Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chiron activation in December 2019 - Finding Meaning

Finding Meaning

This is THE month of Chiron. All the inner planets are in the waning phase to Chiron giving us the opportunity to find meaning in the wound. We now can discern how and why Chiron in Aries impacts our life. We are open to experience the deep psychological assimilation of his lesson and break through past patterns of suffering.

December 5 
The Moon conjunct Chiron; Venus and Saturn quintile Chiron

For a few hours, the Moon visits Chiron with her light to bring out to consciousness an expression of the vulnerability. Once more, we experience the suffering, we see clearly the evidence of our wound encouraging us to TLCing it.
Venus and Saturn conjunct exactly at the quintile (72º) angle to Chiron. They represent serious mature love that is committed to make healing a reality. With Pluto in Capricorn, Venus and Saturn become powerful forces of rebuilding with the recycled material that Pluto has been excreting during the decomposition he's been operating in that zodiac house.  That reconstruction has been directly orchestrated by the Cosmos so we receive the healing of our sense of self and of our capacity to initiate life with confidence. To learn more about the meaning of this healing, please read Chiron in Aries, an older article in my blog.
Remember as well that the 'medicine' is in the wound. As we heal, we become the 'medicine' for others with the same kind of wound.

With some support you get ready to fly. Public commons image 

December 8 
Jupiter square Chiron

Jupiter's influence inspires an even deeper understanding of the meaning of the wound. Jupiter expands and broadens our perspective so we can see how the process fits in our life path and in the evolution of humanity's consciousness development. We stop focusing on the small pain of ours as an injustice, because we now recognize the divine larger plan. We are probably ready to see how the 'wound' has created a bridge inside of us that take us to a higher level of spirituality.

December 10  
The Sun biseptile ; Mercury trine ; Mars sesquiquadrate (square & half) Chiron

By now, with a greater understanding, we are able to express our creativity in the healing process. We can describe and explain to ourselves and others how this inadequacy of ours is so instrumental in encouraging our spiritual development. Mars, the planet of action, urges us to work and do something different, to make a decision,  or initiate a creative process of healing. The time for lamenting the pain is over, we are ready to do something positive about it.

December 19 
The Moon opposes Chiron

This is the Full Moon Chiron cycle. Once more, like every month, we are able to shed light on the wound, because the Moon illuminates emotional reactions from our sense of not being good enough, or our feeling of not deserving something. Light can be shed as well on our protective or evasive patterns of behavior. This is a favorable time to pay attention to them and consciously change them. The Moon will engage this process every month for 7 years while Chiron is in Aries, meaning that we have plenty of opportunities to become more aware of our personal wound.

December 21 
Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron

The love given or received with friends or in your like-minded groups not only supports your acceptance of the wound, but can also give you an opportunity to realize and share its meaning. Today you have the possibility to make social connections where you can use your new found understanding to share your 'wounded healer' abilities. Love is always the answer and the healer to every wound. Today you make connections where you can use it to accept the wound of someone else, and open the door for a deeper kind of relationship.

December 23 
Sun square Chiron

Today the ego may be triggered by someone else, especially an authority or male figure, in a testing way. However, what is different from the waxing square, is that now, with the waning square, we are absorbing the results of transforming the way we perceive our wound. We have adopted a new perspective on our vulnerability, and are eager to modify the vision of our inadequacy. Unless you haven't been awake during the process, this can be a very satisfying period.

December 26 
Solar Eclipse square Chiron

Usually, squares to an eclipse are lesser aspects than the conjunction and oppositions. This time, nonetheless, in my opinion, Chiron plays a crucial role in this Solar Eclipse. Around the world, people are strongly feeling Chiron in Aries in profound ways. The most evident 'wound' is a person's identity. People are suffering because of discrimination either for being of a certain color, culture, ethnic group, religious practice, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or for being displaced and forced to migrate. Belonging to any of those categories (who doesn't?) makes you susceptible to being affected by this eclipse one way or another.
I will soon post the eclipse report, but if you have planets or angles around 4º of the Cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra, Aries and Capricorn, your chart will be heavily impacted. If your planets or angles are in Earth signs, Taurus or Virgo, the influence will be harmonious, though.

December 29 
Mercury square Chiron

Especially if you've been affected by the Solar Eclipse, your mind today will be in overdrive processing your painful perception of being who you are in the world. You may want to isolate, may feel ostracized or fall into depressive moods. Avoid dwelling in dark or gloomy thoughts. Remember that this is a time to accept who you are as you are, and make the best you can with what you are and have. That's the fate of everyone of us. We are all striving to survive in  a world that we have made inhospitable. Accepting your wound, you can help others heal.
Make an extra effort to choose your thoughts, to consciously redirect your mental objective to create the environment where you can feel safe, comfortable and loved. Even if there is nobody to love you just as you are, love yourself! Look up to the Stars at night and realize that you are made of the same matter they are. Every cell in your body is made of stardust. As Carl Sagan said:

"We are the way for the Cosmos to know itself"

This month we are all looking for and probably finding the meaning in our wound. Make it a great month sharing your light. I send much love and light toward you. Sat Nam. 

What does Chiron transit in Aries mean for your Rising Sign?

Aries and Libra
Taurus and Scorpio
Gemini and Sagittarius

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me pukavypora@gmail.com or satsangatyoga@gmail.com

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