Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Pisces Full Moon - September 2020

Full Moon in Pisces

Demeter Mourning for her Daughter, Persephone - Evelyn de Morgan, 1906

This Full Moon in Pisces is becoming aware of what started with the New Moon in Leo, two weeks ago. Something that might have started as an optimistic leadership, a creative project, a joyful idea, or the need to show up in stage, has accomplished something that is in service of all. The self-consciousness (Leo) has integrated fully into the collective unconsciousness. You may have recognized that your exclusive identity is now dissolved in the ONENESS. You created your unique contribution to the WHOLE.

Since Neptune is this Full Moon ruler, her light is shed on Neptunian/Piscean themes, so let’s explore them.

Not only is Pisces the last step in the cosmic evolution, where everything ends, dissolves and merges with everything else, but having Neptune, its ruler transiting retrograde the second decan, marks also an additional process of ending a zodiac cycle. 

Neptune in Pisces is ending a 164-year cycle around the zodiac, dissolving everything that happened in between, from Aries to Pisces. Neptune is the ‘eraser’ planet. He creates chaos, disorder, disorganization. Wherever he transits, he leaves things topsy-turvy. We can expect these times to be like when you shuffle the deck of cards and gets it ready to start anew.

During the previous Neptune visit to Pisces (1847-1861), similar to today’s, there was the rising of the masses claiming their right to equally participate in society, to be recognized in an equal footing in regards to work rights and all civil rights.

The Communist League, considered the first Marxist political party, was established in June 1847 in London, England.

The “Communist Manifesto” was published in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, establishing the social principles upon which many social reforms were based later.

In 1848, there were a series of general political upheavals starting in France and later spreading throughout Europe. They were significant Revolutions that made the traditional system collapse even though they did not entirely succeed. However, they were the foundation of ulterior socialist organizations and anarchist political groups, that were created when Neptune entered Aries.

This Full Moon sheds light on the common interests and rights of people. Since Neptune, her ruler, is retrograde, it may also contribute to the discovery of ultimate (universal) truths concerning the cosmos, the whole Earth, or any other whole collective issue, including possibly the pandemic.

Pisces and Virgo are the natural zodiac houses associated with health and healing, as well. Whereas boundless Pisces makes us vulnerable to disease (especially fungi, yeast, mold, candida, etc., but also bacteria and virus), Virgo looks for the information, the methods, the detox, the cleaning, disinfection, and purification necessary to heal.

TimePassages Chart by Astrograph

The Sun in Virgo opposite this all-encompassing and caring Full Moon conjunct Ceres, the nurturance principle, unite forces to emotionally respond to the pandemic by nurturing, caring, charitable service, meeting the health needs of all people. Ceres with the Moon is the energy of needing to be needed, and willing to emotionally engaged in nonprofit service, just because we care it.

Ceres was the ancient Goddess of the Earth who, mourning the loss of her daughter, conjured a never-ending Winter. It was only when Mercury, the messenger to the Gods, went down to the underworld and interceded before the Lord of the Underworld, Hades (Pluto) that Ceres daughter was liberated, and yet, only half of the year. This gave the Earth the opportunity to enjoy the four seasons in place of the continuous winter.

Since Mercury is in Virgo with the Sun, may this symbolize, his intercession also in this health crisis. Mercury is, in fact, in harmonious relation (trine) with Pluto in Capricorn, so we may expect that a very thorough research, detailed investigation, relentless scientific experimentation, will bring to the surface the necessary information (Mercury) to break through the barriers and come out with a solution.

Sebian Symbol for the 11th degree Pisces

"Man traveling a narrow path seeking illumination"

"The Path of Discipleship"

"Capacity to seek a transcendent realm of reality"

Negative traits of this Moon

Since Neptune squares (by Sign) with the Nodal Axis in Sagittarius and Gemini, we can’t avoid but also consider the negative traits of this Full Moon in Pisces.

The North Node in Gemini indicates our search for data, the pieces of information needed to support our decayed and dubious belief systems, signaled by the South Node in Sagittarius.

There is the possibility that we deceive ourselves or we are deceived by others in plain sight, under the Sun and Moon lights. We may believe in fantastic theories, or lend ear to confusing information, and even become delusional. People may try to escape giving way to extreme addictions of any kind. We may become more vulnerable to being duped, or getting sick. We may project onto others our insecurities, hopes, and imaginary secret enemies, and victimize others or fall victims ourselves.

Generally speaking, there may be a deep sense of loss, and a tendency to look back trying to recover the ‘lost paradise’. Like Ceres (Demeter) we may be mourning for it, but we are asked to let go of the past.

Unfortunately, we have to acknowledge the crude reality: There is no return ticket. There is no return. Humanity is now mourning in grief. This grief is a long process that will probably last around thirty years, until Saturn and Pluto join again. I know it is disturbing, but give yourself the time and space to grieve and mourn, cry, isolate, and be good to yourself. Find ways to give meaning to every moment of your life. Care for your loved ones, care for a pet, care for a plant, care for some kind of life, even if it is just your own life!

Much love, light and life to everyone. May all beings be well. Sat Nam.

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect you personally to the extent they contact your Natal or Progressed planets and points on your chart.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

An afflicted Venus - Gate into September

An afflicted Venus

Statue of Aphrodite

Jupiter and Neptune

This last week of August, Venus indulges herself as she opposes Jupiter and trine Neptune. 

Desires are expanded without limits, and overindulgence in love, expenses, or social life may backfire. 
You feel that no pleasure is enough; you may ‘drown’ in food, drink, sex, beauty, music, art, anything that makes you relax, and even provides an escape. You may even ditch work, spiritual practice, and morality for a moment’s enjoyment, that will not really satisfy you in the end. 

Be careful spending more than you can afford because you may regret it later. Usually, what may happen is that another person encourages you to go overboard, so it’s important to exercise self-control and moderation if you want to come out of this one ‘uninjured’.

As August draws to a close, Venus is entering a very compromised position in the zodiac. She enters into a Grand Cardinal Square configuration. 


Not only does Venus opposes Pluto, but they do it EXACTLY at 22ยบ ♑️46’, the exact degree and minute of the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. Simply put, Venus and Pluto reactivate the issues that trigger the catastrophic developments of 2020.

Venus in Cancer is ruled by the Moon in Aquarius. This means that the values to hold are the people’s interest in the safety, protection, and security of families. Venus also represents resources, supplies, money, that we need and desire to sustain life (Taurus). She is also the love, self-esteem, and attraction we need to establish and maintain relationships (Libra), personal and social.

Changes issued of powerful forces of transmutation in society, government, institutions, and from those who own the world resources, operate a profound demolition and restructure of the social paradigm. Let’s not forget that Uranus in Taurus (ruled by Venus) is changing values regarding Nature, ecology, the environment, resources, food supply at the same time that changes personal and relationship values.

In opposition to Pluto, Venus is subject to power struggles from the powers that be, from another powerful person, entity or establishment that forces a profound transformation.

This may mean that food supply chains are disrupted due to the structural dismantling. It could mean that natural or human made atomic, radiation, chemical pollution damages the resources we need to survive.
In our present context, it could mean that the virus, since it was, after all, THE main issue related to the Saturn Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020, threatens to contaminate people massively, affecting the very fabric of society (Moon in Aquarius).

It could also represent a threat to the real estate value or the ability of the common folks to have a roof over their head.

They will certainly trigger financial upheavals related to taxes, insurance, stock market, and to the money available to the common people.

At a personal level, couples may suffer sexual difficulties, due to manipulation, jealousy, overpowering, submission by force, and violence.

There could be a tendency to trying to change others by relentless force, lack of kindness and consideration for their desires.

Saturn and Mars

TimePassages Chart by Astrograph

September 2, 2020, Venus opposite Saturn, applying to the waxing square to Mars.

This square is the crisis in action point, where action is unavoidable. Certain situation or event requires you to do something related to your desires, finances, resources, love, values.

The opposition to Saturn, indicates restructuring of finances, probable limited access to money, frustration in social life because of isolation, profound depression, delays in business, trade, work, economy. Time to tighten the belt. Resources may be scarce.

In relationships, you may feel unlovable, or unloved, rejected. You may experience separation from the object of your love or have a hard time satisfying your desires. Oppositions in general, are notices when other people, another person, or outside circumstances are against you. Someone may not give you what you want, or may ask you to fulfill your responsibility before giving you what you want. You may have low confidence in relationships and in social life, and feel isolated, lonely.

Juno & Haumea in Libra

Haumea is a newly discovered (Dec. 2004) dwarf planet in the farthest side of the Solar System after Neptune. About the size of Pluto, it's not less significant. It was name out of Haumea is the Hawaiian goddess of fertility and childbirth. 


“She gave birth to many children, and to all the island chiefs. She is a great creation Goddess and the ancestor of all indigenous Hawaiians who are descendants of the ancient civilization of Mu. Haumea is a crone archetype and is the elder in a trinity of Hawaiian Goddesses that includes Hina and Pele. Haumea had the power to change her form as her nature was constantly renewing; although she grew old, she was continually transformed into a young woman, representing the cycles of women’s lives.

Each of her children emerged from a different part of her body, symbolizing a profoundly nourishing source of life. Haumea also acts as a divine midwife to human mothers and taught women the mysteries of childbirth. Author Martha Beckworth, whose collection resides in a Hawaiian museum, suggests that the name Haumea actually comes from Hanaumea, which means ‘sacred birth’.

Haumea is thought to inhabit the Makalei tree, a Tree of Life on the island of Oahu, whose mystical branches and deep roots yield infinite amounts of food. Like a Cornucopia, the tree symbolically provides many staples to the Hawaiian people, such as coconut, bamboo, taro root, breadfruit and sugar cane. When the Goddess shakes a sacred branch of the miraculous Makalei tree over water, she attracts abundant fish.”

Venus square Haumea and the asteroid Juno indicate that the nature of our unbridled desires, our dealing with and wasting of the Earth resources are not respecting the capacity of Nature to regenerate, and perpetuate life on Earth. Our extreme consumerist attitude does not even consider the human ability to survive.

The Mars opposition to Juno and Haumea in Libra relates to conflicts in relationships, especially love relationships, but also conflict is social life, meaning relationships of any kind. The energy of Mars is lack of kindness, even gruesome aggressiveness, inconsideration, selfishness. May also indicate financial problems (Libra). In addition, it relates to lack of consideration and reverence for Nature, childbirth, the fertility and the bounty of the Earth, aggressive attitude against any kind of fairness, justice, logic, and measure in the use of Mother Earth’s resources.

Juno, Jupiter's Wife

Mars energy reflects a strong will in the search for independence, at ALL costs, without any sensitivity for others. His assertive actions are against all attempts of cooperation. Partnerships may suffer a power struggle for domination, and subjugation.

Mars is now so strong and close to Earth that his energy is incendiary. Difficult to contain raging fires exacerbate the violence against Mother Earth. Please be careful and conscious of your actions.

On their Capricorn side, the triple conjunction pushes for strong repressive measures, that block and controls any intention of soothing the situation with commitment, alliances, equanimity or fairness (Juno). The Establishment, the Old Patriarchal Paradigm grasps as much power and resources as possible in great detriment of the Earth ability to recover and regenerate (Haumea). For more on this, I refer you to my Mars in Aries Catalyst of Change article.
Nasa, The Dwarf Planet Haumea
Astrograph, TimePassages chart

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