Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Moon in Scorpio - October 27-28, 2019 - Discover your Treasure

New Moon in Scorpio 4º 25'
Discover your treasure

Both the Moon and the Sun in Scorpio shed their light on the underworld, on the hidden realm of Psyche, the chambers of the occult. The Moon, which represents our unconscious perceptions and reactions, is completely hidden ('burnt') by the bright light of the Sun. Something new is about to start.

Shocked by the opposite electrifying and liberating influence of Uranus, Lord of the Sky, the New Moon helps us to suddenly realize a truth coming from a higher perspective. The information we receive today has been deeply buried, in the profound chambers of the occult, and is certainly accessed through an emotional intensity that only Pluto can give. The aspect the Luminaries make to Pluto, Scorpio ruler, indicates that the situation to which the information relates, comes to a stable conclusive point, like an eureka moment. We never know what Uranus can bring, he's neutral, impersonal, detached, sudden and totally unexpected. For each individual, it all depends on your personal chart. 

Of importance to note, is the New Moon square to next Solar Eclipse at 4º Capricorn coming up a day after Christmas, coincidentally trine Uranus and square Chiron. Then, this New Moon may foreshadow what's coming with it, so we are to open our eyes and ears, and listen attentively, as it may provide us with the information to prepare for any unexpected event. Look out for my Eclipse report soon. 

The New Moon is also in a tense aspect to Chiron in Aries. At the beginning, our discovery or revelation creates a conflict with our sense of inadequacy, it hurts right where we are most vulnerable, and demands a reconsideration of our wholeness. The hot issue of discord is probably the rejection of people's cultural, religious, ethnic or gender identities. People feel the need to prove that no matter what happened, or what our deficiency is, we are good enough, complete, we have the right to exist and the same human needs as everybody else. 

There is a great possibility that what we are learning about is related to intimate, business or global relationships. First, because the sign is Scorpio (shared bed or shared money); second, because Mercury (thinking) and Venus (desires) have already traveled hand in hand this part of the sign, 'discussing' their secrets. Now near the end, closing on their conjunction (October 30), they are probably coming to certain conclusions in their conversation about what they really want and do.

Mars in Libra is not a diplomat, he is a warrior! In some cases, people are tired of negotiations to achieve fairness and justice and with great frustration have come out to the streets to protest. In other cases extremist factions are spreading terror with violent attacks related to matters that have been dragging on since the start of the Capricorn Cancer Eclipse Season. Third case is the opportunity for terrorists to use the popular protests to advance their cause with violence.

The automatic response as Mars exactly squares Saturn, and approaches the square to Pluto in Capricorn, is a strong authoritative reaction bringing the military to the streets to ensure the security.  Mars square Saturn and the Moon Nodes is evidencing that the stronger the protests and the louder the popular demands for fairness, the more repressive governments get. Unfortunately, in the next couple of weeks, not only things can get hotter, but uglier as well.

Mars still squaring the Moon Nodes fights against the institutional oppression, restrictions, polarization and separation in order to find the safety, comfort and nourishment that human beings need (as marked by the North Node in Cancer). However, as I stated before, it seems that extremists groups may use the frustration of regular people to spread violence and chaos as well, in order to gain power and control by fear. If only the elitist leaderships of the world will just for a moment hear the people's cry for fairness, extremism could be avoided.

Personal relationship negotiations and the give-and-take balance are frustrated by the past restrictive conditionings that are no longer valid today. There is a need to leave behind self deprecating thinking and self undoing behavior. One’s actions or the actions of others may trigger the change that can liberate us from the past karma holding us back to repeat the past. I already said it, something's got to give. When there is tension and opposition, an elastic band can stretch, a stick brakes.

Mars is also out of balance with Neptune. The actions taken may be impractical, based on some utopian idealism or on imagined threats or delusions, that may end up in the loss of freedom and credibility. Also impulsive disproportionate reactions can be unproductive, inadequate, or ineffective, and result in one having to retreat the advances. This kind of energy is better used for folk dancing, virtual dating, or swimming.

Public commons image- Phoenix coming out of the ashes

This New Moon is very introspective and transformative. The energy invites us to look within, to reflect, to take a look at the dark chambers of our soul, to integrate them, to heal. Also, consider that Mercury will be retrograde soon and will be turning back on his steps to take a deeper look at the present issues. Whatever happens today is subject to revision, so it's not a good time to make important and life changing decisions. If we do, will most probably miss the fine print! If you are scared, go watch a horror movie to let it out. If you are indecisive, go dancing! If you have too much energy or anxiety, have sex with your partner! Never let anger out to hurt others. One always regrets it.

Make it a great day! Sat Nam.

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