Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Conscious Totality of Being - Second Aquarius Full Moon 2021

 The Conscious Totality of Being

Astrotransits of August 15 to 22 


The Second Aquarius Full Moon

This week, your health, your daily routines, and the need to solve some problems are at the forefront with Mars and Mercury in Virgo at the apex of a Yod with Saturn (210º, 8th house energy) and Chiron (150º, 6th house energy). As always, with quincunxes, we look for adjustments, and we need to make compromises or trade-offs more than we would want. With the Yod, the sextile at the bottom of the isosceles triangle provides a possible way out. The social constraints, and scientifically based prescriptions indicated by Saturn in Aquarius support the wounding-healing of Chiron in Aries. This influence will practically dominate the entire week, especially leading to the (second) Aquarius Full Moon. 

 However, as Saturn is retrograde, science is busy reviewing, reconsidering, analyzing the data and studying the results so far. That explains the comings and goings of the authorities handling new directives left and right, provoking a consequent questioning from critical thinkers. Of course, Saturn is last-quarter-squaring Uranus in Taurus, which means that the innovations are questioned, and resisted by society. Saturn wants things to go back to the old ways, but at the same time, because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Uranus is slower moving, Saturn needs to integrate new ways. Saturn will be forced by Uranus to do that by the end of the year when they clash (perfect square again) adding one more to your Christmas presents. 

August 15-17

 The week opens with Venus entering her home of Libra in perfect sextile with the Moon just entering Sagittarius. I’d say it’s a very nice homecoming for Venus, since she is separating from her opposition to Neptune, from a quincunx with Jupiter, and from a trine to Pluto. She says “it’s so good to be back home!”. This may be a breather for relationships and money matters. The turbulent waters start to subside. If you were successful with those previous struggles, you can relax, but, in any case, the troubles will somehow be lifted. 

 As we start the week, father Sun in Leo also forms a Yod with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn from the 14 to the 17 of August. You may have been feeling that you have a hard time to make decisions, considering different (and too many) possibilities, and your hesitance leaves you stranded among several imagined realities. At the same time, you’re persistently planning, analyzing, investigating, and near drowning in that fear of uncertainty, unable to make the necessary changes. The solution again comes from accepting the Pluto transformation of your spiritual being. Human beings are now integrating the idea that all and everything they deal with has a spiritual dimension. This is because everything is energy, from your thoughts to your physical body, from the tangible to the intangible matters. Neptune has been sextile Pluto for decades now, helping us gain a broader spiritual perspective and translate it into our practical life. 

 On the road to the Full Moon, something great happens, a Grand Earth Trine soothes the Mars Mercury quincunx to Chiron. The Moon in Capricorn trine the perfect conjunction of Mercury and Mars in Virgo and both are in an (closely) applying trine to Uranus in Taurus. You give assertive statements, make strong determinations supported by your emotional body and your need for freedom. The trine doesn’t mean that things are good, it only means that the energy flows easily, that it’s easy to go ahead without having to sort obstacles, so be careful of what you say or agree to do since Mercury with Mars can be argumentative. The fact that they are in the mutable sign of Virgo may contribute some flexibility even though they don't see eye to eye with your Chiron wounding. 

August 19

 On August 19, there is another building block to the Aquarius Full Moon, because of the following powerful events in the sky. The Sun in Leo opposes Jupiter at 27º, boosting your creative juices, enhancing your personality to a bombastic level, filling your heart with grandiose optimism, and great enthusiasm. You will feel generous and probably more indulgent with your children. My advice would be to do it within your means, though. There could be some ego clashes here and there. You may reflect or project that need to get noticed, but take care of not overextend yourself in an embarrassing way. Although, for a couple of days, Jupiter will help the meek and shy. 

 Uranus turns retrograde at 14º48’. If you have any planet, angles or points at 14º of Taurus, or any other fixed Sign for that matter, you have been certainly feeling it already, because Uranus has stationed on that degree since July 7. By the way, Uranus will stay planted on that degree until October 4. Uranus will come back there next year, so brace yourselves. My best wishes and blessings! When a planet drills on a certain territory for such a long time, one may expect an excessive power, which we have seen lately with the devastating earthquake (Uranus) in the Caribbean (Taurus). More may come, because in fact the seismic and volcanic activity has increased in intensity lately. Watch out for symbolic ‘earthquakes’ in your personal life, in the Taurus area of experience of your natal chart. 

August 20

 August 20, Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus most probably shows the speedy flow of extraordinary information. There will probably help to organize the needed material assistance (Virgo) to the victims (reflection onto Pisces) of the natural catastrophes (Uranus in Taurus) . Let’s remember as well that all planetary synodic cycles have the imprint of their conjunction energy. When Mercury conjoined Uranus on April 24, 2021, for example, the new Astronauts boarded the ISS after the SpaceX flight. Look on your journal or planner, what happened back then for you personally. This first trine will probably relate to that same theme. 

August 21

 August 21, Venus trine Saturn sobers up your desires, reminds you of traditional values, and helps you moderate spending. Love becomes serious and durable. Adding the North Node, a Grand Air Trine contributes to your incline for relational, communicative, and general social harmony. You are willing to commit to some kind of social participation, to invest your energy in a group activity, or to agree about taking a short trip for a well-planned event. 

August 22

 August 22, just a few hours before the Aquarius Full Moon, with the Moon exactly conjunct Jupiter, Mars makes the first trine to Uranus, inviting you to some exciting adventure. The Mars Uranus synodic cycle started January 20, 2021. If you live in the USA, I don't need to remind you the main event of that day, just consider that is the kind of energy imprinted in their two year cycle. Personally, you want to free yourself from routine work, and go instead with your tribe for some experimental, out of the box physical activity. It doesn’t have to be anything weird, just a sport you’ve never tried before, something new and different for you. You’d probably have a blast! 

Aquarius Full Moon

    Then, Bang! At 7 am CST, the Full Moon happens at 29º♒️37’ just a few minutes away from the position of Venus (28º♒️ 45’) in the January 12, 2020 chart of the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Remember? It feels that it was 100 years ago, right? This is important to consider because it emphasizes the focus on social values and the spiritualization of the collective. In fact, Dane Rudhyar Sabian symbol defines the 30th degree as the “conscious totality of being”, or becoming consciously aware of the collective as ONE. His Mandala states that “A spiritual Brotherhood constitutes a state of "multi-unity" — i.e. a multiplicity of individuals, but a unity of consciousness and "Soul" —thus unanimity ("anima" meaning Soul). In this spiritual Whole, each unit is a recognizable "form" or entity if one looks at it with the eyes of personality; but when seen through a unified spiritual vision or from a distance, the Whole appears to be one single area of radiant light.” 

 If you think about the changes introduced by our unwelcome ‘guest’, the current common enemy to our health (that I refuse to name), you realize that our social (Aquarius) values (Venus) have been radically challenged. That enemy has made us more solidary, able to compromise for the benefit of the group, the community, and even the global collective. 

 This Full Moon is also the completion of the February 11, 2021 Aquarius New Moon @ 23º16’. Remember the Aquarius stellium comparable to the one in February 1962? Its Sabian Symbol was, “Someone who has overcome his/her passions, now shares the earned wisdom as an example for those still striving to overcomes theirs. Responsibility to help others in their evolution.” 

 Now we’ve come to the end of Aquarius, the very last degree where the work has to be wrapped up and completed. 29º♒️ is in the decan of Venus (values again), and the Egyptian term of Saturn (durable, separating, set in stone). This Full Moon, then brings about the completion of the Aquarian journey, where ONE transcends society, and visualizes a higher level of human existence, the unity of consciousness, a unified spiritual vision. When each individual has integrated his or her own part to the ‘community’, by communing in face of the same threat, then we have achieved the “conscious totality of being”. In fact, the common enemy has contributed to our understanding of our integration and belonging to a greater entity, the ONENESS. We now can’t think of ourselves as islands, as floating isolated atoms in the vast space. No. We realized that we belong to Mother Earth, that we are one with the soil, the water, the air, and the ether. We inter-depend on everything else. Only now, are we able to make sense of what Life is, of its Value, and of what we need to do to preserve it. 

 Happy Full Moon!

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