Sunday, April 14, 2019

Chiron Transiting Aires - Part VIII Aries and Libra

Peter Paul Rubens oil on panel (1630-1635)

Chiron in Aries Transiting the 7th house

(Probably for Libra Rising Sign)

The lesson of Chiron in Aries transiting the 7th house is about how to create and maintain healthy relationships, personal, business and public. Establishing any kind of relationships stems from our sense of identity, the persona we project out. When relationships are unhealthy, there is a need to reflect back to ourselves. If we conduct our relationships from an unconscious state of being, we project onto the 'other' in a reactionary mode. We usually end up attracting someone that acts as a mirror, in whom we can look at ourselves very 'naked'.

Insecurity problems regarding our identity will make us attract unbalanced people who can awake on us our protection mode, or our need to fix them. This happens just because we feel inadequate and not good enough, then instead of realizing it is us who wants the 'fixing', to avoid the pain of facing ourselves, we just work on the 'other's' faults. Conversely, we may put the 'other' on a pedestal; just because we feel so unworthy, that person in front of us looks so much better than us. In both cases, the work we attempt is futile. We either realize we can never change that person, or finally see the real person beneath the romanticized skin we had thrown upon his or her shoulders.

Nonetheless, in the process, we hurt ourselves very badly. First we long so badly for the perfect partner that we see a Dulcinea on every beggar, a person who sabotages us, smashes our purest feelings, trashes our best gifts, and smears our reputation. We may have an abusive, unscrupulous, broken (particularly with head injuries or ailments, since it is in Aries), addictive, even mentally ill, aggressive, violent, or otherwise challenged partner. This is just what we expect, unconsciously showing that "I am worth nothing". After all is said and done, we end up feeling a bottomless infinite solitude, full of emptiness and powerlessness. Puzzled, we ask "why did he(she) did this to me if I was so good to him(her), and I gave everything to the relationship?"

The best way to use Chiron transiting the 7th house is to work on our own identity. It is important to feel perfectly comfortable in our own skin, to build the character we want, acquire the virtues and qualities and values we look for in a partner. If that person in front of us is not someone with whom we feel happy, then it is time to think "what am I doing wrong to get what I get?"

Chiron in Aries Transiting the 1st house

(Probably for Aries Rising Sign)

Aries transiting Aries in the first sign is a double dip of intense feelings of inadequacy. Aries rules the first impulse of life, your body, and in particular the head (no wonder!, the first thing appearing in the birth canal is the head, right?). The first house is the Self, the image we show to the world, the persona, the identity, first impressions, the attitude, appearance, self awareness, and your response (reflection) to the environment.

Chiron there, makes us feel inadequate in all those areas. It often manifests as feelings of being too much or too little of something, i.e. "my nose is too big", "my hips are too narrow", "my hair is too curly" kind of complaints. But also, affects the psychology of your identity: "I am not enough", or the other extreme "I will show you how ____ I am" kind of automatic and unconscious reactions.

Consequently,  one may feel not worthy, not able to fit in, may lack assertiveness or be too much assertive to compensate. One may fear self expression, may have an unconscious tendency to hurt oneself (especially the head). One may feel deeply inside that has no right to exist, and try to be invisible, or on the other hand spend all the energy trying to prove that one exists; "please, look at me" attitude. It can also manifest as unconscious mirroring of the 'other'. From that mindset of insecurity, one can fear assertion, may act too soon or too late, do things on one's own instead of asking when help is needed. You may feel your initial impulses are inappropriate,  you start your actions too soon, or too late.

There is a deep anguish from feeling that one's existence, actions and desires are not acceptable. Therefore, there is a feeling that there is no point in trying to obtain one's desires, one may give up trying, ending up getting what one doesn't want. Some people can grow very shy, repressing their life drive. Others may go pleasing everybody left and right, except themselves, in an attempt to prove themselves of value. Likewise, others may show a big ego.

Feelings of disempowerment, impotence, frustration, suppressed anger, even passive aggression are common. Extreme cases (depending on hard aspects Chiron makes in the natal chart to other cosmic bodies) can end up getting ill, self-inflicting pain, with the ideation of proving that they exist, or that someone will pay attention to them or value them. The stronger the suppressed desires, the more radical the reaction, because the Martian energy of Aires needs to show up somehow.

This polarity between the 1st and 7th houses interact with each other as do the other ones also. The way one sees oneself, impacts the way we relate to others, the way we choose the people we want to be around, and our long term partners. You may want to read both houses to understand how they mutually relate. Also, make sure you have read the post The Pain of Being where I explain in more detail about Chiron transiting Aries in general. I will next write about Remedies for Chiron transiting Aries. Stay tuned! Also next week, transiting Mercury will conjunct Chiron in Aries at 3ยบ. Soon after, Venus will conjunct him as well. You may as well want to read the post on these Transits.

If Aries falls in a different house in your Birth Chart, feel free to scroll down my blog to find the right post for you. If you'd like me to read your Birth Chart, Progressed Chart, Astrocartography (to find the best relocation place to live), or other kind of astrological information, please email me to or

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