Thursday, March 7, 2019

Chiron transiting Aries - Part III - Taurus and Scorpio

For Taurus Rising, Aries is the 12th house
For Scorpio Rising, Aries is the 6th house
Chiron in Aries in the 12th House

(maybe for Taurus rising)

Chiron in Aries in the 12th house represents a journey within to find who we are. A conflicted sense of identity looks for solutions in confined, hidden, secret or isolated spaces. The individual may be triggered by daily events at work, health problems, tangible imbalances, and in relationships with service people or people in need of him or her,  to reflect on the 'who am I?' subjects.

One way of manifesting this process can be a disappearance of identity, denying or blocking innate shameful personality features. On the other hand, fearing the identity dissolution, one can try intimately proving one's sense of identity in dreams, or by retreating into isolated or secluded places.

Projecting the unconscious identity drama will show up in the relationships with 6th house people, i.e. service providers, employees, people in the fringes of society, the poor and needy, even on a small pet. Remember that other people work as mirrors. When we see someone else, we don't really see who they are, but the reflection of who we think we are. These people will end up being a great source of identity revelations. Therefore, if these relationships show us unsavory aspects, make sure not to react, and if you do, take it as an example of your intolerance for your own inadequacy feelings about that trait in yourself. Anybody and anything could be a great teacher if we are able to tune in to the lesson.

Yet, there will be individuals who would sabotage themselves by escaping the identity reassessment implied by Chiron. Some would numb themselves with substances, others may find other 'hidden' enemies that will arrive to sabotage their sense of identity. 'Hidden' enemies can be in the form of people, drugs, real or apparent external situations, problems. Feelings of inadequacy, of not being enough or being too much will dominate the time alone.

Given the intense introspection, and the sensitive nature of analyzing core issues related to the way one presents oneself to the world, the individual may be inclined to seek professional advice, or spiritual ways of relief. In fact, any kind of spiritual journeying activity can be a positive way to deal with 7 years of introspection. Formal meditation practice, like transcendental, vipassana (insight), breath, mindfulness, or metta (pure unconditional love) meditation styles, is an invaluable tool that can help the individual find answers to any identity question.

Ultimately, if this Chiron process gets too deep and the individual feels unable to handle it anymore, psychotherapy, counseling, hypnosis and shamanic journeying can alleviate the pressure and provide an  issue for releasing the conflict.

Chiron in Aries in the 6th House

(maybe for Scorpio rising)

In the 6th house, Chiron represents a journey of finding our identity through life imbalances. It gives the feeling of not being enough, or of having to prove who we are in situations of conflict, challenge,  or illness. The meaning of our existence, thus affirming the identity, will be found in the workplace, or in the service of others. Feelings of inadequacy may arise related to the way we conduct our work, be it methods, processes, or problem solving. The lack of boundaries between the individual and his or her employees or service providers may be the source of questioning the sense of being or an opportunity to prove it.

The inability to keep schedules, daily routines can also trigger feelings of doubt about self reliance.  The individual may project those inadequacy feelings on service providers, or needy people in order to prove or disapprove his ability to keep up with time management. Remember the mirror effect I explained above for the 12th house. The lack of organization and planning may be the reason why one feels inadequate in the workplace or daily life situations. One can develop an obsession with being on time or plan ahead, or conversely, always arriving a few minutes late or being unprepared, affirming, one way or another, our feelings of not being good enough in the completion of these tasks.

There is a tendency here, as well, to escape. The person can become more obsessive with his or her addictions, in order to flee the daily responsibilities for which he or she feels inadequate. On the other hand, the individual can get fixated on doing everything perfectly to the point of not accomplishing anything, but looking, in the process, for a satisfaction of being capable. 

One may become sick to prove one's existence by receiving health services. Somehow, hospital visits or stays can be at play in the search for self affirmation. Conversely, the individual may become fixated on dietary regimens and alternative therapy methods, in order to prove that he or she is able to be healthy and fit.

In conclusion, becoming aware of what the process is about, gives us the freedom to stop and observe it, and then decide how to best handle it. Best wishes to all! Go next to Part IV

If you missed them, please visit the Introduction and the Chiron transiting Aries description previous posts.

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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