Sunday, May 3, 2020

Full Moon in Scorpio - Discover Your Creativity

Full Moon in Scorpio 
May 7, 2020 @ 5:48 am
Sun ☍ Moon at 17º 20'

Sun in Taurus sheds his light on the material resources needed to survive. He transfers his light on the Moon in Scorpio, marking a moment of enlightenment, when we become aware of the deep financial mysteries of the economy, or of secret resources we didn't know existed. This Moon cycle started last month at 3º Taurus with Uranus. Today we realize the maximum potential, the completion of the process started then. However, we won't see the complete results of this Moon cycle until the Full Moon in Taurus in six months.

The Moon in Scorpio's two rulers are Mars and Pluto. Mars in Aquarius empowers people with the the connections we have made through the increased online social activity during this time and probably with the secrets we have discovered. Mercury, not only sextile Neptune, but also invisible under the Sun's rays, shows that we can't believe everything that we read or hear, all the while providing great intellectual creativity, with a prolific imagination and much fantasy, but not much logical thinking. Mars in Aquarius has done much scientific investigation and experimentation as well, in search of solutions for the present pandemia and the consequent unemployment. This Scorpio Moon trine Neptune has a great potential for creativity, tapping into our intense emotions. The Plutonian emotional drive can serve us well in creating our future.

Reinforcing the creative nature of this Scorpio Full Moon chart, there are several quintile aspects that give shape to a Pentagram figure minus on leg. With all elements involved, the Moon in Water, Jupiter in Earth, Chiron in Fire, and Venus in Air, we can be certain to have the energetic harmony at our disposal to realize our dream. Imagine! Then, do it!
Venus, the artificer of the Pentagram, in Gemini, ruled by a heliacal (invisible) Mercury, and square Neptune in Pisces, adds even more romantic imagination, fantasy and creativity to our social interactions, intimate relationships and financial deals. Her travel through the social Sign of the Twins is unstable, fickle, movable, and variable, a good energy to enjoy the moment, but not to make long term plans. Plus, remember that she will soon turn retrograde and you'll re-evaluate any relationship or financial decision you may have made in April. During Venus retrograde, you may see with different eyes your long standing ties, affiliations, marital union, or other alliances. However, do not rush into actions until the end of July, once her reevaluation is over and you are back to the normal Venusian vibe.

The Moon sheds her light also on her modern ruler, Pluto's regeneration in Capricorn, with its power struggles, financial secrets, and institutional manipulations. Now, that Pluto is retrograde, digging his heels in search of the ultimate and most occult source of corruption, people may have access to new information. Together with Jupiter, soon retrograde as well, they are the makers of colossal fortunes in the multi millions. The light of this Moon may spotlight them in public, increasing people's understanding of underhanded deals. Taxes, inheritances, loans, bank transactions and the possessions of people who have died, are issues that may appear on the table as well. It may now be your opportunity to build your wealth.

Mercury trine Pluto promotes the reformation of elementary education, transformation of healthcare, of personal hygiene, and an overhaul of dietary habits. People see the need to re-create their daily routines and communication style. Pluto's intense regeneration makes extreme your thinking, ideas, learning and intellectual processes, with an all or nothing attitude. 

Take advantage of the regenerative and creative Full Moon to imagine your new future through your immediate experiences. Learn new skills now that will be useful then. Carpe Diem! Sat Nam.

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