Saturday, January 1, 2022

Mercury in Aquarius

Brilliant Ideas

Albert Einstein in Pasadena, 1931.

    Mercury enters Aquarius January 2, 2022. What a great way to start the New Year! with your mind focused on making connections between ideas that previously did not seem to go together. Aquarius ruler in Taurus can keep your mind on the weather, on finding resources, or on your bank account. You may have your eureka solution to an issue you have been ruminating during Mercury in Capricorn. 

    Also, Uranus electrical revelations help you make sense of things that did not click before. You now ask questions that you didn't have before, because you suddenly realize that some things do not make sense anymore. So, you can come up with brilliant ideas and terrific inventions. Very original ideas seem to pop up like bunnies out of a magician hat. 

As Mercury ingress Aquarius, Neptune occupies the midpoint (septile) between Mercury and Uranus (biseptile). On the one hand Neptune pulls the brilliant ideas of Mercury and the brilliant insights of Uranus and reveals a new spiritual vision, a dream that one can make true. This energy could favor a spiritual awakening, promote the creation of a more spiritual lifestyle, renew your hopes for the future, or uncover a secret healing method. 

Edited image from Astrology Dictionary

    So, if you have any problem, don't worry, Mercury will help you break through it. Not only because of the Uranus influence, but also because he will be retrograde at 10º ♒️19' on January 14, until 24º♑️23' on February 4. This will give you the opportunity to slow down your mind and take time to revise your novel ideas for three weeks. When retrograde, then direct in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius helps Mercury be more critical and discerning of his thinking, reading, and communications. Especially if you need to select one option over others, make a plan, organize a system, Capricorn will give a dose of discipline to your reasoning. Mercury in Capricorn will feel sluggish at times, but it's all good, so you pay close attention to details, and to the small print on important documents. 

    Keep Mercury in your mind!  😉

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Daily Transits - December 30, 2021 - Prelude to the New Moon

Prelude to the Capricorn New Moon:
Sun Trine Uranus

The New Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus.
    As the Sun in Capricorn approaches the 12º mark of the New Moon, he first squares Chiron in Aries (8º), then trine Uranus (10º), and later semisextile Saturn (12º). The Moon does the same, but all in one day, on the New Moon day. So, this New Moon carries all three blends of energies picked up along the way. It has the flavor of the wounded warrior, the rebellious teen, and the earnest wisdom of the old person.  

    What you start at this New Moon has also all those energies. It may bring with it some old wound, pain, suffering related to who you are, or of what you identify with (Chiron in Aries). You may feel that your creative power, your joy or your vitality is not good enough, that you cannot express it properly, or that it takes a lot of effort and time to express it. 

    Your 'seed' project may urge you to free yourself from a bond or an attachment, or make a sudden change. Sun trine Uranus makes your peculiar creativity look cool and acceptable though. A trine is not always benefic or a good influence; a trine means that the energy flows easily without obstacles, like a river downstream. Here, Uranus is as eccentric, erratic, surprising even shocking as can be, but there's a certain harmony in the flow. The stridence doesn't hurt the eye.   

    However, the 'seed' could also take a long time and a huge amount of work (Capricorn and Saturn) to break the ground. The soil of circumstances may not be yet adequately fertile for it to grow. It may take the Water of the Full Moon in Cancer for it to see the light. You will need patience because it may also need even six months until the Full Moon in Capricorn for you to actually see the outcome. 

    For now, just wrap up the previous Sagittarius cycle during the dark balsamic Moon, and start thinking about your new Capricorn project. More about the Capricorn New Moon in my youtube video coming up soon. 
Sat Nam.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December 28-29, 2021 - Mercury Enters Shadow!

 Mercury Enters Shadow!

Hermes (Mercury) by François Rude

    Mercury will be retrograde at 10º♒️20', January 14, 2022, to 24º♑️22' on February 4, 2022. He enters shadow exactly, today, December 28, 2021, in conjunction to Venus. It would be worth pay attention and write down conversations in and about relationships, especially those long lasting ones or those that are now coming back to the 'table' with retrograde Venus. Make sure you listen to what is said with all your senses, care and intuition, because they will be up for reflection, rumination and possible 'regurgitation' later on. Any purchase, contract or agreement will be due for review, reconsideration and especially re-evaluation. Make sure you read all small letters with careful attention. Read more about his meeting with Venus in my previous post, here.

Another crucial meeting for Mercury is his conjunction with Pluto on December 30, which will also be due for review on January 28 and February 10. You will probably want to keep this in mind by writing your notes in your diary so you can go back over in time. 

Sun waning square to Chiron at the same 8º mark where they conjoined on March 28, 2021 (just 20' shy)! The conjunction was also with Venus. Now both Venus and the Sun happen to be in the same sign of Capricorn. We will probably see a repeat of similar themes. Again, it's great to have notes you can go back to read. For the World News, here is the New York Times log of the headlines for that day. At that time in the US, vaccines started being allowed for adults of all ages. In the world, a ship was stuck in the Suez Canal. Since this is the 270º square, it corresponds to the 'Crisis in Consciousness or Beliefs' when there is a reorientation whereby the changes effected during the Sun Chiron cycle are integrated into a new level of consciousness, and the psychological patterns are actualized.

    The Mercury Pluto conjunction definitely contributes to the actualization helping people transform their way of thinking, destroying old patterns of reasoning, and coming to the bare essential elements of the perception of reality. 

Men uses an inflatable mattress to navigate the
 waters in Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil 12-26-2021
credit: AFP/Manuella LUANA.

    In addition, Mars in Sagittarius activates the Saturn Uranus square by sextile Saturn and quincunx Uranus (forms a wedge). This configuration could be associated with the latest so unfortunate natural catastrophe in Brazil (Uranus in Taurus). On the positive side, may Mars sextile Saturn help those involved in hard work helping the victims, and give all of them great physical strength to endure. 

    Watching one catastrophic event after another lately, one cannot but wonder how much worse will it get before Humanity unites in One Purpose to stop the insanity we have been causing. My wish is for Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces to 'flood' people's hearts with compassion and unconditional love to move them to care for those who suffer. 

Sat Nam.

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Monday, December 27, 2021

Daily Transits - January 2, 2022, Jupiter square Nodes of the Moon

 Jupiter square Nodal Axis

Scene from the film "Crossroads", 1986

    During the last 18 months or so, most of the eclipses were square Jupiter. Today, Jupiter at 1º Pisces exactly squares the Nodes of the Moon (at the New Moon in Capricorn), wrapping up his gigantic karmic message. Hopefully, you've been lending an ear to it, and it doesn't catch you by surprise, because now, everyone -and you- is standing at a crossroads. And you don't have control over it, this is why it's called 'karmic'. 

    A crucial situation, circumstances or event will present itself to you and you have to make a decision to leave something behind and go in a 90º direction. Will you turn right or left? -that is the question. Jupiter in Pisces increases your emotional state, your sense of merging with the whole Humanity, with the whole Earth, with the whole cosmos. It may submerge you in a profound confusion. Your life may turn upside down, downside up, and for some time, you may not be able to decide if you go right or left, up or down. 

    Remember that Jupiter rules the South Node and it's now separating from it. The True Nodes will change Signs (Taurus, Scorpio) in just a few days. Whatever Sagittarius governs in your birth chart, you are 'separating' from it in some way. If it were your fourth house, for example, your belief about the value or the dynamics of your family may not be valid anymore, or as significant as before. It could be that a loved one is leaving the nest, like going to live independently, to another geographical place, leaving you empty-nested. Or that you need to stop relying on or attaching to your family roots as you have been doing so far. Jupiter heading on towards the North Node in Gemini, in that case will pull you towards the tenth house, a new career, civil status, or public reputation. 

    Notice as well that all the planets are packed on one side of the Nodal Axis. This has a karmic effect whereby individual lives are subject to the development of the collective destiny. This configuration "considerably reduces [personal] free will" 1 , and makes for significant global reversals of fate affecting entire communities. 

    Another factor these days is that most planets, especially all the personal ones, are gathered within the last quarter square of the Natural Zodiac. The World looks dark, because an Era is closing. We are the final destroyers of the past... but also the creators of a New Era. Then, no matter how extreme the media may describe the worldly events, keep an eye on the New Beginning. 

    The new is coming March 23, 2023 when Pluto enters Aquarius. I invite you to look at this beautiful Cardinal Fire (active change) chart with six solar bodies in Aries (the initiator of a new life)! and Saturn freshly in Pisces! Gorgeous! Let's make it happen by wrapping up the destruction of the old. Don't hesitate to leave behind what you no longer need, that what is hurting your life and blocking you from stepping up into your future! Change directions, the North Node is calling you. Because that's not all (watch video "A peek Into the Future" with José A. Millán in my youtube channel). Here is our path down the road, February 20, 2026 when Saturn and Neptune meet at 0º Aries. (more about it later)

1- "The Covid-19 Genesis and the Emergence of Third Millennium Spirituality" by Bernard Duchatelle; in ISAR Magazine, December 2020, Volume 49, Issue Number 3.

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 29, 2021 - Mercury Conjunct Venus

Mercury Joins Venus in Capricorn

Mercury Venus & Cupid by Louis-Michel van Loo, France 1707-1771

    When Mercury visits Venus (24º♑️26'), there is much talk of love. Letters, emails, messages, and even contracts! But Venus retrograde may not be agreeable to any of it, because in Capricorn, she means 'business'. She is going down under the Sun rays already, and pretty soon, she'll disappear under the evening horizon on her spiritual retreat. It's good to hear the sweet voice of your lover, but often, their actions talk louder and not as pleasantly. This is the work of Pluto just one degree away from their conjunction. Pluto demands truthfulness, not superficial attraction, or simple desire, but authentic love. 

    Venus in Capricorn wants earnest, real, durable and committed love and values. Today, you could record those messages and check back on them when Venus comes back direct to join Mercury Rx on September 26, 2022, or November 21, 2022 when both are direct, or better yet December 29, 2022 when they will again conjoin at the same exact spot, 24º ♑️20'. Wow! They have some serious ongoing business in Capricorn.

Square to Eris in Aries

    Another important factor for this conjunction is the square to Eris in Aries, which, even though is not partile, is extremely close at all the instances noted above. Today, Eris is at 23º 43' Rx; September 26, 2022, she is at 24º40' Rx; November 21, she is at 24º 08' Rx; and December 29, she is at 23º 56' Rx.

    Eris also challenges Venus-Mercury to be honest and realistic. She introduces the discord when people are not genuine. Especially, regarding women, her ire came from being discarded, rejected from the God's Feast for being ugly. She despised the superficiality of all the Goddesses competing amongst themselves about being the most beautiful, attractive, desirable and worth of being adored. 

Eris, Goddess of Discord & Chaos

    In this square, she makes Venus stop to reflect on her banal values to help her realize and decide what kind of love she actually seeks. In your personal life, are you attracted to good looks? Do you care more about the clothes she/he wears than their moral principles? Or do you rather pay attention to their conversation subjects? Do you just want a one night stand or you care for a long lasting bond? Both and any option has its consequences, positive and negative. Your choice is a matter of value and goals. 

    With all the current transits, these days you need to pay close attention in every situation, be mindful of your thoughts, words and decisions, take time to reflect, because they may have long lasting effects for your life. 

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