Sunday, June 23, 2019

Solstice June 2019 - "Good? Bad? Who knows?"

Summer / Winter Solstice June 2019
 "Good? Bad? Who knows?"Ajahn Brahm

According to the Tropical Zodiac, June Solstice is the start of the Season, Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, when the Sun enters the Sign of Cancer.
Happy Birthday to all early bird Cancer born!

The ingress of the Sun in Cancer adds a considerable amount of energy to this archetype's opposition to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. This polarized cosmic configuration reflects our own internal condition, and Humanity's collective unconscious. There is destruction and chaos all around us. In addition to the decomposition of human unconscious, natural resources, the climate, every ecosystem has been touched by this decay. The systems and structures need to undergo a change of form, a transmutation. As a whole, and individually in one area of our life, we are inside the chrysalis, we are no more a caterpillar, we are becoming a butterfly. And, yes, some kind of death or ending is part of the process.

There are dark and secretive powers (Pluto) in the material (Saturn) and spiritual (South Node) world playing out ancient karma (which I simply call ‘unconscious conditioning’). A chaotic mess is all around us, we don’t know what is going on, but we feel that the boat is capsizing, right?

However, the Solstice’s chart shows a stellium (cluster of planets) in Cancer. With the North Node there, Mars, Mercury and the ingress of the Sun, we have a lot of nurturing and caring energy at our disposal to find comfort and solace. The emotional feminine receptive -and yes, fluctuating, even moody- energy is strong. We are more inclined to look for home made cookies, a motherly hug, and symbolically a place where we can feel at ‘home’.

The astrological house ‘inhabited’ by Cancer in your chart, is the place where you will find comfort. At the same time we need this structural and system rebuilding in order to fully enjoy that comfort.

In the world, this month into July, women’s voice will be louder, feminine and mother’s issues will make themselves heard in spite of the established powers trying to hush them. And to be frank, situations may also turn less than pretty. The Saturn Pluto opposition is a power to reckon with, it doesn’t play around, on the contrary, it is relentless.

Even though the conjunction of the transiting South Node to Pluto marked a need to surrender the obsessive power hunger, that moment is already gone. Saturn is now traveling back the zodiac together with the South Node, reconsidering which structure, restrictions and limits to keep and which to let go. These energies in direct opposition to the Cancer stellium generate a tug-of-war. The established powers want their way, and we want to be able to enjoy comfort and wellbeing. The feminine receptive energy looks for protection (the Cancer Sign is represented with a crab) and shelter. The masculine projective energy imposes more regulations, order and control in exchange for the security we are looking for. What power and how much more of it are we willing to give away to ensure our safety?

At the same time, Venus already in orb (close) to square Neptune and oppose Jupiter, (shown in the chart by red lines forming a triangle) give us a weekend of truce (June 23-24). This is called a T-square. Like a table with three legs it is unstable energy subject to conflict and opposition. These three planets are considered 'benefic', or positive energies. However, in mutable signs like Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, the energy can go either way. There can be too much of a good thing, especially with Jupiter in the mix. We may feel too optimistic, too inspired, willing to give free rein to our desires, spend lots of money, indulge in pleasures or escapist behavior. Too much of a good thing can, in fact, backfire. The solution is to ad the Virgo energy of your chart. If you have planets there, you can focus on using their 'personality'.  I. e., if you have Mars, you can spend time dancing (combining Mars and Neptune), or doing charitable or service work (Mars in Virgo). Knowing your astrology, you can use the energy to your advantage!

The Moon in Aquarius sextile Jupiter can tone down the overoptimism because of her restrictive and at the same time innovative 'flavor'. Saturn in Capricorn sextile Neptune can bring dreams into reality. This way, the Jupiter Neptune square is somehow moderated, and can ground our aspirations and inspiration. 

The Moon sextile Jupiter is also helping to resolve their Yod configuration with the North Node. Having a wise understanding of the broader perspective with an emotional detachment guides our focus on the search for safety and security, if only for a few hours while the Moon holds the sextile. 

In conclusion, the Solstice energy sets the stage for what is coming. It looks like a hallway, or better yet a foyer to the new place we are about to enter. Are we being born into a new kind of life? Then this time may just be our passage through the birth canal. July and December/January eclipses promise intense and dramatic events, both worldly and personally. "Good? Bad? Who knows?" as Ajahn Brahm says. In fact, whatever happens will probably be bad and good at the same time. Looking back in our own life, we discover that painful events ended up giving us a better perspective and a lesson we really needed to learn! This week is a good time to stop, meditate, reflect and become aware of what's happening in those Cancer and Capricorn areas of our life. 

Make it a great time! Sat Nam

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or 

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