Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The World That is Coming - Small Trine - Uranus Neptune Pluto


A World's New Dawn?

In spite André Barbault writing,

"[...] a triangular quartet of planets with a double sextile to a trine between Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius is the most benefic configuration of the century and its planetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization. It contains a harmonious relationship between primordial polar opposites; the coming together of the external and the internal, rational and spiritual, mind and soul... human beings surpassing themselves while experiencing life on a higher level", 

many Astrologers have a hard time believing that those Titans working in tandem can actually change their natural disposition and all of the sudden become 'benefic', especially taken into consideration the current world circumstances. 

It is the viewpoint of this Astrologer that soft aspect angles are not necessary 'benefic' per se but they rather indicate an easy flow of energy between the planets. Sextiles are of the Venusian influence, trines of the Jupiter energy, but from our astrological experience, we cannot say that these two are always 'benefic'.  One cannot dig too far in the past to find examples. Jupiter was prominent -opposing Uranus- during the 1962 Cuban crisis (see chart for Havana below), 

and Venus was at the MC with Mars when Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022 (see chart for Moscow below). 

There are innumerable examples that confirm my viewpoint. One need to start from the premise that Jupiter main signification is expansion, and Venus' is desire/attraction. Jupiter can expand everything he touches, good or bad. Same for Venus, who can desire/attract good or bad things. 

This article will argue that each of the planets involved in this Small Trine will combine their basic raw energies and work together. What does it mean actually?

Let's explore each of their energies separately to get started. 

Pluto in Aquarius
In my Blog Article "Pluto in Aquarius-Social Reformation" I go to great lengths analyzing the great social reformation, the revision of human rights issues, and the dark side of the Internet, of technology and of science. I wrote about the transmutation of collective consciousness through the symbiosis of humans and machines. There you can read my predictions about a new political system, a new social order, the collapse of the obsolete social contract, and consequent redistribution of the collective power.

All inner planets have joined Pluto in Aquarius at 0º at one time or another as I have shown in my Blog Article "Starting From Scratch". This means that all aspects of our lives have had their baptism of Pluto as it were.

Neptune sextile Pluto

So far, there has been an extreme polarization of ideas and beliefs around the world. This is mainly due to the bigger cycle in the zeitgeist of Neptune and Pluto that starts in Gemini and lasts about 2400 years. (1) During this Gemini cycle, Pluto transforms the collective cognitive and intellectual makeup, which shapes its imaginary and cosmology. Through new information and ideas, humans change the way they interpret reality and relate to their immediate environment.

"A Neptune Cycle is roughly 164 years, about two-thirds of a 244-year Pluto Cycle. Each conjunction (♆ ☌ ♇) occurs about 500 years apart in the same sign for a roughly 2,500-year period. The most recent conjunction occurred in 1891 at 07° Gemini; the next one will occur in 2385AD at 12° Gemini." (2)

The first conjunction for this period occured in 1398-99 at 2-3º Gemini. The current one started in 1891-92 at 7-8º Gemini. The end of the complete Gemini phase will be in the 3800s. (3)

Since the latest Neptune Pluto cycle started in 1891-1893, those in power discovered or created ways to shape and manipulate the mind of people through the power of imagination. The invention of photography started during the waning square of the previous Neptune Pluto cycle and evolved through the years culminating with the motion picture around the time the current cycle started. The motion picture played a central role in the mind manipulation that can also be referred to as brainwashing.

Using the motion picture applications, like the TV, movies, and recently internet, it can be safely assumed that nowadays, whatever one thinks is true, comes mainly from what is heard or watched through the audiovisual waves. Most notably, the mental manipulation of the masses is achieved using communication devices, through the news outlets -which work for the powers that be- and more recently through social media.

Pluto in Aquarius is ready to reveal now the darkest methods employed by the communication waves. Pluto in Aquarius now reveals the raw realities of technological innovation, the science of mind controlling techniques and practices used to achieve mass brainwashing. Extreme methods like sensationalism, and extreme subjects like death and cruelty are in the order of the day to keep people subject to fear. Neptune in Pisces reflected the befuddlement generated by this hypnotizing influence used for the benefit of those in power.

The Neptune sextile Pluto has been in orb for almost 80 years already and fear is its leitmotif. For example, media is now using the elusive reality of the UFO phenomenon in order to captivate the collective imaginary and dominate through the fear that the possibility of contacts with extraterrestrial beings provokes. Other themes used to instill fear have been the atomic threat, the polarities East West, Communism Democracy, Christianity and Judaism, Islam and Judaism, etc., all of which shapes the way people look at the world and their relationship with the Cosmos.

Uranus in Gemini

Uranus is the disruptor, innovator, liberator, and breaker of rules, the shaker of the status quo. Uranus in Gemini provokes an explosion at the moment of maximum tension in the polarization of the world.

The chaos that Uranus likes to create with this upheaval is fertile ground for innovation and advancement. That will apply to communication and travel technologies, and the mind itself. Other Gemini disruptions are the break of educational structures and the reorganization of elementary education with the goal of forming the workers of the future. Uranus in Gemini counts on the redefinition of journalism and free speech, changes in copyright matters, and the discovery or creation of new ways to relate with the immediate environment, from language to bridges.

Considering that Saturn holds the midpoint between Uranus and Pluto, there will be important changes in the use of identity (Aries) in social interactions. For example, one may need to use one's real identity to participate in the modern communication media and devices.

Business, commerce and in general the market place is liberated and will follow the authentic ebbs and flows of people's activity.

The social upheaval brought about by the energy of Uranus in Gemini will give place to the social reformation that Pluto is making in Aquarius.
But at a personal level, transits of Uranus always bring out our need to be authentic, liberate oneself from the boring old rules. This is certainly a very destabilizing kind of energy. One may feel taken by a whirlwind of changes.  These individual changes relate to new ways of thinking, communicating, traveling, and doing business. 

Uranus Sextile Neptune

Uranus and Neptune combine inspiration with innovation. They may promote the realization of the wildest dreams. For this, they require to let the imagination fly to the farthest corners of fantasy land, and letting the mind explore infinite possibilities.

It will be much easier to find new ways of doing things, pioneering projects. Simple eureka moments of inspiration with a dose of intuition will lead to original discoveries and to initiate experiments. People may have mind opening experiences leading to spiritual revelations that may refute the basic principles of organized religions.

Scientific, artistic and mental explorations and findings can totally transform the mind and thinking processes (Aries=mind). This spiritual evolution may be confusing and disturbing for many who are still attached to the structures of the past. In fact, the concept of being interconnected and all being one may destroy the very concept of individual rights in a world where people understand that whatever one does affects the rest of humanity.

Soft aspects between Uranus and Neptune are, in fact, associated with spiritual awakening and even enlightenment. Astronomical discoveries in the cosmos, like Copernicus revolutionary assertion in the past, will profoundly shake traditional human cosmologies.

Saturn Conjunct Neptune

Saturn Neptune start a new cycle of 36,5 years. Last time they conjoined in Aries was March 28, 1703 at 11º 45' . This time joining forces at 0º Aries, (midpoint between Uranus and Pluto) indicates a new start for the whole World though.

Effects on creativity

Saturn with Neptune in Aries may help crystalize fantasies or inspirational ideas, promoting pioneering projects. They stimulate creative ideas into action. It will be a great time for creative people, artists, but also for individuals who bring forward new ideas to solve old problems. During the stay of Saturn and Neptune it will be important to follow Mars transit to understand what kind of creations can see the light of day.

Effects on the mind (Aries)

The mind vill be vulnerable to subliminal suggestions (Neptune Saturn in Aries). People who have already lost their mind during Neptune in Pisces, could develop more serious issues or find innovative healing treatments.

Mind disturbances are represented by Chiron in Aries since 2018 and Neptune in Pisces since 2011. Mental energies can be drained as well, resulting in physical exhaustion. But mental realizations may awaken people to previous delusions or deceptions.

Effects on individuality (Aries)

Neptune may dissolve boundaries in the realm of identity.

The sense of identity will be restructured resulting in a loss of self concept. There could be a sense of losing one's independence, and one's ability to take initiatives due to a new integration with the collective unconsciousness. For the next 18 months, the North Node of the Moon will also be in Pisces, reaffirming this concept.

Chiron has already been working in Aries since 2018 reflecting a crisis of self identity which has been accompanied by the delusions and madness associated with Neptune transiting Pisces. A tendency to escape reality has given way to all sorts of addictions-obsessions due to Neptune sextile Pluto. 

Neptune Saturn in Aries will contribute to the crystallization of an imagined or transcendental identity, a new sense of self. For many, this could generate confusion, but at the same time, through intuition people feel integrated and fused with the collective, feeling its sufferings and its joys. Due to this new universal consciousness, people may have difficulty understanding who they are in the new cosmic context. 

Others may experience the end of self deception through the disillusion of individualism. Doctors may be overwhelmed assisting people with mental disturbances, but their intervention may contribute to end identity confusion and self deception. 

Effects on Initiatives 

Saturn with Neptune in Aries brings a new sense to the concept of time. Most new forms and structures, will lose solidity and probably acquire new ones. For example, last time Saturn and Neptune were in Aries in 1703, there were conflicts over borders in different parts of the world, for a log period, the border structures were blurry.

This time around, there are border conflicts again as well as talk of global unification, where physical frontiers may no longer mean separations between countries. However, many countries are not in agreement. Migrations are so massive that the cultural mix and the problems it generates are unavoidable. This may create a sense of floating in virtual space, and the fracture of walls. 

Saturn in Aries gives birth to structures coming from the chaos of imagination and fantasies. Saturn makes them concrete and normalized. Innovative ideals may also take shape.

At the same time Saturn may pollute inspiration, and use inexplicable spiritual phenomena or cosmic discoveries to control individuals and the collective unconscious (i.e. UFOs) through fear.  

The new discoveries through the exploration of the Universe changes our understanding of our place in the Cosmos which will certainly conflict with organized religions and spiritual beliefs. Even scientific concepts are challenged. In that case, the very concept of reality needs new norms.  

Uranus Pluto Trine in Air Signs

Profound transformations are in store in every area of life, starting with the shocking changes in the environment and climate that are already provoking mass displacement of people. In addition, Pluto in Aquarius may mean atmosphere pollution due to a high concentration of electrical waves in the air. This could be the actual cause of the severe climate changes we have been experiencing (think wireless connections, 5G, innumerable satellites, etc).

New discoveries may create new ways of producing electricity right in the neighborhood. This can be used to design the cities of the future, changing forever people's daily lifestyle. Neighborhoods may look like actual cities with everything just walking distance and easy access to the market place and commons instead of having to drive far to satisfy our needs.

The innovations in communication will change the way we write, read and speak to communicate. AI is already infiltrating all areas of work, like administration, medical diagnostic methods, education, law, etc. With the exponential increase of Autism (1 in 36 children in the US), social interactions will need adjustment that can involve using AI, creating communication ways never seen before. And the mix of cultures through migration will also create the need to find efficient ways of translation/interpretation.

On the one hand, changes in education systems will impact society organization, on the other, the social and technological innovations will transform society and create new types of education to prepare people for different kinds of jobs.

Uranus trine Pluto

Jul 18 2026     4º Gemini/Aquarius 30’
Nov 29 2026     3º Gemini/Aquarius 31’
Jun 15 2027     6º Gemini/Aquarius 52’
Jan 13 2028     6º Gemini/Aquarius 52’
May 10 2028     8º Gemini/Aquarius 49’


All these active and projective issues are the catalyst of revolutionary movements. The mental changes and new ways to communicate and learn will help people realize truths never known before. Awake people will be uncomfortable in front of the new reality, and rebel against the status quo and the establishment.
For these reasons, this astrologer doesn't think that the Small Trine brings peace and harmony. I may be wrong, but on the contrary, it may, in fact, indicate a profound Global Revolution.


(1) Astrologer Dane Waites, The World Report Youtube channel.

(2) John Christopher

(3) Neptune Conjunct Pluto in Gemini previous dates

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