence of the South Node of the Moon with all the eclipses of the season happening in the Cancer Capricorn axis. Not only that, but the quadruple conjunction meets the planetary South Nodes of Saturn and Pluto, tapping back onto their karmic past of political power and control excesses, to understand the danger of dwelling in them. The Nodes symbolize a subtle energy behind the scenes that is experienced at the unconscious level, and is not obvious until action is taken.
    This is the Chart of our Times. Understand it and choose to use the most favorable energies through your actions. May your individual contribution help the collective to move forward to a healthier Life, a healthier Earth, a healthier Society. Sat Nam.

(1) The Saturn Pluto Conjunction series in my Blog
1- Saturn Pluto Conjunction, Historical Antecedents
2- Part I, Rulership
3- Part II, Rulers of First & Second Houses

(2) The Great Cycle of Uranus and Neptune, by Maurice Fernandez.

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