Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2019 - Emotional Regeneration

July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse 

The Full Moon at 24º Capricorn is very close to the South Node of the Moon, which makes it a Lunar Eclipse, where the Moon is covered by the shadow of the Earth. You can learn the Astronomy of it and watch it live here. A Full Moon opposes the Sun that, normally, shines all his light on her, however, during an eclipse the Moon gets dark. Watch my video version of this Lunar Eclipse in my channel.

Looking into the mirror

 Symbolically, the Sun is the masculine principle facing across the Moon or feminine principle. Any planetary opposition relates to relationships, in this case between the yin and yang energies inside of us; but in  our life, the opposition can manifest in a relationship between two people, be it lovers, partners, or any other kind of confrontational relationship. During the Lunar Eclipse, consciousness (Sun) illuminates the unconsciousness (Moon), real evidence appears from the hidden, covered, unseen reality. Individually, what is shown in the ‘mirror’ may be the reflection of something unspoken, veiled in the most secret chambers of our psychology. At this time, we are forced to see ourselves in the spotlight of a revelation.

The Sun in Cancer sheds light on family issues, childhood themes, safety, protection, the Moon, exiled in Capricorn, shows the shadow side of governmental, institutional, societal structures, and conditionings that are not supporting our emotional life. The crab (Cancer) may walk sideways looking for asylum, refuge, safety, but the goat (Capricorn) only has the top of the mountain in mind, and the steep flank of the mountain cannot stop it. To reclaim its emotional refuge, the conscious self, may need to adopt some new protective structures, formal boundaries, restrictions and limits in order to overcome and heal the unconscious issues now in the open. She requires us to take responsibility, and stop crying for the spilled milk, wipe our tears and get to work. The feelings are very strong and profound with the Moon conjunction with Pluto.

Under her light, Pluto has unearthed the rotten, longtime submerged issues from the ‘underworld’. Something from the repressed collective unconscious mind is ready to burst any protective lid that was forcefully used to push it down.

In our personal life, if one has not been consciously working to heal, an 'explosion' is inevitable. The zodiac house occupied by the Full Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, is the personal area of life where this spills out. The alchemical mutation that Pluto has been operating for a long time is strong and long lasting. If you have been taking care of business there with meditation or with therapy, things can go a lot smoother. The process requires us to let go of something that is no longer beneficial, or that has become burdensome, so we can make progress.

If the Sun is not happy in the melancholic Sign of Cancer, the Moon is even more unhappy in Capricorn, the opposite sign from her home. There she needs to regain composure, wipe her tears, exercise self-control and discipline, work hard and for a long time to obtain what she wants.
The Capricornian environment is hostile to her emotions, memories, and intuitive actions. On the other hand, the boundaries that Capricorn provides help the Moon to stabilize. She is restricted, unable to express her emotions in the moment. She needs to wait to express her emotions, the kind of wait that takes the pain to bed time when you can cry without witnesses. The feelings that may arise are affliction, pressure, frustration, a knot in the stomach, powerlessness, impotency. She is overpowered by Pluto’s intense atomic power.

Pluto is regenerating our emotional body, and through the process, we transform. Like the caterpillar inside the chrysalis, we are liquified with emotions (caterpillar made fluid to regenerate into a butterfly) in order to transmute. The change this eclipse will operate is profound. Some force outside of our control is destroying something inside of us to recreate it into another form completely new. Death and rebirth.

Cancer, the water, emotions, and Capricorn the earth, the forms, are both needed to give shape to the physical reality. The opposition creates the tension necessary to mix them together and rebalance the polarities of “inner knowing and outer power” (1). Because the new reality must first be created inside of us in order for us to recreate it in the outside world. The “inner energy creates outer reality”. We first have to look for happiness and emotional shelter inside, introspectively, in order to be able to manifest it outside. Usually, what we do is that we look for it in the environment first, dissipating our energy, giving our power away to external forces. i.e. “I am happy and feel safe because I have a home”, or “I need a home/a partner/my children/a job, etc. to feel safe”. The Sun Moon opposition creates the necessary tension for us to achieve this process. 

The Full Moon takes us to the Underworld

Pluto will certainly bring very intense experiences for everyone. Each of us will experience this in a different area of life, not necessarily on the Eclipse day, but throughout the 2-year period, as I explained before in my previous Eclipse post. With a crisis of some sort, we will -if not done so already- realize something critically important for our soul evolution. Some unconscious conditioning is out in the daylight forcing us to deal with it.

The disintegration of structures and systems Pluto operates in Capricorn, forces us to reinvent self-identity, regenerate self-authority, (Sun in Cancer) and ultimately empower our core emotional personality. We are in the process of integration of a new identity, a higher self. Given the transformation of the context in which we live, we end up asking, ‘Who am I?’

The transiting contact of the faster planets with the Nodal Axis, specifically with the North Node stirs up karmic and past issues, childhood conditionings, past lives unfinished business, people, events, circumstances from the past, anything that may carry consequences we haven’t dealt with. The eclipses have brought those themes to the surface for us to deal with them. Once we process them, we are ready to use the experience to move forward (to the North Node).

It is important to develop awareness and be mindful of those issues that are coming out to the light in order to overcome fears, restrictions, frustrations, and long held unconscious baggage. Coincidentally, one of my teachers sent me his article where he wrote about the true meaning of mindfulness. He explains that the word sati in the original Pali writings, is less about applying the full mind in the moment and more about memory. By sati, the Buddha meant recollection, or complete memory of all things past and their lessons (2). The Lunar Eclipse can mean a hard encounter with memories, a naked reality, a past real pain, and suffering. We may have one of those experiences when we come face to face with our deepest most suppressed fears.

What is your most intense fear? It’s certainly related to the themes of the house where the Moon and Pluto meet in Capricorn.

It’s useless to try to avoid, elude, or evade what is coming to us. Those of us who have lived long enough, know that in the end, whatever comes, even the most painful event or circumstances, is helping us direct our energy to our personal evolution. Every experience helps us to grow, to become wiser, to learn unconditional love, to learn and understand truth, that which is the immutable essence of all. We are sure to come back to the surface to fly like the caterpillar breaking out of the chrysalis.

The aim is perfecting Love

Simultaneously, just about 7º away from the Sun and the Moon, Venus conjoins the North Node and Saturn the South Node. Our desires, values, love relationships, finances receive the impact of Saturn’s dryness, discipline, contraction, regulation, and conventional demands.

In order to obtain the needed emotional stability, we are asked to approach our values, love interest, and desires very seriously, patiently, and work hard for them. Saturn retrograde with the South Node is revising and assessing the old structures, social conditionings, and regulations. We are reflecting about the need to revive, adopt and defend family values, moral values, conventional societal values that ensure human dignity and prosperity.

Jupiter square Neptune have been inspiring us to incorporate more spiritual ideals and practice to our life. Saturn sextile Neptune not only support their realization, but give the material to make them tangible. Now, Neptune trine Venus and the North Node inspires to perfect love, the unconditional love that encompasses all and everything.

Just a few days earlier, an explosive rebellion or a tragic powerful eruption provoked by Uranus in Taurus square Mars in Leo was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. It triggered the necessary reaction for us to make the change. For some it may have caused a physical, or material sudden change, for others just an emotional or psychological realization, but in any case, whatever happened, it was like the wise helpful trickster in the fairy tale, showing another perspective and a better path to follow.

Cancer Capricorn Eclipse Season

This Lunar Eclipse is just half way through the Capricorn Cancer eclipse season. We have four more to come  highlighting the same theme. Patience and reflection is the best course of action, because we still have a lot to learn, and a lot to change. Because of Pluto Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, changes are profound and long lasting, so we need time to digest them and assimilate them.

Here is the whole series:

Solar Eclipse 20º♋️July 12, 2018
Solar Eclipse 15º♑︎January 5, 2019
Solar Eclipse  10º♋️July 2, 2019
Lunar Eclipse 24º♑︎ July 16, 2019
Solar Eclipse 4º♑︎December 26, 2019
Lunar Eclipse 20º ♋️January 10, 2020  AND ♄ ☌ ♇ 22º ♑︎ January 12, 2020
Solar Eclipse 0º♋️June 21, 2020
Lunar Eclipse 13º♑︎July 5, 2020

Find out where those degrees fall on your personal chart and you will realize what subject you are working with. If you need help, you can order a reading. Just email me to
Order your Reading

(1) Barbara Hand Clow, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini
(2) Bhikkhu Cintita Dinsmore, With Needle and Thread

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