Monday, February 28, 2022

Zero Aquarius and the Air Epoch

 Zero Aquarius 

Sophia, female robot, citizen of Saudi Arabia

    Venus Mars are travelling jointly from March 2 to 6, 2022 over Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius exactly the same way Jupiter and Saturn did from December 1st to 20 of 2020. The 'romantic' couple start kissing at 27º Capricorn and consummate their 'love' at 0º Aquarius in the same way Jupiter and Saturn did back in 2020. 

    This represents the not so smooth archetypal transition from the solid structures of Capricorn to the lighter and lofty networks of Aquarius. It means that under Pluto the world pyramidal pillars of Capricorn social conventions have fallen. Humanity is ready to build a different kind of social structures at a horizontal level. These new structures in the making, even though inflexible (fixed quality), are invisible, based on electrical waves, but mobile, softer and flowy in nature. 

    According to extensive research by ISAR President Astrologer Aleksandar Imsiragic, the 0º ♒️ is one of the degrees that play a pivotal role in the Age of Aquarius. For example, the birth chart of Sophia AI, the intelligent female robot who was registered as a Saudi citizen on October 25, 2017, had been activated February 14, 2016 @ 11:04 am in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has Mercury (mind) at 0º♒️29'. Her iconic 'birth' is a precursory milestone to the Age of Aquarius. 

    The zero degree Aquarius has been activated several times in significant ways since 2018. Mars was at 0º♒️, the exact day Uranus made his entry in Taurus forming the waning square on May 16, 2018. You can refresh your memories with this news headlines. On March 31, 2020, Mars conjoins Saturn at that degree as well, and you certainly do not need a memory refresher for that day. Jupiter joined Saturn there on December 21, 2020, giving official birth to the 200 year Air (signs) Era when these Chronocrators will be joining forces only in Air Signs, and dramatically changing the spirit of the times. 

    And here come beautiful and creative Venus and impetuous Mars striding along in Capricorn in the company of Pluto for a triple conjunction on March 2, before joining in passionate embrace at 0º♒️, on March 6. They mark a quite rare event. Venus and Mars will never again meet together with Pluto in Capricorn for several centuries. So whatever the triple cycle starts there may last at least 250 years. However, at the same time they also start a new cycle in Aquarius. This may mean that two parallel systems will be running at the same time, one rock solid, the other airy. 

    Because guess what?! Next time Mars comes back around, he joins Pluto at 0º♒️ on February 13, 2024. Not only that, but Venus follows suit also meeting Pluto at 0º♒️ just three days later, February 16, 2024! I bet, by then Humanity will get what 0º♒️ means, for sure! 

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