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Astrology is based on the Geometry and Mathematics of the Universe. The Universe, like everything in existence, is put together in harmony by elements in orbit around other elements, from the atom to the galaxies. The cosmic bodies relate to each other in cycles marked by their orbits. In their relationships to each other they have phases. The most visible and common example for us is the Moon orbiting around the Earth in relationship to the Sun light. But the same happens to all of the cosmic bodies in relationship to other cosmic bodies, which creates cycles within cycles of energy exchange, exactly like atoms work to form molecules and molecules to make up substances. They work in harmony to give a certain kind of energy (contained in the substance).
Chiron Cycles of Healing
Have you ever wonder why most people get along better with grandparents than with parents? Astrology answers that question very precisely. Studying the cycles of Chiron, one can understand why. As I explained before in Part I, Where we come from, Chiron's ovoidal orbit is out of wack between Saturn's and Uranus'; sometimes touching the first one, and later touching and going beyond the second one.
This means that Chiron travels certain signs (i.e. Pisces and Aries for 8 years) for a long long time, and others (i.e. Libra for 1 year, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius 2 years). Going forward from the Natal Chiron Placement, he would form the first quarter square very soon for one generation of people, and very late for the next generation. Keep in mind that Chiron takes ~50 years around the Sun, an average lifetime nowadays. The same is true for his opposition and second quarter square to his Natal placement. While your mother maybe had the first quarter square when she was a young child, maybe at 6 years old, you may have had it at 23 years old. However, your grandparents had it around the same age you had it. This is why, you synchronize better with them.
Considering that each of those geometrical formations, including Chiron Return to the Natal Placement at 51 years old, represents a critical icon in human psychological development through the energetic evolution of the Soul, one can easily relate its occurrence to very noticeable events in our life. Often times, they represent a time of a crisis in consciousness. When reading a client's chart, and looking back at those life times coinciding with Chiron first square, opposition, etc., the client remembers very vividly the life event, circumstances, or psychological shift that occurred. Usually, what happened at those times was pivotal in their personal evolution. Thus, when the client starts tying up the four phases of Chiron in his or her life, he or she discovers the theme and the course of the healing process taking place in this lifetime. Also, as I explained in Part I as well, the position of Saturn and Uranus every time is critical in the way the process manifests.
The Moon Phases
In order to better understand the importance of the cosmic bodies phases, let's take the example of the Moon. Each of us was born in a certain phase of the Moon. Some during New or Full Moon, others, during the First Quarter or Second Quarter Moon. This determines the emotional personality of the person and how she relates to the world. As the Chart progresses, and the Moon advances, one sees the person's emotional evolution very clearly! I am amazed (and hopefully you are too) at how Astrology shows so precisely who we are and how we evolve through life!
For example, comparing the different phases of the Moon to the process of a plant growth, the process starts with the seed underground in darkness (Balsamic Moon Phase, a few days right before the New Moon), it's the end of Winter, a cycle has ended, but Nature is getting ready for Spring. Quoting Kelly Surtees, people born "at the Balsamic Moon have entered a lifetime of closure and completion." They emotionally retreat to understand better their karmic past, they are emotional hermits in deep reflection. They form relationships to finish unfinished past life 'business' with others. Often times, they encounter people with whom they have short but very transformational relationships. The completions get this person ready to start anew in the next life. Those born at the New Moon are starters of a new cycle, they initiate a new emotional life. Thus, every person is born under a different emotional personality according to the Moon Phase they have in their Natal Chart. You can calculate your natal Moon Phase on this website.
Chiron Phases
Chiron phases to himself can be daunting. One of my clients fell in severe depression and anorexia at 13 years old and had to start psychiatric treatment; while another went on a spiritual quest at age 23 that took her to another country leaving behind everything, both of them during the first quarter square. The theme continues evolving and appears with a different face in the subsequent Chiron opposition, square and Return. Another client had a painful relationship trauma during his Chiron Return, that finally taught him what he had been avoiding to recognize for 50 years.
We often go through life asleep and oblivious to what the problem really is, repeating self destructive behavior, and suffering without understanding why. Learning about the condition of your Natal Chiron, its placement by Sign, House and Aspects, and understanding the life events during those phases, can shed light into your psychological evolution, making you aware of what is deeply transforming in your Soul. As I always say, Awareness is the best tool we can use to heal. Sometimes, this new clear self-understanding can save us years of therapy where we spend time, money and energy talking aimlessly to a professional that may know a lot about general Psychology, but will never know us better than we can know ourselves if we work at it.
Additionally, when we learn about Chiron in our Birth Chart and his evolution through the years, we can understand the best course of healing, personalized. Chiron teaches us about alternative methods that may work more efficiently with our individual Chiron issue. You may want to read more about Chiron's alternative healing methods in my post Chiron - The Healing Journey.
Please feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom of this article. Share it if you can with friends and family. If you are interested in having your Birth Chart read, please contact me at pukavypora@gmail.com, or satsangatyoga@gmail.com. Interested in learning more on your own? Here are my reading recommendations.
Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, by Barbara Hand Clow, Astrologer.
Chiron, Healing Body and Soul, by Martin Lass
Once Upon a Midlife, Classic Stories and Mythic Tales to Illuminate the Middle Years by Allan B. Chinnen, M.D.
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