Friday, January 7, 2022

Mercury Station Retrograde Square Uranus

 Mercury Station Retrograde Square Uranus

The James Webb telescope orbits around the Sun

    Mercury stations retrograde at 10º♒️20' square Uranus retrograde at 10º♉️50'. This is highly significant since Uranus rules Aquarius. Because normally Mercury travels fast, he would swift his way and the square effect would be ephemeral. However, today, both Mercury and Uranus are stationary which intensifies their signification and influence, and impact the entire Mercury retrograde period.

    Mercury square Uranus could bring news about the Cosmos, space travels, UFOs, planetary or galactic transmissions or tele transportation. There could be announcements of scientific discoveries in astronomy, especially now that the ultra modern state of the art telescope James Webb is in orbit around the Sun

    There could be scientific disclosures about new ways of food production, and information regarding natural catastrophes, or financial breakthroughs or breakdowns.  In any case there could be disruptive communications, abrupt changes in the stock market, or turbulent commercial or trade deals. Media, the Internet and technological devices may behave strangely, malfunctioning at one moment and coming to normal the next. Take especial care working with electrical devices, or using electricity. 

    And equally erratic can be your emotional reactions! Interesting enough, the Moon in Gemini will be in a t-square opposite Mars, square Neptune, which promises to be quite an emotional ride, due to confusion, aggression, deceptive or misleading news.

    Mercury square Uranus definitively stirs excitement, especially mental and intellectual stimulation. But it could also trigger anxiety or nervousness, because they are both so electrical. Your mind may work overtime, too fast too soon. People may not be able to understand the increased flow of information because it will be hard to process so many ideas. However, you may receive a sudden 'illumination' that allows you to understand or discover something weird. Pay attention to a tendency to blurt out your opinion, or make quirky comments at the wrong time and place.     

    For a few days you may be stressed out at work, especially if you do administrative or intellectual work. Unexpected communications, conversations, or messages may disrupt your peace of mind and force you to change directions, either mentally or physically. Try to take your time in case you need to make a decision in the spur of the moment, unless it's a life or death issue. Your daily routines and even health may get a jolt, and suddenly turn everything upside down in your life. Take especial care of your health to avoid a surprising malaise. 

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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Daily Transits - January 11, 2022

Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces


    Mars is initiative, assertive, aggressive, even violent. He’s sexual too. Mars doesn’t let you think much, he promotes action and wants it now! He acts, then thinks. Neptune is flying in the ether. He doesn’t really know exactly what is going on in the physical reality, he fantasizes, imagines, looks for the spiritual intangible reality of things.
    Mars in Sagittarius may be a Crusader or sorts, or a fanatic or deluded person with extreme beliefs that wants to impose them on others by force. Good representative of the impositions of healthcare (Pisces) measures, right? They could be altruistic, and compassionate, but they could be also deceptive. It's a matter of discernment by using a bit of Virgo there. 

    Mars square Neptune could introduce confusion in your actions and may lead to accidents or disorientation. Also beware of secret/invisible enemies of any kind, including your own self sabotaging, but not excluding virus, bacteria and more especially mold and yeast (promoted by humidity).
    Mars square Neptune may bring a tsunami (or more violent huge masses of water), accidents in or with water, battles in the ocean, a genocide (Neptune is associated with the collective and Mars with warriors), and even a pandemic (disease in the collective). Just be careful around water, especially if you are doing water sports. However, there could also be a healthcare tsunami like the one announced today by the WHO.

    On the positive side, this Mars Neptune hard combination gives you a lot of energy for creativity, written artistic expression, like poetry, if you can combine a lot of energy with your imagination and emotions in a safe way. 
    Mars in Sagittarius may be involved in activities related religion or charity. Neptune is also associated with charity, service and healing. Stronger measures may be taken to cope with the pandemic, for example expand the vaccination campaign. Now, watch out for deceiving actions or invitations to do things that look and sound compassionate, altruistic, or enticing. 

    During the first (waxing) Mars square Neptune (April 8, 2021), Mars in Gemini brought a lot of deceiving information  circulating in the official as well as the alternative media.

    In your personal life, depending on your birth chart, you may end up doing a service project that requires physical work, or receiving a hands-on therapy like a visit to your chiropractor.  Whatever it is, be safe

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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Venus Star Point - Phosphorus Birth - January 8, 2022

Phosphorus or the Purification 

& Integration of Venus
"Be the Love that You Are Looking For", on an Austin TX sidewalk

    Today, with Venus sextile Neptune, it easy to enjoy pleasures of all kinds, your senses are enhanced. Your refined sensitivity craves sensual beauty, flavors, caresses, fragrances, music, involving all your senses. Your feelings are exalted, and you may fall in love head over heels. But just be cautious, not only is Venus retrograde, but the Sun is coming towards her and she towards it. She is burned under the Sun rays, soon being purified and integrated in a new way into the core essence of your being. 

    On January 8, Venus is exactly between the Earth and the Sun at 18º♑️43'. This degree is within the Taurus Decan, the Venus Egyptian Term and the Virgo Dwad. It is recommendable to be doubly cautious, because there is too much Venus in the Virgo element that dwells in imbalances, discontent, criticism, and an almost unhealthy focus on what is wrong, could go wrong, and needs fixing or perfecting. This doesn't make it for a good love prospect. 

    In all cases, is good to remember all recommendations for a Venus retrograde period; in other words, avoid making definitive decisions about important life matters, such as large expenses, long term relationships, and contracts. For the time being, until January 29, take your time, study your figures, read the documents, learn more about the other person paying attention to any 'red flag' along the way. In Capricorn, you want durable love, lasting investments, and sound agreements, no nonsense. You value solid structures. And yet, during the Venus retrograde period, you may miscalculate values. So take your time, after all, Saturn rules Capricorn, right?

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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Daily Transits January 9, 2022 - Mercury Sextile Chiron

The Forgotten Key

Key, picture credit Shaun Holloway

    As Mercury is closing his cycle with Chiron and forms the last sextile at 8º ♒️ 39', the thought or communication that probably comes to mind is about reconciliation, first with ourselves, then with the 'other'. In Aquarius, Mercury is dispassionate, wants to make connections, talk to people he may not even know, but exchanging at the same level, accepting everyone as a part of the big community.  

    Recalling the Mercury Chiron conjunction on 9 April 2021 @ 9º ♈️ 30', I remember the hurting and hurtful Martian themes in the US news. There were headlines about "children learning pains" due to the pandemic; about important male figures 'falling' due to their sexual misconduct; about the USA President announcing "initial steps to address gun violence"; the Police Surgeon announcing "that George Floyd died of asphyxia" (Mercury rules the lungs/breathing); and many more. 

    I think it's been a long year since, and it's time to take this opportunity to recognize and speak about all the pains related to Chiron in Aries. He represents the wounded warrior, but also the 'wounded' male identity, and his misrepresented sexual masculine with its distorted behaviors. Chiron in Aries also represents other identity wounds, the ones originated in xenophobia toward cultural, religious, gender, ethnicity differences. Chiron in Aries (ruled by Mars) brings to the surface our vulnerable human condition and the recognition of our life fragility brought by the global pandemic. 

    Today's aspect can open the door to collectively think, converse, read, write and brainstorm about how we can reconcile our spiritual being with this peregrine Earthly condition, that subject us to so much suffering. It could be a good time to discuss how to be nicer, kinder to each other considering that we are all one wounded heart, one wounded body, one wounded psyche, and oftentimes, one wounded spirit. If we want to preserve and protect life on Earth, today there is an opportunity to use the forgotten KEY to healing.  Let Mercury and Chiron teach us how to love and make peace with ourselves (first), and with others. 

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Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Metamorphosis of Venus

 The Metamorphosis of Venus

    Venus is now at 21º♑️ sandwiched between two forces, the authority of the Sun, and the power of Pluto. Almost invisible under the Sun rays, trapped between the Earth and the Sun, she is up for a formidable transformation, a virtual death and rebirth.  Making also a waning 40º angle (novile, or nonagon) from Jupiter and a waning sextile to Neptune, Venus wants to dream of her perfect heavenly love. 

    The New Year seems to promise fresh air. Sublime feelings of harmony, hope for peace and comfort in the future, renewed illusion of kindness and gentleness arise in the heart at the gates of the New Year. However, by the 8 of January, she disappears in the 'underworld', burned and purified in the crucible of the Sun, to be born more assertive, a Morning Star on the other side. 

    During the next ten days, you may experience a complete purification of your desires and values. This will translate into your choices, your affinities and the activity of your bank account. You may find yourself revising your significant relationships as well, and most probably selecting who is staying and who is leaving your life. This is the Venus retrograde work every other year.

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