Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction - Part VII

Eleventh Zodiac House of the Chart

The 11th House Ruler, Uranus in the 2d House

This series starts HERE

This is the house of the long-term ambitions, wishes, and hope, in other words, the future. With the ruler, Uranus, in the second house, the hope is founded in the change of people’s values. For the last two hundred years, while Jupiter conjoined Saturn in Earth Signs only, people valued material possessions. Humans exploited the Earth with complete disregard of any form of life in order to possess things, and accumulate fortune. Peoples and countries did not shy from killing or enslaving each other for gold, silver, tobacco, coffee, chocolate, petroleum, diamonds, minerals, or any other material good. This year, Jupiter meets Saturn in Aquarius, and will keep conjoining in Air Signs every twenty years for the next two centuries or so. Our mind and intellect will have to develop the scientific methods and technology necessary to help and allow the soil, the water, and the air to recover their optimal state. By protecting them we will secure our own future. Our future will depend on a renewed and wise appreciation of the Earth’s resources. 

The 11th house means also stock markets’ and investments’ profit. When I wrote about the 2d house, I explained that Venus and Uranus are in mutual reception because they are in each other’s ‘home’. It’s like having a mutual agreement, Venus is the ruler of Taurus visiting Uranus home, while Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius visiting Venus’ home. Even though they are not exactly square each other, they square by sign, and they support each other by ‘rubbing on each other’s edges’ so to speak. This tension between values and the need to change them is the kind of energy that is helping us look for innovative solutions to the material problems we have created. Venus symbolizes the material goods, Uranus brings the innovation. Uranus is also revolutionizing the banking and monetary system as well, which will have ups and downs constantly until a new currency system rebalances itself. In that area, expect the unexpected, because changes are totally unpredictable. Currency systems as we know them today may become archeological pieces in a few years.

 Uranus is also associated with trauma, with shocking events that awaken the collective consciousness. The image of a thunderbolt best illustrates Uranus' way of working. He strikes suddenly with a bright light the illuminates the land for a second. It’s the Eureka flash, the enlightenment! The Earth has already given us enough shocks to awaken our consciousness about the resources’ status. Although, those stubbornly clinging to the past patterns (Saturn Pluto with Ceres in Capricorn) of disregard for Nature still ignore the hints. In this case, people need to know that Pluto does not subscribe to sentimental but to cataclysmic treatment. He’s associated with all kinds of grim and gloomy impassive ways of responding to rejection of transformation, like wars, genocides, plagues, pandemics, and natural catastrophes.

On the positive side, the 11th house is associated with like-minded social groups and friends, especially collective associations and alliances without a center or hierarchies. With Uranus in the 2d, there might be a surge of groups working together and sharing resources in order to survive. New ‘tribal’ systems may arise among people who, not wanting to live within the present ‘grid’ system, create their own independent self-sustaining way of life. However, it should be expected that the establishment will work even harder to block independency efforts because of not wanting to give up their economic interests (Saturn is also ruler of Aquarius, 11th house).

With Venus in the 11th, relationship values are already changing, becoming eccentric, unconventional, against the consensus. People’s desires become more dispassionate, objective, measured, separative, detached. Love relationships and socialization will respect people’s individuality and freedom, and may be cold and non-committal. Venus also is associated with sexual desires, which are already non-conformist. Some youth have embraced gender-fluid orientation. A genderfluid person is someone who, even though has an assigned anatomical sex, they are attracted to both sexes. “It refers to a gender which varies over time. A genderfluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois [agender], or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances.” (
Janelle Monae photo by
This subject may take too long to explain, but in a few words, the human anatomical configuration in the womb is asexual until a certain point of gestation. Only incarnation in this material plane makes it necessary to have duality in everything. This incarnation needs duality in order for us to make the physical experience. However, human perfection is not dual, but a unity, a ‘yoga’. The sexual intercourse is the material expression of our need to go back to unity, to become ONE with the source of life. 
Rare example of Shakta Ardhanarishvara where the dominant right side is female.

We can expect sexuality to become more spiritualized, abstract, and detached. For example, technology and social media already provides ways for people to relate at a distance without physical contact. Eventually, sexual behaviour may not need to actually get the sex organs involved, with the obvious reproduction implications. 

If your mind is already twisted in all directions, welcome to the future with Saturn Jupiter conjunctions in Air Signs, and its intellectual expansion.

For a country, the 11th house is also associated with Parliaments and the supporters of the ruling power. Having its ruler in the 2d house, indicates that the Lawmakers focus their activity around the economy, trade agreements, resources exploitation, etc. At the same time, following the present trend, they might identify themselves too much with the profit they can obtain from their approval or disapproval of law projects. However, this may change in the future.

Finally, in society, 11th house represents institutions and places where people look for shelter, and relief of suffering, like hospitals, refuges, safe havens, safe harbors, churches and monasteries, not for the sake of healing but of protection. In these times of upheaval, earthquakes, disease, war, violence, and all kinds of traumatic events, big masses of people are already migrating looking for places where they can find safety, and the resources necessary to survive.

The last installment of this series will be Part VIII, on the 12th house, watch out for it soon. 

To find out how the Saturn Pluto great conjunction in Capricorn affects you personally, don't hesitate, and  ORDER YOUR READING today! 

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or 

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