Saturday, October 16, 2021

Daily Transits - October 17, 2021

"To The Fairest" 

The Apple of the Discord


Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos

    The Sun starts the Final Act of 2021 by a square to Pluto and the opposition to Eris. Not only does the Sun prepare for the Full Moon in Aries, but he opens the gate to the final release of explosive energy this year. 

    Let's be reminded that, at the same time, Pluto opposes USA Mercury forming a Grand Cross of destructive energy for Mercury, which is the symbol of the country's public opinion, the collective mind, communications, Internet as a communication device, domestic transportation, etc. Mercury in Cancer impacts the USA Eight house of profound transformations. He also rules its Seventh house of partners and open enemies and the Tenth house of the Executive Branch of the Government represented by the President. Therefore, any or all those areas could be dramatically impacted. 

As the polarization reaches a peek, there may be violence and dangerous attempts against the Constitutional Government. Eris, the planet symbolizing the ire of those who were left out of the Gods' feast because they were not considered 'fair' enough, 'perfect' enough, is now sewing rage and chaos. 

Moon (quincunx the Sun) conjoins Neptune, and you may feel lost or drowning under an ocean of emotions in confusion, deception, or disillusion. She's getting ready for the Full Moon in Aries in just four more days.

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Daily transits - October 16, 2021

Relationship Issues

The Mystic Rectangle

    As Mercury reaches the station at 10º ♎️where he turns direct in just two more days, he forms a 'mystic' rectangle'. Mercury being the fastest planet, leads the configuration by opposing Chiron in ♈️, trining Black Moon Lilith in ♊️ and sextiling Venus in ♐️.  This configuration in all masculine Signs is a 'got getter'. The Fire heats up the Air provoking great social and communicative activity. 

Mercury opposes Chiron for the second time thanks to the retrogradation, reproducing painful conversations in relationships with the intention of healing. However, the work is not yet done, therefore there could still be some level of hurt. They act as a 'mirror' for each other, and the opposition may lead to some kind of separation or dissociation with your own pain and the projection onto the other. The resolution probably comes when Mercury comes back direct. 

The other opposition between Venus and Black Moon Lilith is also confrontational. Lilith in Gemini represents the 'shadow of acceptance' or, in other words, the fear of rejection in the relationship. Venus in Sagittarius feels adventurous but projecting that fear of rejection onto the other, she may get frustrated or inhibited. 

Thanks to the rectangle, there is a way out through the two sextiles. Venus should use Mercury retrograde to have some important mental introspection, and Lilith can apply the psychological healing balms that Chiron offers.

I hope this elucidates your relationship issues of the day! Blessings!
Sat Nam.

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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Daily Transits - October 14-15, 2021

 The Colossus Stands Still 

and Everyone Gets Stranded

The Sun trine Jupiter stationary conjunct the Moon

AP Photo/Michelle R. Smith - in

    Since the last day of September, Jupiter retrograde has barely moved 30 minutes of arc. It can be considered stationary already, especially seeing the world events related Jupiter significations. Stationary Jupiter retrograde is a difficult body to move. The Nasa Solar System articles states that "If Earth were the size of a nickel, Jupiter would be about as big as a basketball." As such, He becomes ultra powerful. 

 Notorious for the messy consequences has been the air travel massive cancellations, that disrupted so many people's lives (Jupiter is in Aquarius, the Sign of air travel). Interesting to note that the airlines employees unwilling to receive the covid vaccine can circumvent the mandate by recurring to a religious exemption. Isn't that totally Jupiter (travel and religion) in Aquarius (science, the collective).  

    In the Educational domaine, the NY Times announces the "End of the Gifted Programs", and everybody knows that USA education system is already in shambles. If parents want to obtain results, they need to fight with every tool they are allowed to use for the benefit of their children. 

Cultural and religious identity is under scrutiny as well after the world collapse caused by the pandemic. For example, in the USA people try to name things by its proper name in the case of Christopher Columbus historical account. In addition, many religious people start reconsidering their beliefs and faith in face of the use of religion for obscure political ends. It is a fact that the Catholic Church struggles financially due to the decrease of membership support, which is the case for many others as well. 

  October 15 at 7 am CDT the Moon joins Jupiter stationary which could bring any of those issues to a head. Since the Sun trines their conjunction and Mars approaches this trine as well, there may be some kind of agreements or resolution by an authority figure (i.e. President) that allows things to move forward (Mars).

    Jupiter turns direct October 18-19, almost at the same time that Mercury does so. Things will start moving for you in the house Jupiter is transiting on your natal chart. Find out more about your personal transits by ordering an astrological consultation today. 

Sat Nam.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Daily Transits - October 13, 2021

Grand Cross With Pluto Opposite Natal USA Mercury

"I want you!" Enlist! by James Montgomery Flagg, 1940.
National Archives, Army Recruiting Bureau

    Let's imagine the Grand Cross is a boxing ring. And there are four fighters. On one corner, Pluto in Capricorn. Next corner, Eris in Aries. Then USA Mercury in Cancer. Finally, on the last corner the Sun and Mars in Libra. Each boxer is against the other three! These days are very volatile in USA politics. 

    Pluto has been opposing USA Mercury since 2020, simultaneously square Eris in Aries, hence the heavy propagandistic tone of the politicians and activists at all levels and about all subjects. The last time Pluto exactly opposed US Mercury was January 1st, 2021 and we all know what happened just 5 days later.

Now, the Sun and Mars entered a 3 degree orb to the Grand Cross by opposing Eris and squaring Pluto. The configuration will perfect around October 17 through the 21, when first Sun then Mars reach the 24º mark in Libra.  Expect explosive antagonism between opposing camps, factions, sectors, opinions, parties. Each band will try to 'enlist' you. Try to stay neutral and observe. The 'air' is so hot, that a symbolic fire can start. And I guess, it all started in Texas. In fact, it all started with the previous USA President, and a 'little help' with the unbridled social media and its convoluted logarithms.  

May the common people spread peace and understanding instead of anger and hate. May we all reflect (Mercury retrograde) on what is really important and learn to live together in harmony to preserve the good values and discard the bad ones (Pluto transit 2d house of USA chart).

Sat Nam.

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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Daily Transits - October 11-12, 2021

Think Twice Before Speaking ... and Reacting
The Wise One is Watching You

Saturn Ate His Children, symbol of His archetype of maturity

    Moon in Capricorn invites you to toughen up, and detach from your emotions. Since Saturn turned direct, you've had a reality check of some sort and the courage to go back to work and assume social responsibility. The Moon will be soon at the first quarter square (waxing) when you'll get pushed into action because of the need to sort an obstacle, a block or a new uncomfortable situation. For example, another person may create certain unfavorable circumstances that forces you to do something. Generally speaking, your actions are related to the theme of the Libra New Moon. Look in your natal chart to see in which area of experience you've started something new. 

Silver Winged Hermes, representing the fast pace of the mind.

    Mercury retrograde, still within the triple conjunction, revisits the New Moon (13º ♎️25')  and makes again the awkward contact with Uranus. You review the events of September 9, when Mercury was there direct. The quincunx with Uranus makes you a free or competitive thinker. You may challenge the mainstream ideas or scientific concepts and upset some in doing so. If they criticize you, you may react unpleasantly. However, you already knew that your viewpoint would not be welcome. You may become mentally nervous and experience a rush of ideas difficult to put into words. Your verbal expression may be so blunt and fast that others may not understand you right away, which makes communications difficult. Again, your points of view could be from rebellious to very unpopular, radical or unusual at this time. So, if you are speaking with someone who doesn't' know you well, may walk away thinking you are really eccentric. 

Sat Nam.

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