Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Full Moon in Libra - The Other Person is You

Mirrors - Austin Central Park, Texas; by Celsa Sanchez

The Other Person is You

Full Moon in Libra 18ยบ 44' - April 7-8, 2020 
@ 9:36 pm CDT/ 2:36 am UTC

With the Full Moon in Libra we become aware of the importance of 'the other' in so many ways. You are looking at yourself into the mirror of another person. Is it that person who got sick and died? Are you sick? Aren't we all sick? It's a culmination of the Moon cycle that started in the 'me, myself and I' Sign of Aries, remember? 

That New Moon in Aries was a false start, a spring leap that didn't get off the ground, or the Spring time  that can’t sincerely bloom. Why? Because we had to take the other into consideration before doing our own thing. Your individual initiative has to consider the ‘other’ (Libra) now.

The chart of this Full Moon in Libra chart has predominantly Air and Water qualities. We are thinking, talking, learning, communicating, relating and making all kinds of connections from an emotional state of reaction. Emails, phone calls, media, internet classes and events, and lots and lots of information have overwhelming effect on us. But you look for stabilization and rebalancing in the situation. We are ultimately learning or seeing a new dimension of ourselves, aren't we?

The ruler of Moon, Venus in Gemini seeks connection, information, and social contact. As Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius, you’ll be clinging to social media, chatting, and socializing with people, looking for the response from the authority figures in your country. You may hear about the intensification of restrictive measures, but you're restless seeking the pleasure of learning and making connections with others. Ideas and information are contradictory, fickle, and all over the place. Relationships and finances become variable and unstable.

Here the mirror asks you, can you still enjoy life while others suffer?

The Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces

The truth is wrapped in thick clouds of confusion, delusion and deception all around. Information is so contradictory that no one is able to make any sound conclusion of what is really going on. The news is definitively getting to people’s nerves because it's impossible to make any sense of it. Your trust needs to be re-evaluated and adjusted.  You are pressured to accept impositions and hardship, but don’t receive emotional support. You just fake positive emotions in order to inspire and support others while struggling yourself. Others may react to the present situation with escapist behaviours. You seek positive feedback as a confirmation from others because you have a hard time trusting what you hear, and even your own intuition. Because of the confusion and uncertainty, you don’t really know how you feel.
Again, the other is reflecting who you are, right? How are you deceiving yourself by living a lie? Can you choose a more authentic life? How can you be true to yourself?

Use your intuition, your common sense, and your own independent authority to make judgments. Trust your higher self in this. You don’t need a father figure up there to tell you what you have to do. Empower yourself to take care of your loved ones the best you can.

Mars square Uranus

Authorities (Saturn in Aquarius) may be imposing new structures in Internet, restriction of scientific reports, removal of content in the net to censor certain ideas. However, Mars in Aquarius, ruler of the exalted Sun in Aries, squares Uranus in Taurus. There may be explosive situations or events, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, internet hackings, or some violent outburst. Our values, and the way we manage resources are changing.  There may be fractures in chain of distribution of resources, in the markets, or the banking system.

Again, think 'mirror'. How this rebellious energy shows you your inner rebellion? What is it that you deeply would like to change or are forced to change?

Mars sextile Chiron

The current situation is an ecological crisis. Human beings have disturbed the ecological harmony in many ways, disturbing at the same time, our own physiological balance. With our modern lifestyle, we've disregard the real needs of the body, giving it toxic food, liquids, and industrialized substances, overusing and abusing medication, and ignoring its need of a well balanced intake and spending of energy.
During the Spring Equinox that started the New seasonal year, the Sun was helping Chiron to heal his vulnerable condition. Remember that in the Greek Myth, Apollo, the Sun God, is the adoptive father of Chiron. He gives him the fiery spirit and confidence he needs to heal.  The Sun's warmth, wisdom, love and generosity fires up Chiron's spirit. The Sun God cared for, raised, and taught Chiron all sciences until he became an adult. Apollo enlightened Chiron, he taught him all he knew about diseases, healing, music, poetry, songs, dance, archery, alchemy, astrology and who knows what else! Apollo must have trusted his disciple very much because he assigned him the education of Asclepius, who became the God of Medicine, Healing, Rejuvenation and Doctors. Then this year, Chiron receives Apollo's advice. We learn alternative healing methods, gain confidence in our own talents, with the conviction that we are to help others heal as well as we did.
Since the Equinox marks the tone for the rest of the year, we can be reassured that we are learning Chiron's lesson. As well as Chiron used the magic of Nature to heal others, we can also turn to natural methods to strengthen our defenses in order to fight illnesses.

Let's come back to the mirror. Do you see yourself in that mirror image of disease, unbalance health, woundedness, and vulnerability? What do you need to do in order to heal?

Moon square Pluto

Immediately after her fullness, the Moon squares Pluto, provoking an eruption of deep seated emotional problems. This energy represent a danger of psychological and emotional domination, controlling families and the masses (Moon) through intense emotions. Families may face financial problems with debt, mortgages or taxes. Large scale forces coming from the earth, from governmental institutions, and corporate structures disrupt the emotional stability of the human family. This square is also associated with unpleasant psychic experiences, cutting of family ties, family regeneration, and the regeneration of the subconscious mind. Since this happens every month, you can monitor the monthly events, and realize what is the cycle about in your personal life.

'Mirror, mirror tell me who is suffering the most'? This mirror shows you the psychological suffering you're going through. What is your deepest pain in your life?

Mercury sextile Pluto Jupiter

You have a powerful motivation to learn in order to improve your life, especially intellectually. You may become interested in, talk, read, and think about economics, genetics, political power, finances, taxes, insurance, and even the power of sex and death. You’re able to grasp some secrets or receive insights through psychic perception, intuition, telepathy. Your thinking may go from one extreme to another, alternate hot and cold, for and against something. Also, there is a tendency to regenerate and transform your health habits, nutrition, personal hygiene, fitness, and general wellbeing. You will be focused on solving problems, for sure. 

This mirror shows you people taking advantage of the situation to learn, expand their vision of the future through higher knowledge. How are you improving your own future?

Going through life observing what the mirrors reflect to us is a very insightful experiment. Enjoy it, because we need to learn a lot from this experiment, I mean experience! 

Make it a great rest of the Moonth Cycle! Sat Nam.

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me pukavypora@gmail.com

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