Saturday, April 27, 2019

Chiron activation - Transits to Chiron in May, 2019

Mercury in Gemini 5º sextile Chiron 5º Aries on May 23

Mercury is at home in Gemini. He is now very active looking for all the information he can gather. He's in the neighborhood, in the city, meeting people, chatting, asking questions on the go to everybody. He has busy short trips to and fro. He's busy learning new skills via the internet and filing the data. His connection with Chiron is an auspicious one in the healing process.

When he sextile Chiron in Aries, we have the opportunity to name our wound, and if we are ready, maybe it's time to talk about it with someone who can contribute to our healing. This could be a painful or hurtful conversation that finally lets out that negative energy, resulting in a relief. We may have the opportunity to learn about our wound. Maybe we receive a message, or read an article, or come across something in the media that represents or expresses exactly our inadequate feelings regarding our Chiron journey in Aries.

Mercury in Gemini gives Chiron an opportunity to learn or teach about its wound. Mercury stimulates the mind giving us insights into the healing or helping us realize where the pain is. It can also contribute to alleviate the pain by discovering information related to alternative healing methods.

Mercury also represents siblings and neighbors. During this fast but positive connection to Chiron, they may find a way to heal themselves. It's definitely an opportunity to heal our relationships with any of them. Mercury represents also the learning of new skills. We may realize that there is a new skill available to learn that can heal our Aries wound.

It is a great time for counseling or group therapy where we can talk about our Chiron in Aries sorrows. Also Meditation on the Breath or with a Mantra are especially indicated for this impaired Mercurian energy.

Mars at 5º Cancer square Chiron 5º Aries on May 24.

Mars in Cancer may not be so comfy, he is all sensitive and too soft and mushy to be aggressive. He rather uses his energy to protect and defend our emotional core, or to safeguard the home and family. He may not show his impulsive, warrior-like quality, but for nurturing and providing the most private needs of our soul. We may feel that is difficult to assert or defend ourselves, or to obtain what we desire.

Presently, he's the ruler of Chiron in Aries, so, any aspects he makes to Chiron will be important and noticeable. He may awake awareness of our identity wound in the house Aries occupies in the Chart. We may attempt unsuccessfully to defend our right to be, or to protect and sooth that inner unease by acting out emotionally. Feeling guilty for our firm convictions and direct attitudes, can either frustrate us or awake a need to stand up for ourselves instead of avoiding confrontations.

We may have high sensitivity to hostility, anger and violence or its perception even if it is not there, and do something about it. Conversely, we may tend to repress anger and sexual urges with a fear of becoming too self assertive. Repressed negative feelings can give frustration and even upset the stomach. This is a dynamic provocative energy that impels us to action to right the wrongs of our lives.

In the world, we may see events where suffering people rebel against oppressors, injustice, or against the adversity in their lives. They may fight for their safety, survival, food, shelter. This may highlight the effect of some other planetary interactions that have been going on for a while now. 

The best way to use this conflictive energy between Mars and Chiron, would be finding ways of active healing, especially of emotional, intuitive, motherly kind. This is a great time for physical therapists and yoga teachers, especially if they combine physical activity with other emotional or spiritual techniques to channel this impaired Martian energy.

A meditation using hand movement to connect with the brain, like Kirtan Kriya, or Sat Kriya to raise energy towards the higher chakras, can open the energy flow and balance the nervous system command.

Sun 5º Gemini sextile Chiron May 26

The Sun in Gemini sheds light on the issues of Chiron. It opens up an opportunity to stand up to authorities of any kind in your life, be it father figures, bosses, teachers, heads of organizations, etc. It also helps us to be aware of our own authority in matters of Chiron in our Natal Chart. In what way are you unique? How comfortable are you with your shortcomings and imperfections? How comfortable are you with your qualities? What sensitivity is overwhelming to you regarding your self-expression? We can use the energy of this aspect to face those issues and do something about them.

A situation or event may arise that gives us the opportunity to heal the relationship with our own father, or with men in general. We could even tap into our self-healing power, that can rebalance the personal masculine (outgoing or yang) energy.

Sun sextile Chiron may give us an opportunity to heal our identity issues at the core. One way it can manifest is to meet a person who reflects to us our own trauma, feelings of inadequacy, or identity conflicts, bringing them up into conscious awareness for us to face them. If we pay attention, we realize that what we consider unacceptable or awkward in the other, is in fact, what we don't tolerate about ourselves. 

A good way to use this healing opportunity is to tap into the creative self-expression, and share our creations with others. Do you paint, do wood work, gardening, costume design, do you sculpt, sing, or knit? What is the talent that can best show who you are? It doesn't matter if you're not a professional at it, but it is a way to say who you are with qualities, skills, deficits, errors, and flaws. You have now an opportunity to accept yourself just as you are, love and enjoy being yourself.

Sebian Symbol Aries 5º

Dane Rudyard's Sebian Symbol for Aries 5º says

"Aries 5°: A triangle with wings. The capacity for self-transcending.
This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of "levitation" is seen as one of the two essential factors in evolution. The emergent being glorifies and deifies it, but it is still only an ideal. At this stage, nevertheless, the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization.
At this point the last and synthesizing stage of the first five-fold unit in the cyclic process is reached. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavors."

If the reader is interested in reading the Sebian Symbol for the other 5º in Gemini and Cancer, they can be found in They are surprising to say the least.  

Numerology of 5  (All those planets are all at 5º)

Number 5 represents freedom, the search of happiness, creativity, independence of thought and action, desire to change in order to be happy. This symbolism agrees with Chiron in Aries, the Cardinal Sign that looks for independence of spirit and initiation, and promotes change and self-realization.

According to Angel Numbers, number 5 has "a message to do with your health and wellbeing. Your angels are helping you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices and changes that will enhance and benefit you in many ways;  physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually."

Note: Be reminded that astrological events cannot be taken in isolation. Current transits may or may  not make contact with your natal or progressed chart's planets, therefore, their energy may not be felt or significant for everyone. Transits should also be considered in the context of the whole chart. 
For personal readings, please contact me at

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