Thursday, October 7, 2021

Daily Transits - October 7, 2021

 Last Three Months of the Year
Transition to a New Era

Sunset in Las Delicias, Maldonado, behind Isla de Gorriti, Uruguay
Francisco Eduardo Benadon, Photographer

    Today Pluto turns direct and nevertheless stays put at the 24º until November 29. His demolition power in full force, gives way to revelations of a systemic financial aristocratic 'privilege' whereby notorious political and other personalities of the world shelter their monies abroad to avoid losses in their own unstable countries. Many other revelations confirm the last days of a decadent Feudal System aged of some thousands of years, now crumbling down. With Pluto travelling the last few degrees of Capricorn for three more years, we are closing an Era and getting glimpses of a New one. 

    As soon as the Moon starts showing her smile in the sky, she square Saturn. You just start the first attempts to realize your passionate New Moon intentions under the Mars influence, but something or someone blocks your way, something delays your impulse.

    When Venus enters Sagittarius your desires increase, you broaden your perspective, would like to have new experiences. So, you make grandiose travel plans and want to go out the door right now. You now want to see other landscapes, explore new sights. However, soon enough she meets with the South Node and your priorities undergo reassessment. You sift your values and desires through the fine filter of a more spiritual vision. Some aspect of a relationship is left behind or you drop some financial obligation that seemed so important before. 

    Mars conjunct Sun starts a new Mars synodic cycle with a Libra flavor that brings out conflicts to be resolved. For more on that you should watch my Libra New Moon youtube video. But, in a nutshell, while the world focuses on dysfunctional relationships between countries and unfair trade issues, you focus on dysfunctional personal relationships and unfair deals. For the next two years and change, it will not be uncommon to need to balance things out in your social interactions. In the world, parties, countries, factions and ideological stances will be revised, argued and disputed at a big scale with the shadow of war always looming large over them, and over us. 

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