Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Full Moon in Aquarius - August 15, 2019

Full Moon in Aquarius 22º 24'

As a Full Moon is an opposition between the two luminaries, it signals a confrontation between those two energy symbols. The Sun as the generator of Light and creator of Life fully illuminates the Moon, a body that even though is dark, is receptive and reflective. All oppositions, like reflections on a mirror, imply the relationship between the confronting energies, the full awareness of them, and the need to integrate them together.

The Sun in Leo has double strength in this chart, just for being the Center of the Solar System, but also for being on his own Sign, or home. He's been blending his energy with Venus traveling together since Sunday August 11 at 18º until August 15 at 22º, even though the exact conjunction was August 14, at 1:07 am CDT. 

Their combined energies signal an increase in the empowerment of the feminine, of women, of the creative power, of resources, values -moral and financial. Venus in the heart of Apollo, learns from his generosity, and learns a deeper meaning of love, a love that includes all and everybody. She learns a higher level of values, and of responsibility with desires. This is called Superior Conjunction because from Earth, Venus is on the other side of the Sun. Symbolically, this starts a new cycle of Venus as more concerned about mature and lasting love and desires. Becoming an Evening Star, Venus will be less impulsive, less reckless and more thoughtful, gentle and considerate. 

On the other side of the polarity, the Moon is reflecting that light in a mental, logical, intellectual and objective way. Our emotions are almost doubting so much loving and creative energy. The Moon in Aquarius, a fixed Sign, ruled by Uranus in Taurus, another fixed sign, can make us dig our heels in our ideas, and not give in to the needs of the heart. Physically we may feel shaky with anxiety and have difficulty sleeping. Mentally, we may receive intuitive liberating insights, futuristic ideas of freedom and innovation. 

However, the negative manifestation of this Full Moon can make authorities (Sun in Leo the sign of royalty) more selfish, self-centered and self-serving, especially in opposition to the demands of the common people (Moon in Aquarius). With this Full Moon, it's not surprising to see people's rebellions and uprisings all over the world, when we consider that the energies at work are in Fixed, stubborn Signs.

Not only does Uranus Rx in Taurus have a stronger stubborn electrical attitude, but, even though he doesn't make an exact square by angles, it challenges both the Leo stellium and the Moon at the same time, because Venus rules Taurus, and Uranus rules Aquarius. 

Uranus in Taurus is feeding people's minds with re-valorization of the natural resources. Survival of the common people is threatened, and the 'royal' (Leo) elite holding the power seems to only be working to protect their own survival, and their own 'values' at the expense of everything and everyone else, including the planet. 

This Full Moon is charged with the antagonist clash between the authoritarian powers and the common people (Moon). Let's not forget that Venus and the Sun are inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn, which signals that the rebellion is against those authorities' coercive schemes, against corrupted political institutions and powers trying to subdue, even subjugate them.

I refer you back to my previous post on the upcoming Saturn Pluto Conjunction.  Last time, in 1518, when that conjunction took place in Capricorn, Uranus was also in Taurus, at 4º in an exact trine.  Then, Europeans, invading the today called American Continent, waged war against the Natives on the premise that they where not Christian (which at the time meant not being human), thus ensuring their own survival outside the overcrowded European continent where there was an economic crisis. 

Mercury in an almost exact square to Uranus, in fixed signs, and trine to Chiron, adds his dose of intellectual debate. This square makes for intransigent ideas, stubborn discussions, clashes of ideologies, internet debates, heated words, conspiracy speculations. No one yields, no one gives in. Each side has its reasons, evidence, pieces of information. The internet can be figuratively on fire. In fact, technology wise, we may experience some hiccups as well.

Mercury trine Chiron. Something that happened or was stirred up during the Solar Eclipse was crucial and instrumental in the message Mercury brings to the Sun's home of Leo and to Chiron today. Visit my post about the activation of Chiron this month, to find out what it is.
This is the collective perspective to interpret this chart, matching the evidence in the news, using observation and correlation of symbols. 

I know some may see this Full Moon as a very positive energy to give us a new creative and lucky boost, but remember that energies are neutral, and people can use them with free will, to do good or bad actions.  Even Venus and Jupiter, the supposedly 'benefic', can be bad if we overdo them.  In your personal life, depending on how the transiting cosmic bodies make contact with your Natal Chart, the level of evolution you have, and the decisions you make, the results can be dramatically different. Thus the need to have a personal reading if you like to know how the Full Moon will affect your life. 
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