Sunday, December 8, 2019

Full Moon in Gemini - December 11-12, 2019

The Quest for the Truth

The Moon has come to the maximum separation from the Sun where she fully reflects his light. Our psychic opposes our conscious self. It's the time of the month when emotions are at the highest point; this time they are closely tied to our efforts to make sense of something we learn, of some information that is not clear. We are trying to find out the truth.

Sun in Sagittarius conjuncts asteroid Pallas Athena

Pallas Athena Statue at Austria Parliament. Public commons image.

Pallas Athena (Minerva) is the daughter of Zeus, Jupiter in Roman Mythology, born from his head. Therefore, she carries her father's wisdom, and sense of justice, ethics, and natural law. She represents the critical thinking process that uses logical skills, strategy, discernment, and courage.

Conjunct the Sun in this Full Moon, Pallas Athena help us see patterns in a broader perspective, look for repeated themes, and use the small pieces of information as pieces of a wider puzzle, to find the significance of it all. She unifies our right and left brain helping us to make sense of what we learn.

Pallas Athena Statue - Public commons image
Even though she fights for justice, she searches for the truth before judging, uses her intelligence to avoid violence and war, but wouldn’t shy away from going to war to defend truth and righteousness if necessary. If you've read my New Moon in Sagittarius report in November, you know that Pallas Athena, has been the diplomatic element in the political issues of the day. Able to see the big picture, she uses her creative intelligence to make wise political compromises, advises those in power, who apparently need a lot of advice these days. She helps to make difficult decisions in relationships, and can bring spiritual and mental healing.

Full Moon in Gemini

The Full Moon happens December 11, 2019 at 11:12 pm CDT, 5:12 UTC. Not only does it culminate the cycle started at the November New Moon in Sagittarius,  but it's also the culmination of the six month Moon cycle started at the New Moon in Gemini in June. Do you recall the events in your life then? What are you learning now about them?

The Moon sheds light on new knowledge, some new piece of information we learn. Gemini is always eager to find out data, gather all the ideas it can and pile them up pell-mell. The Twins like to know things. The Moon emotionally engages us in the information quest.

With the square to Neptune in Pisces, the mind can be foggy and we may not be able to understand clearly what the information means because of the highly emotional charge. We might need to calm our emotional reaction before we can look deeper into the data, carefully, cautiously to make sense of it.

The Sun in Sagittarius, our conscious perception, is more interested in finding the truth, the real meaning, and put the data into perspective within the great scheme of things. We will be challenge to use the right brain, the higher intuitive mind to be able to discern the significance behind the words. What ideology, what philosophy, does the knowledge fit in?

The Sun also squares Neptune, so our intuition and wisdom may also be dazzled. You may be confused about who you are and the role you play in the reality of the newly learned concepts. You may have a distorted perception of your personality as well. Existential questions may come up. You may end up asking yourself, "who am I, after all?" Authority figures can be really confused, unless they are really spiritual beings.

Neptune will try to find the ultimate truth, how it applies in the context of the collective unconsciousness for the benefit of everybody. We will look for the role of the rest of the people in the new reality that has been presented.

The T-square is like a table with only three legs. In order to stabilize the table, we need to add the fourth leg. In the Zodiac, it is the Sign of Virgo, the mind's ability of critical thinking, analyzing, discernment, classification, organization of the information in compartments, etc. To be able to incorporate the new information, we will have to find some kind of balance between intuitive perception and logical thinking, by organizing the ideas in a sensible way.

However, Mercury, the ruler of the Moon is in Sagittarius. Thus, your mind, now focused on abstract ideas, has a hard time considering the details, logical analysis, or practical implementation of them. It’s like your mind is flying away from you. You may also have a hard time controlling your speech, because a horde of ideas is rushing through quickly, and you’re so amazed at the new discoveries that you’re eager to share them. You may feel the itch to learn more than one thing at the same time.

In any case, if you need to make decisions based on this information, and it's not an urgent decision, it's better to wait until these energies clear and you can have a detached perspective.

For a few days, I recommend walking barefoot, if possible, eating roots, hugging trees and your dog, all of which can bring you down to earth and to your senses. This energy will revive the confusion originated and felt the whole year with the back-and-forth three Jupiter Neptune squares. Remember? What were you confused about all year long, asking yourself ‘is this true or am I imagining it’? Maybe, this time you know the answer! People with mental imbalances can have a rough day, so just chill, and wait a few days. This too will pass!
Sat Nam.

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart.  

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Jupiter in Capricorn 2019-2020

Minerva (Pallas Athena) and the triumph of Zeus (Jupiter) Renee A. Houasse 1706

Jupiter Visits His Enemy's House

Why Jupiter is unhappy in Capricorn, Saturn's home?
Saturn, who was the previous king of the gods, was warned by the Oracles that one of his children would overthrow him. So he began to swallow the children that he had with his wife, Ops (Greek equivalent Rhea), when they were born.  Saturn swallowed Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Juno and Vesta. When Ops realised that she was pregnant with Jupiter, she had the baby secretly and moved to Crete. She gave a stone wrapped in baby clothes to Saturn for him to eat. Saturn believed he had eaten Jupiter, so that was the way Jupiter was saved.

Ops giving Saturn a stone wrapped in baby clothes to eat, to save Jupiter. Public commons picture.
When Jupiter grew up, it was his destiny to dethrone his father, Saturn, as revenge for all he had done to his brothers and sisters in the past. He fought him and made Saturn vomit up all of the children he had swallowed. Then all the brothers and sisters joined forces and overthrew Saturn.

Then, with the help of the Cyclops and the Giants, they declared war on Saturn and the other Titans. Jupiter finally defeated them and at the end of the war, Jupiter took Saturn's scythe and cut him into pieces, throwing his remains into Tartarus. Jupiter then became the King of the Gods. Ha! I thought Saturn was immortal!

Jupiter and his brothers divided the universe among themselves, Jupiter obtained the Heavens, Neptune the Seas, and Pluto all the Riches of the Underworld. (1)

Considering this story, one can see that Jupiter walks very cautiously in the house of Saturn.

Jupiter's Archetype in Greek Mythology

Jupiter in the Olympus

In Greek Mythology, Jupiter was Zeus, the god of honor and justice. He both established and enforced law, and served as the standard for kings to follow, ensuring they did not abuse the power of their position. He was universally respected and revered throughout Ancient Greece.  Highly temperamental, Zeus was armed with the mighty thunderbolt, said to be the most powerful weapon among the gods. Zeus was married to his sister, Hera, though he was infamous for his infidelity, taking on an almost innumerable amount of lovers and consorts. Is this his Natural Law? 🥴😊😇

The Planet Jupiter

Jupiter is the biggest planet of the Solar System, its space fits 1321 planets the size of Earth, and its mass is equivalent to the mass of 318 Earths -just in case you can wrap your mind around that!
He's a symbol of expansion, joy, generosity, optimism, enthusiasm, spirituality, religions and cultures of the world, higher knowledge, right-brain mind, intuition, understanding, wisdom, justice, righteousness, and anything big, be it good of bad. He's also the vacuum cleaner of the Solar System because it absorbs cosmic bodies coming from the outside. This is is detox function, like the liver, which he rules as well, together with the kidneys, both organs of filtering and detoxification.

In the negative way, he can be overindulgence, accumulation of fat and toxins, explosions due to overexpansion, fanaticism, false gurus and teachers, overspending and waste due to too much generosity.

Present transit in Capricorn

Jupiter will transit Capricorn for a year, as usual. This time around his visit to Saturn's house is challenging, to say the least. He anticipates several meetings with different notorious planetary 'personalities'. Among them, the least agreeable -for us- will certainly be his three encounters with his brother, the Lord of the Underworld, owner of all the Wealth of the Earth, on April, June and November 2020. With debilitated influence, Jupiter will closely participate in the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse as well. And he will make other countless planetary contacts.

Generally speaking, Jupiter is constrained in Capricorn. He has to submit to Saturn's rules, regulations, delays and limitations; he can only expand so far as to his material boundaries allow. His optimism and enthusiasm will be thwarted, especially when he soon meets the South Node of the Moon, January 8, 2020, two days before the Lunar Eclipse, and four days before the historical Saturn Pluto conjunction. At that time, the South Node will rob him of some of his optimistic generous excesses, as well as his righteousness and love for justice. 🥺😩😳

Jupiter can expand all Capricornian themes, but consider that he will conjunct the South Node of the Moon, which will extract some of his positive power. The company of Saturn, the sign ruler, and Pluto, the Lord and owner of the World Wealth, is bad for a happy-go-lucky Jupiter. Hunt with cats and you catch only rats, or show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.  Together they may strengthen governmental power and organizations, and political policies, rules, regulations, boundaries (walls). There could be a global transformation to the banking system. We already see conflicts in international relations that may lead to their constraints, increase of xenophobia, and international conflicts.  International travel and migrations will certainly face constriction.

There may be legal and institutional global regulations to corporations. The renewal and redistribution of wealth and power, and the new economic rules will encompass the whole world. They may promote separation of cultures, exacerbation of religious beliefs or increasing spiritual systematic practices and fanaticism.  Drought and cold weather may worsen. Moral values and natural law may take a conservative turn. Justice and legal matters will be submitted to the executive powers that be, which is an alarming sign. 😧

At a personal level, one may seek practical success, may not be satisfied spiritually with one's religious practice or with one's religious organization. Considering the exacerbation of drought, we may face scarcity of resources to survive, and have to develop personal resourcefulness, adjust our home economy. We will certainly become highly aware of how much we've been wasting and will be forced to stop buying what we don't need, and throwing away what we can reuse. This discipline will promote clever inventive practices and care for the earth.

We will not be able to project much into the future because the present concerns will capture all our attention and sustained efforts. Our personal expansion can only go as far as the physical limits allows, so we will be very cautious. Social ascension and notoriety may depend on your being noticed by someone in a position of power. Otherwise, we will have to determine practical objectives and goals if we want to achieve something in the future. I advise to set realistic long term goals, and develop feasible short term goals in that direction. We will have plenty of opportunities to work hard, in a transformative way. We will apply critical thinking in our studies, and may be learning things the hard way as well.

I will write more about Jupiter with my Eclipses reports, and the Saturn Pluto conjunction report that I am already developing. Watch out for those, I will make videos as well.

Follow me daily on TumblrFacebook, and Instagram @pukavypora.
I am live at least twice a month in Youtube 

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

Please make comments, follow my blog, share my posts in your social media, and subscribe by email to receive updates. That will help the promotion of my Blog, and keep you in the loop. Donations are welcome as well. Thank you for reading me. 

Reference:  (1) Wikipedia Jupiter; Zeus

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