Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse In Your Life

June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse 0ยบ Cancer
By Divad - Own work, Public Domain,

How It Affects Your Personal Life 
According to Your Rising Sign

The June 21 and July 5 Eclipses are the last eclipses of the series in the Axis Cancer Capricorn that lasted for the last couple of years. They are wrapping up a process that started mid July 2018. The changes this eclipse brings mark the completion of that process.  
The following are general guidelines related to certain themes. Of course, the Eclipse influence in your life will have to do with your personal situation, your natal chart, the natal planets affected, and how you react to the energies. The best way to understand the eclipses effect is to have a reading of your whole chart, where the Astrologer takes all factors into consideration. Order your reading, if you are interested in knowing more.

You initiate a new way of searching for safety, comfort and emotional satisfaction. A seed is planted in your family life or in your home. You may look for a new place of living, closer to your mother, family of origin, or you may start your own family. At the same time there will be a need to make compromises with your friends, modify or make responsible adjustments to your dreams and your goals for the future. You may feel frustrated because you may need to distance yourself from friends or groups you belong to, but you're faced with a reality that demands mature decisions. Another possibility is that you move because your employer reduces your salary or limits your work, and you're not able to afford the present place of living any longer.

You probably have to start thinking differently, which will consequently change your communication style, and the things you're interested in reading, learning and talking about. Your mind becomes more serious, practical. You reconsider your professional focus. You need to take a more responsible approach to your career that demands a conservative mental outlook. The restrictions in your public life or in your employment make you look for a new mental perspective and attitude to feel safe. Another possibility is that you look for your siblings' or your neighbors' advice regarding your professional life. If your work has been limited, you may hang out more in your neighborhood now.

You initiate a new way to make money. Or you may start to realize that your self worth, values and assets are a source of comfort. The possessions you acquire or the financial opportunity that appears now will support your wellbeing, and will provide an anchor in face of the restrictions you experience in long distance travels and higher education. Another possibility is that you are required to distance yourself from people of other cultures, limit certain cultural social practices, or take responsibility for the vision you have of the world in order to feel that you have enough resources to survive.

You initiate a new way of being yourself. You now feel the need for more comfort and safety, so you modify your behavior in order to achieve that. It's directly related to the restrictions you experience and to sharing resources with a partner or a business associate. For some reason, you don't have free access to those resources and you need to modify the way you present yourself. Another possibility is that a financial institution blocks or denies you a loan, mortgage or inheritance, and now you need to rely on yourself, become your own shelter.

You initiate a new relaxation practice in order to feel more comfortable. You may start a sleep treatment or recognize your need to isolate in order to feel safe. You may have to separate from your significant other for some reason, maybe because of health related issues, or because he/she has to achieve some job goals and establish a different work structure.  Another possibility is that because you see your partner less, you feel more lonely, or you take that opportunity to go on a retreat, or a long distance travel.

You initiate a different kind of dynamic with your friends, or like minded groups to which you relate in order to feel more comfortable, and avoid risky situations or damaging relationships. You may choose to better select your friends, because of some restrictions in your everyday routines, or to protect your health. Another possibility is that the social distancing in daily life demands that your interactions become only virtual. Even though this is the case for so many people, for you, relating online is crucial to give you a sense of emotional comfort.

You initiate something in your professional life, a new career, or a new civil status, getting married or divorced for example, which gives you a better sense of security and comfort. You may be required to adjust to certain responsibility with your children that affects your career. Maybe your kids are not able to attend school because of the current health risk so you quit your job to become a stay home parent. Another possibility is that you engage on a creative project that requires organization, planning, or a system so you make adjustments in relation to your professional life.

You start a new course of study that broadens your vision of life, your ideological or religious perspective in order to feel safer. You may learn a foreign language, or have the possibility to travel abroad, or to be in contact with foreigners, which open up a comfortable cultural perspective. In order to adjust to a different life philosophy or new principles, you make adjustments at home, compromises with your family members. Another possibility is that you sacrifice part of the time you used to spend with your family to dedicate it to your new pursuit of higher knowledge, or to attend an institution of higher education.

You initiate a partnership with share resources in order to achieve financial security. You may join forces with someone else to engage on a common project that has a transformational effect. You may have a newborn baby, or start a sexual bonding with your partner that takes you to a new level in your psychological development. Whatever your new beginning is, it will require a negotiation, an accord of minds and ideas, or learning how to communicate effectively, how to actively listen for example. Another possibility is that your mind may require some discipline, good organization, and serious reasoning.

You probably start a new one-on-one relationship, or you start a long term personal or business partnership that feels comfortable. If you already have a partner, a new dynamic may start now in the relationship. This person will have an influence on what you think of yourself, probably will increase your sense of self worth. You will have now a more mature approach regarding your body, and your possessions. Probably, your partner will require that you may manage your finances more responsibly, and you have to adjust to that need.

In order to feel safer and more comfortable, you will initiate a new daily routine, maybe to include some fitness practice, or to welcome a new pet in your home. A new health condition may have you restrict your movement or your pay serious attention to your body. In any case, Saturn will require to treat yourself with more maturity, and use a little discipline. In fact, during the next couple of years you will restructure your identity, become more serious, definitely presenting to the world a higher level of adulthood.

In order to feel more comfortable something starts anew in your relationship with your children. If you don't have children yet, you may have one in the following months. Otherwise, you may give birth to a creative project, or meet a new lover. Whatever it is, it comes with an adjustment in your psyche. You may need to adopt some kind of structured relaxation practice, use more rest, or need to spend some time in the hospital. Another possibility is that you decide to put an end to any escapist tendency, and get a more serious approach to your mental health, face your hidden enemies, like your self undoing or sabotaging attitude that has been affecting your children.

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