Friday, February 25, 2022

Closing the Moon Cycle

     Closing the Aquarius/Leo Moon cycle    

    Today the Moon in Sagittarius is at 270º waning square to the Sun, closing her cycle for this month. This means that you are integrating and assimilating what you started at the Aquarius New Moon. The Moon is decreasing her luminosity slowly, losing her energy submitting under the Sun rays. 

    The Pisces cycle already started on February 19 with the Sun ingress the Sign. You may already feel the itchiness of expansive urge, be it an eagerness to learn more about something, travel in an 'oceanic' adventure, engage in a spiritual practice, or mixing with the cultures of the world. At the same time, the confusion and chaos may increase in that area of experience (zodiac house) colored by Pisces. Definitely, the chaos and confusion increasing around the world.

    It is clear that the most significant feature of this last quarter is the triple conjunction of Venus Mars and Pluto. The strong passions make the air 'thick' with tension and high stress levels. You could tap into amazing levels of energy that you could apply to any issue related to the Capricorn Zodiac House on your natal chart. 

    If you don't feel it, there is always other people related to each House, i.e. the first house is you, the 3d your siblings, the 7th is others, the 5th is your children, etc. Those people may be the ones playing out that energy in some way. Remember that not all transits affect you all the time, this depends on your personal chart, and the stage you are at in your life, as well as your level of consciousness in the evolutionary cycle.

    Yet, the Venus Mars Pluto conjunction sextile Neptune could lead to confusion in actions, or at least such strong passions can blur the reason. Individuals with mental imbalances may suffer derangement, delusions and unstable mood. Trine and sextiles are not necessary all good and happy. The angle of influence allows the energy to flow easily, but the planetary archetypes are the same; the result depends on the way you use them. 

    Another factor to consider about the Venus Mars conjunction is that it goes through the same 22-23 degree of the memorable Saturn Pluto Sun Mercury conjunction of January 2020, and later Jupiter Pluto conjunction that happened three times that year. I'm sure you remember that very well. This means that whatever Venus Mars trigger here it is related to the events of 2020. How does the Russia invasion of Ukraine relates to 2020 covid pandemic? We may find out, or not, Pluto likes to keep and divulge secrets to his whim.

    Moreover, the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Pluto is a very rare event, let alone in Capricorn, the sign of institutions, and all social structures, rules and regulations of society. Next time, February 2024, they will almost conjunct at the same time, but already in Aquarius. This means that their Capricorn meeting is a new but very long cycle that may last centuries until they meet there again.  

    The Ukraine invasion by Russia may mark once again another centuries long East/West confrontation, that, as a matter of fact, has never ended. It doesn't mean that they will always be at war, but as in all relationships there is oppositional confrontation, projection, reflection and mirroring. And there is always an opportunity to use the shadow of power over each other in the struggle for survival of the illusional ego. I refer you to my post series about the Saturn Pluto conjunction where I dug back into the historical antecedents and predicted the resurgence of the East/West dichotomy. 

    Mercury gets now involved in the Saturn Uranus last quarter square, but he doesn't keep secrets. In fact, his work is to communicate, to tell all about it. We can expect opinionated messages, very stubborn mental positions and ideas that want to stick for the long run. The media has turned to a very earnest tone that conveys fear in face of the radical changes (Uranus) in the material reality (Taurus). Try not to let that fear stick to your mind. On the contrary, the more you focus on love, kindness, and peace, the more you contribute to conflict resolution.

    Yes, the situation is dreadful, but fear not, the Universal Essence of life always takes care of itself. The actual events may not make sense to you and me, however, there is always a tendency in the Universe to balance the extremes. The best spiritual strategy is not to give room to rejection, hate, blame, or personal resistance, because all those feed into the conflict and strengthens it. Each individual contributes to it, because we are not separated, we are ONE. But peace, gentleness and kindness towards all beings help to dissolve conflict. Remember that conflicts do not happen in a vacuum, they are the result of an opposition (polarity) that has gone out of balance and its trying to rebalance itself. This is perfectly illustrated in the Zodiac Wheel with the Sign polarities. If you are caught in the polarity, just find the fulcrum in the seesaw and stand there. 

Picture credit Tush Magazine

    The general public is not able to see the imbalance because it's only fed the information that the powers that be want us to know. Usually, the general public is manipulated by the media so the public opinion feeds back onto their interests. So, if you don't agree with the status quo, you need to realize that your thinking, your behavior, lifestyle, and consumer habits are supporting it. Many people don't like it, however, even though it  may sound cliché, in order for things to change "you must to be the change you want to see in the world". 

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