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From Wikipedia commons That white speckle around 10 o'clock is not dust on your screen, it's Saturn, the blue circle in the middle is Jupiter's orbit around the Sun. The crazy red 'circle'? It's Chiron's orb. Do you understand now why it's called 'wounded'? |
Venus comes along to the Sun stage in Leo as part of the cast, remember from July's episode of Chiron Story? Once more, she stirs Chiron's sensitivity to his ugliness and disharmony, but this time his painful love has matured. Chiron is now ready to take the challenge of unconditional love. His enlightenment allows him to "see beauty where [he hadn't] noticed it, and find value in what [he previously] dismissed as ugly or worthless" (Melanie Reinhart, The Healing Journey, pg 207).
Chiron's enlightenment is due to the influence of Venus square Uranus, the Lord of the Heavens, the awakener, and the maverick. This may have us like things we didn't like before, especially things, places, people foreign to us, different, foreign cultures, foreigners, out of the norm, and yes, imperfect! We may attract or feel attracted to the weirdness of Chiron. Remember that Uranus is also making a long-lasting semi sextile with Chiron, about which I wrote in my July story.
Venus trine Chiron is part of the New Moon in Leo energy (July 31-August 1). Now, that Venus is so close to the Sun, she is 'shy', she is ready to make the necessary compromise, and give Chiron the kiss. Belle kisses the Beast. However, like with Shrek, the Beast may not transform into the beautiful blue-eyed charming Prince. That's not the point. What is important is to love ourselves just as we are. Are we ready to love the ugliness as well as the beauty? Can we live with imperfection and [maybe] dysmorphia? Can we forgive our shortcomings and try once more? Yes, we can, because Venus is inspired, generous, forgiving, and humble.
Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aires is the most sacred self healing. A generous pouring of love helps Chiron to open up and show his wound of repressed feelings. We regain confidence in being human, a spiritual being living this wonderful physical experiment. Yes, we are vulnerable, yes we are hurt, yes we are imperfect, and THAT's our medicine. If we are to succeed in a love relationship, we start by learning self-love.
August 11 - The Moon square Chiron
The Moon in Capricorn forms the Third Quarter Square with Chiron. We find ourselves in introspection, reassessing the emotional process of our healing. We may feel grateful for the results. We have gained some revealing insights about how the Chiron wound works in our life. So, we are ready to let go of a piece of the pain and suffering. We assimilate the healing like fresh water in a hot day.
The Moon is the one that is constantly touching our wound, so you might want to read my blog post on the specific influence of the Moon Phases on Chiron.
August 16 - Mercury trine Chiron
Mercury in Leo has come to serve Apollo, he is the negotiator messenger or mediator in conflicts. If you remember, last month Mercury stopped less than a degree short of trining Chiron when he turn 'retrograde'. There was a piece of information he was missing and went back to the degree of the July 16 Lunar Eclipse to find it. Picture this in your mind's eye: Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, goes back where Apollo was at 24º ♋️ to find something left behind. Something that happened or was stirred up during that eclipse was crucial and instrumental in the message Mercury brings to the Sun's home of Leo and to Chiron today.
Maybe, today we realize how this identity wound of Chiron in Aries, is related to our early childhood (Cancer) when we lived with our parents. We may remember, "When I was a child... I was once an unhappy child... I long for my home as I wanted it to be... I was hurt in my family then... that was the first time I felt this wound." Something happened then. But we are ready to deal with it now, aren't we?
Again, remember that Mercury is also square Uranus. Uranus's electricity can jolt the mind, completely changing the thinking connections and patterns, and helping us see the reality from a entirely new perspective. Uranus awakens the mind! Especially in a hard cosmic aspect with Mercury, it challenges outmoded concepts, and questions our naming process.
If you remember, from my Chiron activation in June blogpost, today's story may be related to what was going on June 7. It even can refer to Chiron story in May when Mercury activated him. It is important to keep a journal, so we can observe our evolution, take conscious actions, and make conscious decisions. Listening to Mercury's message makes us aware. We question things and find answers.
When I heard the song "You Say" , it blew my mind how well it represents Mercury trine Chiron. It says: "I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough. Every single lie that says I'll never measure up. Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know." I hope you enjoy it.
So, today is the day to intellectually understand the lies we've been telling ourselves because of what we were once 'fed' at home early in life. Mercury in Leo, even though it's still combust because of the proximity of the Sun, still makes our mind confident, positive. This song or some other communication may be the inspirational message that can flip our wounded thinking forever. Listen!
August 25 - Mars and Venus conjunct 5º Virgo, quincunx Chiron in Aries
Now we are learning how to adjust our performance, our actions with the new 'warrior' gear we just got with the Leo lessons. It may feel awkward to move with the new Chironic skills. Sometimes we may feel too impulsive, trying to initiate a different kind of relationships for example, other moments we may feel that we can't 'wear' this new concept of ourself so easily, we spend our energy analyzing or we just decide is better to retreat. Mars and Venus together increase our sensual attraction, we long for a tender sexual mate, but Chiron is nagging on the other side, still insecure, still not trusting in himself. The wound of love may bring up past life or childhood traumas in relationships that now need to be looked at in order to be resolved. But let's keep trying, in spite of the mistakes. Practice, practice, practice, makes it perfect.
August 29 - The Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron
Now we need to adjust the new shine we have from the Sun energy. Since it is so new, we may try to show off too much, or we may fall back again to the shy side of Chiron, avoiding taking the personal authority and confidence necessary to show who we really are. There might be moments when we ask, "is it true that I am OK with these faults, imperfections, shortcomings?, will you accept me anyway?". Yes, you are OK! The more beautiful because you are crooked, hurt, full of scars, you are UNIQUE! So use the Sun's confidence and warmth to your advantage.
The Astronomy of Chiron
On a side note, remember that Chiron is now transiting the coldest side of his orbit around the Sun, meaning that is the farthest from him. Chiron came to perihelion (closest point to the Sun) in 1996 and will reach aphelion mid 2021. This deepens the meaning of Chiron transiting the Sign of Aries. The identity issues can be more cruelly perceived, may be more obscure also and harder to pinpoint for us. The more awareness you develop, the better. It is a good time to learn and practice some alternative healing methods based on using the wound. If you're interested, I refer you back to a previous post on the Healing Journey and the Cycles of Healing.
Note: Always consider transits in the context of your whole chart. I made the effort to do my analysis as thorough as possible, but it is not possible to give all the possibilities, much less the personal influence. Any transit is felt more intensely when it aspects one of your Natal or Progressed planets or points. In order to have a more accurate personal report you need a personal reading.
Much love to you. Sat Nam.
Order your Reading
You can reach me at pukavypora@gmail.com.
August 16 - Mercury trine Chiron
Mercury in Leo has come to serve Apollo, he is the negotiator messenger or mediator in conflicts. If you remember, last month Mercury stopped less than a degree short of trining Chiron when he turn 'retrograde'. There was a piece of information he was missing and went back to the degree of the July 16 Lunar Eclipse to find it. Picture this in your mind's eye: Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, goes back where Apollo was at 24º ♋️ to find something left behind. Something that happened or was stirred up during that eclipse was crucial and instrumental in the message Mercury brings to the Sun's home of Leo and to Chiron today.
Maybe, today we realize how this identity wound of Chiron in Aries, is related to our early childhood (Cancer) when we lived with our parents. We may remember, "When I was a child... I was once an unhappy child... I long for my home as I wanted it to be... I was hurt in my family then... that was the first time I felt this wound." Something happened then. But we are ready to deal with it now, aren't we?
Again, remember that Mercury is also square Uranus. Uranus's electricity can jolt the mind, completely changing the thinking connections and patterns, and helping us see the reality from a entirely new perspective. Uranus awakens the mind! Especially in a hard cosmic aspect with Mercury, it challenges outmoded concepts, and questions our naming process.
If you remember, from my Chiron activation in June blogpost, today's story may be related to what was going on June 7. It even can refer to Chiron story in May when Mercury activated him. It is important to keep a journal, so we can observe our evolution, take conscious actions, and make conscious decisions. Listening to Mercury's message makes us aware. We question things and find answers.
When I heard the song "You Say" , it blew my mind how well it represents Mercury trine Chiron. It says: "I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough. Every single lie that says I'll never measure up. Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know." I hope you enjoy it.
So, today is the day to intellectually understand the lies we've been telling ourselves because of what we were once 'fed' at home early in life. Mercury in Leo, even though it's still combust because of the proximity of the Sun, still makes our mind confident, positive. This song or some other communication may be the inspirational message that can flip our wounded thinking forever. Listen!
August 25 - Mars and Venus conjunct 5º Virgo, quincunx Chiron in Aries
Now we are learning how to adjust our performance, our actions with the new 'warrior' gear we just got with the Leo lessons. It may feel awkward to move with the new Chironic skills. Sometimes we may feel too impulsive, trying to initiate a different kind of relationships for example, other moments we may feel that we can't 'wear' this new concept of ourself so easily, we spend our energy analyzing or we just decide is better to retreat. Mars and Venus together increase our sensual attraction, we long for a tender sexual mate, but Chiron is nagging on the other side, still insecure, still not trusting in himself. The wound of love may bring up past life or childhood traumas in relationships that now need to be looked at in order to be resolved. But let's keep trying, in spite of the mistakes. Practice, practice, practice, makes it perfect.
August 29 - The Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron
Now we need to adjust the new shine we have from the Sun energy. Since it is so new, we may try to show off too much, or we may fall back again to the shy side of Chiron, avoiding taking the personal authority and confidence necessary to show who we really are. There might be moments when we ask, "is it true that I am OK with these faults, imperfections, shortcomings?, will you accept me anyway?". Yes, you are OK! The more beautiful because you are crooked, hurt, full of scars, you are UNIQUE! So use the Sun's confidence and warmth to your advantage.
The Astronomy of Chiron
On a side note, remember that Chiron is now transiting the coldest side of his orbit around the Sun, meaning that is the farthest from him. Chiron came to perihelion (closest point to the Sun) in 1996 and will reach aphelion mid 2021. This deepens the meaning of Chiron transiting the Sign of Aries. The identity issues can be more cruelly perceived, may be more obscure also and harder to pinpoint for us. The more awareness you develop, the better. It is a good time to learn and practice some alternative healing methods based on using the wound. If you're interested, I refer you back to a previous post on the Healing Journey and the Cycles of Healing.
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Sun · Jupiter · Saturn · Uranus · 2060 Chiron Wikipedia commons |
Note: Always consider transits in the context of your whole chart. I made the effort to do my analysis as thorough as possible, but it is not possible to give all the possibilities, much less the personal influence. Any transit is felt more intensely when it aspects one of your Natal or Progressed planets or points. In order to have a more accurate personal report you need a personal reading.
Much love to you. Sat Nam.
Order your Reading
You can reach me at pukavypora@gmail.com.
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