Saturday, October 2, 2021

Daily transits - October 4, 2021

 Building Blocks to the Libra New Moon
The Balsamic Moon & Co.

Morning Walk moments of inspiration 10-2-21

    After opposing Jupiter and squaring Venus yesterday, making you ultra sensitive and optimistic, but then plunging you in conflict with desires or financial matters in relationships, today the Moon in Virgo focuses on the details, especially of your health. 

    Remember, you're closing the Virgo Moon cycle, getting ready for the new Libra cycle. You're wrapping up a period of fixing and repair things or situations. You spend the whole month trying to find a solution to a particular problem, or trying to heal some illness. Maybe you were decluttering, cleaning, putting order, getting rid of what is no longer useful. That's the Virgo mission! 

    Now that you have the practice and knowledge of solving conflicts and repairing imbalances, you're ready and apt to deal with 'the other'. That's the Libra mission, relationships, deals, agreements, trying to balance out things. It's amazing how perfect the Zodiac is. Every Sign prepares you for the next, and around you go learning new things.

The Great Halt in Aquarius

Nature knows no boundaries

    Nature knows no boundaries. She has a power of her own, that is a mystery to the Human Race. Only animals know and obey all her rules. But in his arrogance, Man defies Her, barely knowing just a few of her Natural rules, ignorant of most of Nature's Laws. Throughout History, Man has taken for granted that he is able to dominate and subdue her. However, once and again, She stands Glorious and Magnificent. Dominant! 

    Now that Humanity has entered the Aquarius Jupiter Saturn twenty-year cycle, Humans exacerbate their determination to siege, ovepower, subjugate and vanquish Nature. Let's keep in mind and always remember that She is the one knowing all the Natural Laws, that she has laws that we ignore, that just because of our ignorance, she is always more powerful and can, in fact, overcome and destroy us. 

The development and advancement of technology will be intense and rapid during the present twenty-year period. Let's nonetheless remember to revere Nature in Her Majesty and power. Let's respect and honor her infinite abundance and generosity. Let's take care of her and help her restore the damages we have caused her. 
Wildflowers of Texas

    With Pluto in the sky squaring Eris and Haumea, and these Goddesses opposing each other, the whole Mother Earth is under excruciating stress. Pluto is demolishing the structures that Humanity has created for more than 500 years, Eris is claiming her rights of existence and life, and Haumea is exhausted trying to regenerate herself at a rate she has never done before in order to make up for the other two. 

    Be kind, soft, and reverent to the Water, to the trees, to the food, to all the animals, we are all in this together. When the chain of Harmony is disrupted every link is affected. Be kind to yourself. And love yourself! May the upcoming Libra New Moon be the source of our search for Harmony. 

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Daily transits - October 3, 2021

Building Blocks to the Libra New Moon

Sun ♎️ opposite Chiron ♈︎

According to the myth, Apollo adopted the rejected, abandoned, orphaned Chiron, and took him under his 'wing' of protection. It was thanks to the Sun God, then, that Chiron first realized that he could gather all the pieces of his wounded life, put them together and make something significant with it. It was thanks to the guidance of the Sun God, that he was able to re-create himself, gain optimism and find joy in life. 

The Sun opposite Chiron in Aries highlights your wound on 'the other' so they reflect your vulnerability back to you. Is that moment in the year when we have an illumination on your broken identity. 

When Chiron was first in front of the Sun God, Apollo, it was probably the moment when he saw so clearly his flaws, and his wound became so obvious. However, it was the benevolence of the adopted father, Apollo, that awoke in him the desire and the energy to put those weaknesses, insecurities and pains to good use.

The protection, teachings, and leadership of the Sun's Higher Power instilled in Chiron's soul new energy to overcome the confrontation with his dismal reality. He was taught specific skills that helped him gain strength, wisdom, dexterity, and the necessary knowledge to understand himself, find meaning and purpose in his wounds. He discovered and studied different ways to develop his creative healing force.

Apollo enlightened Chiron, he taught him all he knew about diseases, healing, music, poetry, songs, dance, archery, and much more! Thanks to the Sun God, Chiron became an authority in the field of Healing. As such, he was a Shaman, Alchemist, Astrologer, Healer, Wiseman, Moral Guide and Leader. Apollo trusted his disciple with higher responsibilities when he assigned him the education of Asclepius, who later became the God of Medicine, Healing, Rejuvenation and the Doctors.

At the personal level, the Sun may bring another person to your life who can show you how to use your flaws, and weaknesses to your advantage. That person may be a mentor, therapist or just a friend or partner, to help you see your imperfect life not only under a more positive light, but also as the very instrument of your leadership or the essence of your creative power. That person may do it even inadvertently, but you will immediately know and receive the message that will transform your life completely, and finally heal your wound.

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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Daily Transits - October 2, 2021

Building Blocks to the Libra New Moon 

The Anvil

    Mercury stationary square Pluto stationary and trine Jupiter stationary, Venus sextile Pluto and square Jupiter, and all those lines crisscross forming an anvil configuration. In fact this configuration started forming on September 28 as I mentioned in previous posts, and will last until around October 3d. 

    If you are very young, you probably don't know what an anvil is. When I was a small child, growing up in a farm, I saw my elders working their tools on the anvil. They would pound the hot iron to make horseshoes and such. The anvil has a basic geometry of two triangles connected by the vertex. It's made of solid iron that can resist super hot metals on top of it, where the blacksmith works with his tools. 

    Transfering the concept to the symbolism in astrology, you can see how strongly enduring can be the relationship between these planets. Three of them being stationary direct, make them extra powerful already, and their connection solidifies their bond. We can experience all those four energies as a solid unit in any circumstance or situation we are living through right now. 

    This  may mean that the power struggles you experience in your communications, trades, deals with your relationships now, can result in either persisting stubbornness, a permanent antagonism, or be resolved into a stedfast bond that nothing will break. In addition, the challenge will let you understanding the small details of the situation in a wider context with a broader perspective. 

    For sure, once all is said and done -probably when Mercury comes out of the retrograde shadow on November 1st-, you will come out with an entirely new attitude about this issue, which will forever change your outlook on how you relate to that person, people, or thing you were dealing with. And you will remember that 'lesson' for a long time. 

    So, be careful with the 'pounding' of your 'hot' issues. Try to work with them like the blacksmith, one step at a time, with an assertive but exact 'hammer', and a precise aim at the appropriate temperature. 

Sat Nam.

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Daily Transits - October 1, 2021

Building Blocks to the Libra New Moon

Mars opposite Chiron

Wounded Human

The Moon is in her Balsamic stage, the last sextile in the closing (waning) phase. 

With Chiron in Aries, we have been facing the threat to life on Earth and the risk of extinction. Around the world, people have been protesting for the right to BE, for the right to EXIST, for the right to express themselves, and their bodies to occupy a space. Considering the rest of the Astrological Chart these days, we can expect not only those protests to continue, but the situation to heat up a notch or two. 

Last time Mars was opposite Chiron, October 8, 2019, it was square the Cancer Capricorn Nodal Axis. Without even us knowing, there was a Damocles Sword hovering over our head. Leaders of the World were already discussing and planning about the Pandemic in the little publicized Event 201 in NY City.  It was not until later in the Mars Chiron cycle, in fact, at the last (waning) quarter square on February 21, that we realized how survival depended on the shelter of the home (Cancer NN) and the required social security (Capricorn SN).

This time around, Mars is with Mercury and the Sun in Libra about to exactly conjoin a New Moon. During the period of his opposition to Chiron (3ยบ before and after), three new synodic cycles start almost at the same time. Moon Sun, Mars Sun and Mercury Sun. All of them will be infused with the wound of Chiron. 

As the ruler of Chiron, the opposition of Mars in Libra with the Sun can be aggressive to say the least. In any case, we may see 'wounded warriors' in many places. Not only will those protesters be more determined and assertive defending their rights and need to be recognized, as 'different' or with unique needs as they might be considered. 

However, Mars in Libra may need to find a compromise in order to preserve life (Aries). People are now waking up to the fact that there is an urgent need to change human behaviour at all levels of the human activity if we are to survive. In the interconnected world where we live, everything one does affects everything and everyone else. Mars in Libra asks us to reflect on how our actions impact others before acting. 

Uranus in Taurus in quincunx could actually trigger the challenge through even more spectacular natural catastrophes. Mother Earth is mad. She is bursting open in so many places, vomiting her magmatic anger and indignation. Cumbre Vieja in the Canary Islands, Etna in Italy, are the most publicized volcanoes these days, but there have been dozens of eruptions worldwide lately.  

What can you do to decrease Mother Earth pain?

In our personal lives, Mars in Libra may represent a person or situation that, intentionally or not, stirs our deepest Chironic wound, and throws us into an emotional breakdown. However, we can use this opportunity to sit with the suffering and study it intentionally, asking what it is, why it hurts, where it comes from. Then, we may find a way out, and the eventual healing process can be initiated.

Sat Nam

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Daily Transits - September 27-30, 2021


Building Blocks to the Libra New Moon

Welcome to the last days of September. As the Moon transits the last decan of Gemini on Monday, September 27, she forms two powerful Thor Hammers (quincunx, square, trine). These are powerful configurations that cut fast and clean. 

The first one happens between 11 am and 4 pm CST between the Moon in Gemini square Neptune and quincunx Venus. On the one hand your communications are really confused, someone may try to deceive you, or you deceive yourself imagining the best in the situation. It is possible to have the perfect situation, but your mind is out of touch with your desires and ideals. The second Thor Hammer, happens at the same time but lasts until the evening and involves Moon, Venus and Jupiter. Your optimism is having you miscalculate the money or resources necessary to obtain what you want. However, the Moon in Gemini is supported by her trine to Mercury in Libra, so in fact, in the end, she seems to be well informed seeing the details from a broader perspective.  

Thor Hammer

On Tuesday, September 28, the Moon enters Cancer and her waning quarter square to the Sun -and Mars. Within a week, the Virgo Moon cycle will come to an end. Use this time to wrap up what you started at the New Moon on September 6, by gathering all loose ends, integrating the results, absorbing the benefits and accepting the losses. Mars can agitate you if something has come out wrong; and there probably was something wrong, because she also squares Chiron soon after early morning on Wednesday, which can bring out the emotional suffering.

Wednesday September 29, finds you gathering the emotional pieces of your life, and trying to put yourself together with surprise changes of routine in the afternoon. However, in the evening and night, you will probably imagine transformative solutions that feel super intense, but in fact comfort you, as she forms a kite in opposition to Pluto and in a Grand Trine to Venus and Neptune. 

September 30th Translators and Interpreters celebrate our day! Did you know that Translation is the First Industry in the World.  Without understanding each other, NOTHING can be done. In addition to interpreting the Astrology language, I also master three modern languages and I interpret between them. 

Look at today's chart and discover how many beautiful configuration the Moon in Cancer is forming:
A Star of David (Saturn, Neptune, North Node, Moon, Mars Sun, and Venus); a Kite (Pluto, Moon, Venus, Neptune); two Thor Hammers (quincunx, square, trine), an anvil (Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter), an open envelope formed by two wedges, a T-square and two oppositions. If we add Eris in Aries 24ยบ (not shown) we also have a Grand Square.  

This is definitely a special day. The babies born early this morning will have a special life path. Why? I still don't know, but all the energies in the chart are interconnected amazingly.  There is tension, intensity, challenge, but also creativity, and diverse ways to cope with the challenge and find solutions. 

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