Saturday, October 9, 2021

Daily Transits - October 10, 2021

Saturn Turns Direct
Back to the Future

Chronos, Lord of Time
    With the outer planets you do things for about five months and then review what was done for another five months more or less. In your personal life, with Saturn direct you will be visiting for the third time the period since February 14 until today October 10, until Saturn is out of the 'shadow' by January 15, 2022.

     Saturn direct will bring us a greater sense of discipline, a dose of reality, and the responsibility to implement new structures in society. New social restrictions will be imposed, especially for groups, like alliances, collectives, or political parties.  Regulations will affect the Internet, the marketplace, the stock market, Science, Artificial Intelligence, technology, Air Space sovereignty. Increased controls in society may mean social distance for air travel for example, or new-old requirements like vaccination, and other things. Governmental institutions will use the energy of Saturn direct to tighten their hold on power, which Pluto in Capricorn is demolishing. However, slowly, the third Saturn square Uranus is building up and will perfect by Christmas time, which means clashes of the controlling powers and the need for freedom. 

For a couple of years, keep in the back of your mind that the Mars synodic cycle started exactly conjunct the Libra New Moon. The invisible Moon and Mars is very much about frustrated (Mars) people (Moon equals the masses, the public). Remember also that it happened in trine to the Saturn Jupiter midpoint, which also means "changes in the social order, repression based on morality instituted by law or religion"1, or both. Uranus also sextile that midpoint, which favors "creating a lifestyle where you have more freedom to choose your activities [and] quick changes abruptly introduced to your lifestyle"1. But generally speaking there will be a greater influence of the powers that be over social activities in the public sphere. Find more about this 'interesting' Libra Moon cycle in my youtube video

1-Midpoints, Unleashing the Power of the Planets, by Michael Munkasey

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Daily Transits - October 9, 2021

 Beware of Sudden Rage

Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars travelling direct, both under the Sunrays, looks like a big clash in the sky, and may manifest as an argument, verbal or legal dispute. It could bring about a very explosive situation in legal matters, international trade, partnerships and other relationships involving contracts or agreements of some sort.

At a personal level you may need to watch out for words fast escaping your mouth that you may regret later. Also possible are sudden irritation outbursts, or a spontaneous anger surge making you unusually aggressive. Train yourself on deep breathing ahead of time, so you'd remember it at the precise necessary moment to avoid regrettable confrontations. And stay away from conflictive and agitated people.

You feel also frustrated because when Venus conjunct the South Node, you may be dealing with unplanned expenses. Your close or intimate relationships may require special attention, and some desires or expectations may have to be dropped in order to stabilize the exchange and achieve peace. The Zodiac houses ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) undergo some kind of imbalance. Lack of harmony in their themes result in the need to implement changes, especially letting go of something. 

In addition, Venus is now out of bounds (by latitude) and parallel Pluto, and will be until approximately December 7, 2021, when she joins Pluto in Capricorn. Venus is now out of control, meaning that she goes the extra mile to obtain what she desires. On the positive side, she gives extra creative power to artists and all those who work in jobs related to beauty or finances. Talking about the financial situation, today you may hear unpleasant news about currency devaluation, banks going down, impossible budgets, bankruptcies, debt repayment defaults, and more inflation, most probably.

My humble advice, make sure you have a good three-month storage of your 'bear necessities'. Even though you may not be able to control your money, you would like to buy food, water, medicines to cope with the 'rainy' days. 

Blessings! Sat Nam.

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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Daily Transits - October 7, 2021

 Last Three Months of the Year
Transition to a New Era

Sunset in Las Delicias, Maldonado, behind Isla de Gorriti, Uruguay
Francisco Eduardo Benadon, Photographer

    Today Pluto turns direct and nevertheless stays put at the 24º until November 29. His demolition power in full force, gives way to revelations of a systemic financial aristocratic 'privilege' whereby notorious political and other personalities of the world shelter their monies abroad to avoid losses in their own unstable countries. Many other revelations confirm the last days of a decadent Feudal System aged of some thousands of years, now crumbling down. With Pluto travelling the last few degrees of Capricorn for three more years, we are closing an Era and getting glimpses of a New one. 

    As soon as the Moon starts showing her smile in the sky, she square Saturn. You just start the first attempts to realize your passionate New Moon intentions under the Mars influence, but something or someone blocks your way, something delays your impulse.

    When Venus enters Sagittarius your desires increase, you broaden your perspective, would like to have new experiences. So, you make grandiose travel plans and want to go out the door right now. You now want to see other landscapes, explore new sights. However, soon enough she meets with the South Node and your priorities undergo reassessment. You sift your values and desires through the fine filter of a more spiritual vision. Some aspect of a relationship is left behind or you drop some financial obligation that seemed so important before. 

    Mars conjunct Sun starts a new Mars synodic cycle with a Libra flavor that brings out conflicts to be resolved. For more on that you should watch my Libra New Moon youtube video. But, in a nutshell, while the world focuses on dysfunctional relationships between countries and unfair trade issues, you focus on dysfunctional personal relationships and unfair deals. For the next two years and change, it will not be uncommon to need to balance things out in your social interactions. In the world, parties, countries, factions and ideological stances will be revised, argued and disputed at a big scale with the shadow of war always looming large over them, and over us. 

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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Libra New Moon - October 6, 2021

Arguments and Agreements

The Opportunity to Heal Relationships

    Feeling frustrated yet? Yes, Mars is in Libra under the Sunrays! This Libra New Moon is so intense that you've already been feeling it probably since a week ago. If you read my Daily Transits (scroll down), you've probably understood what was going on in your life in relationships. 

    The Libra New Moon special feature is that there are three cycles starting at the same time. The New Moon, the New Mars, and four days later the New Mercury. The Sun highlights and purifies each of them on the subject of Libra, which is relationships.  This means that the conjunction Moon Sun Mars Mercury infuses not only the Moon Cycle, or the six months until the Libra Full Moon, but the two years of the Mars cycle and the almost three months of the Mercury cycle. So, it's a good idea to take note of the events in your life around this Lunation, to keep track of those cycles, and see the developments that each planet brings as it travels around the zodiac. 

    By the same token, after emerging from their initiation with Chiron, the Sun has travelled for months through the different phases (aspects), with opportunities, struggles, challenges, self analysis, and accomplishments. Today, the Sun and the Moon show the fullness (opposition) of their revolution. Our emotional reactive instinct (Moon) joins the essence of our individuality (Sun), and they both look themselves in the mirror of Chiron. It's their maximum potential of their cycle with Chiron this year.  

    The Libra New Moon indicates a reset in relationships. The phases of planetary relationship, called aspects, parallel the evolution of Nature through the seasons. Symbolically, we go from the darkness of Winter all the way to the full fruition of the Summer, and the way back to Winter. Similarly to the human development, planetary cycles to one another follow the 'seasons' cycle. They have birth (conjunction), growth, development, maturation, reproduction, decay and death. We discussed about the phases of the Moon in relation to Chiron in a previous article, and throughout the year we've been discussing the phases of the Sun in relation to Chiron as well. October 3, the Sun opposed Chiron exactly.

    With this New Moon opposite Chiron, we experience the pain to be ourselves reflected on 'another'. This opposition presents us with situations where we can find ourselves projecting our insecurities, inadequacies, and vulnerabilities on the 'other' like on a mirror. Hopefully, we've been consciously working on them since March 28, 2021 when the Sun conjoined Chiron, we've faced the struggles and overcame them. Think back, how you were feeling about yourself then? and how your relationships have evolved since? Go back and read my daily transits. The New Moon gives us a new perspective about our relationships. 

    Today, we become aware of some aspect of a relationship, realize a truth, or accomplish an important milestone in the evolution of that relationship. Something about who we are has been bothering it, and we need to embrace those feelings of not being 'good enough', of being faulty or at fault, of being inadequate. There is a new emotional awareness, of our own imperfections, moral, psychological, physical, appearing in the relationship as blocks or obstacles. However, at the same time, we can find a way to accept and integrate them, and work with them to make the relationship more functional. 

    In fact, the most important relationship we are working with is the relationship with ourselves.  Today, the mirror shows us that painful piece, that fragment of our individuality that we need to integrate in order to love ourselves just as we are. 

    In the world, this shows up in the overwhelming problem of people forced to unroot themselves from their own country, culture, customs, religion and lifestyle because of unsolvable conflicts of war, famine, or violence. Incorrectly called 'immigrants' instead of 'refugees', once they cross frontiers, they find themselves facing the pain of being 'different' as seen by the others. The New Moon is hopefully, the time when we start looking ourselves in them. Face to face, aren't we as different to them as they look to be for us? And, in the end, don't we all of us, human beings, have the same needs, sorrows and desires?

New Moon quincunx Uranus

    At the same time, this awkward relationship with Uranus, shows up as a dislocation between the harmony required in this new beginning and finding difficult to conform to 'normal' expectations. Uranus in Taurus, a stubborn Earth Sign, builds up under the surface, and once the pressure is too high, it explodes, like a volcano. Although we accept and integrate our feelings of imperfection, and of not measuring up to the circumstances of our relationships, yet in order for us to break free, we rebel against those who don't tolerate 'differences'.

    Humanity as a whole realizes now how broken it is. We have our own self-undoing IN OUR FACE. It shows as the refugee asking for asylum, as the unemployed or needy person, as a rejected friend from a group, as a rejected citizen from a community, as another war-broken human being at our door, or as a victim of a catastrophe. 

    The New Moon also makes a tight trine to the Jupiter Saturn midpoint (14º♒️43). Here, we are challenged to revise and adjust the social norms to liberate us from the restraining conditioning of the collective consciousness. There is a need for farther reaching conversations, and finding middle ground between two stubborn positions. The strong energy with three planets in Libra looks for diplomatic negotiations. Even though the situation looks challenging or unsolvable, Libra demands listening, considering the 'other's position who is diametrically different, original, or 'out of the norm'. Libra is able to cross the street to the other side and change perspective in order to allow the relationship to happen.
Calvin & Hobbes explore the world together
in spite of their obvious differences. Source Twitter

     We now got to the point that there is so much migration in all directions, that those who have been stubbornly holding to 'my way is the right way' of being, will break down. We got to the point of having to recognize that there is only ONE HUMAN that needs a human way to survive, even though the package changes colors. This is evident in the long lasting semi-sextile between Chiron and Uranus. As a whole, humanity will be forced to bridge the gaps of differences and understand that whatever we do to others, we do to ourselves. 

    Melanie Reinhart called Chiron, the Rainbow Bridge, between two worlds, the ideal and the material, the spiritual and the physical. It is through experiencing the pain of being human, with basic survival needs for food, shelter and safety, that we finally understand the commonality. Then, we can finally build a community where we live and work for the benefit of all, not just for the selfish survival of the individual. We will learn mutual cooperation, because we will understand the downside of the competition that is taking us to extinction. We will learn innovative and alternative creative methods never considered or used before in order to operate this shift and survive as the human race. 

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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Daily Transits - October 5, 2021

 The Great Halt in the Sky

Starting today, October brings a halt in the sky. Until now, you've been feeling frustrated because the personal (faster) planets have been moving forward at a good pace, which incite you to do things. But the power houses of the Heavens, the slower moving planets, have all been retrograde. This feels like a rod in the wheel, you had to stop, inspect and revise the issues at hand.

The Powerful Ways of Pluto-The Rape of Proserpina

During October, several of them stop on their tracks in order to change direction. Today Pluto stations at 24º♑️19', however he won't move for a long time yet. In fact, he's been at the 24º mark since August 12, and will not budge from it until November 29. Blessed your heart if you have a planet or important point there or in any of the Cardinal Signs. The ruler of my own chart is opposite in Cancer, so you can imaging the overhaul it caused in my life, and of course for two years! If you do have a direct aspect, you know what I am talking about. Nothing will ever be the same as before, your planet has 'died' and been reborn (symbolically). 

During the Libra season Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun square Pluto. Mercury three times, the third during the Scorpio season. That is one of the main reasons October brings such powerful energies of change in direction, transformations, death and rebirth. The upcoming New Moon is just the start of a new stage in the transmutation which will last for several months, probably until the Spring 2022 at the Libra Full Moon (which, by the way, will be also square Pluto!) Stay tuned to my New Moon report coming up soon. 

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