Thursday, October 10, 2019

Full Moon in Aries - October 13, 2019

The Apple of the Discord, Venus in The Louvre, Paris, France. public commons image

Full Moon in Aries conjunct Eris

The Moon, our yin energy, at her apogee, completely illuminated by the opposing Sun, has a meeting with Eris, the Goddess of Strife and Discord. The Moon reaches her fullness of emotional power in the Sign of Aries, the house of Mars, the warrior, who, by the way, is the brother of Eris! We can expect conflicts to heat up even more. With a Golden Apple, Eris provoked the Trojan War, that's how we still use the expression 'the apple of the discord' referring to the cause of a conflict. How current! -you think.

That is just the introduction. In my daily posts, I have been saying that things will heat up a notch or two. The events around the world confirm the cosmic message. Can we see that 'as above, so below'?Astrology is a language; through the symbols and archetypes we read our worldly story.

The Sun Moon Axis is exactly squared by Pluto's concentrated demolition in Capricorn. And like if that is not enough, the Moon trines Jupiter and the Sun sextiles Jupiter. That is to say, that things will acquire even colossal -grotesque? proportions!

Mars, the ruler of this Full Moon is fortunately in Libra, attempting diplomatic negotiations in favor of people who are suffering (Chiron in Aries). But it's at odds with the value changes Uranus is operating in the area of resources, and the material reality of the earth, like nature, climate, water, raw materials, financial markets, etc. Uranus and Mars are not on the same page. Uranus wants freedom from constrictions, innovation, he has eccentric desires, like using technology to produce organic food, to feed humanity so we are not added to the list of almost extinct species. Mars in Libra hopes he can reconcile the polarities, so people can live in harmony and cooperation, no matter their skin color, their ethnicity, belief system, etc.

Mars, (Diplomat), Relief at Cour Carrée, Louvre, Paris, France.
public commons image

Mars in Libra is ruled by Venus, who in turn rules Taurus, where Uranus is. And Venus in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, opposes Uranus. In the end, the Moon is ruled by Venus, but Venus is ruled by Pluto. Therefore, the Moon is overpowered by the Lord of the Underworld. We can see the decomposition, purging and purification in the realm of desires, values, finances, and power struggles in relationships. Detox time! Superficiality, banality and  frivolity will not do anymore. Venus wants the raw and pure substance of our heart. Uranus can operate a revolution, can liberate, can introduce innovation, technology in order to save the world resources.

Full Moon of Relationships

In the playground of relationships, the energy demands actions to balance or counterbalance power. If one has been disempowered in the exchange, has been at the receiving end of abusive behaviour, victimized, cheated, if the relationship was already screaming for change, this is the time to walk away and empower oneself.  If, on the other hand, someone has been manipulative, obsessive, jealous, even violent, at this time, the relationship will break as well, and his or her power will be taken away.
Full Moon in West Palm Beach, Florida.
With permission from the author, Suzanne Haik-Hynes.

For a long while, Pluto has been smashing into powder the obsolete structures, conventions, beliefs, restrictions, social standards that rule those relationships. (I.e. 'I don't want to divorce because I will lose the big house/high status/social image/lifestyle') Uranus now urges to value something different, out of the norm, instigates a love rebellion, the need to break the mold.

If a person has repressed her or his sexuality because it goes against what society considers acceptable, this is the kind of energy that will liberate that person. Very intimate, hidden, even taboo relationships issues will be forced to come out into the light of this Full Moon for resolution.

I think one lesson we learn from Mars in Libra is that violence only aggravates the issues. As the Buddha taught, the more one fights against something, the stronger it gets. Moreover, we often fight the symptoms, not the root of the problem, which more often than not, is the fact that we don't consider the needs of others. After knowing the real cause of the problem, the best way to use the Marsian energy is to sit at the table, find solutions, make plans, draw projects, and implement them. More work, not fight! or Make love, not war!

See the kite in blue lines

20º ♑️ , the Apex of the T-Square

Saturn spent a long time at  20º ♑️, direct from April 4 to 29, 2019; retrograde from April 29 to May 25, 2019. Saturn direct will again reach the 20º ♑️mark on December 24, 2019, two days before the Solar Eclipse 4º ♑️.

Pluto was direct at 20º ♑️from 2/6/18 to 3/19/18; and from 12/13/18 to 1/12/19;
Pluto retrograde at 20º ♑️from 5/27/18 to 7/13/18;  and from 8/24/19 to 11/10/19.
AND, two eclipses have occurred opposite, at 20º ♋️: Solar Eclipse 7/13/2018 and Lunar Eclipse 1/10/2020.

I invite you to go back and research the World news during those periods. The trend is that people everywhere are rebelling against an untenable oppression by the current political powers (Capricorn South Node of the Moon) that hoard the resources. People are fighting for food, shelter, safety, and the protection of their families (Cancer North Node of the Moon).  The powers that be are crumbling down, no matter how much they cling with nails and teeth to their seats or walls.  Their myopia doesn't let them see. It's unfortunate because it's obvious that the polarization is increasing to the point of unavoidable conflict. It would turn out to be another 'David and Goliath' fight. We would be praying and hoping that it could be solved just by having two champions face each other representing each faction, however, it may not be the case. It may look a lot uglier than that.

Two days before the historical Saturn Pluto Conjunction, January 10, 2020, the Lunar Eclipse at 20º ♋️will oppose the 20º ♑️where Pluto is stationed at the moment, and where he dwelled for so long before. Do you have natal planets or points around 20º of cardinal signs?

Moreover, it is very significant that freshly ingressed Mars in the Sign of Libra, he opposes Chiron on October 8, 2019. It is that day that we hear news about the aggravation of conflicts in the Middle East, and there are even talks of expanding the Syrian War. If this Full Moon, with its Plutonian emotional charge, does not exacerbate that situation, November 4, when Mars square Pluto will certainly do it.

Fly the Kite

Man flying a kite. Public commons image.

There is a Grand Water Trine between Mercury in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, and the North Node in Cancer. Mercury and Neptune both sextile Saturn and the South Node, which completes the formation of an astrological 'kite' configuration.

The Apex being the North Node of the Moon in Cancer, indicates a determined intention to focus all the other planetary energies towards it. Like the prow of a ship, it shows the direction where we're going, which is, as I said before, protecting our safety, the security and nourishment of children and families, the need for human survival, obtaining the essential means, shelter and nutrition to support emotional stability. In your personal chart, if Cancer is your first house, then you'd strive to create those in yourself. If it is the third, you'd look for a small group of siblings or other family members than your immediate ones. If it is the fifth, then your children will be your concern and the source of those basic elements.

A Grand Water Trine involves the emotional Signs, so the motivational energy to operate the societal transformations will be our feelings. The trine harmoniously combines emotional change (cardinal Cancer), emotional stability (fixed Scorpio) and emotional flexibility (mutable Pisces). This trine generates the deeper understanding (Mercury in Scorpio), artistic or spiritual inspiration (Neptune in Pisces) and motherly care to support us (NN in Cancer) through the profound transmutations operating in the worldly scene, in the political and economical arenas.

The emotional body will have the best answers to solve any relationship conflict. Our gut feelings never lie. Moreover, it is through the emotional body, by experiencing strong emotions, like anger, passion, fear, rage, frustration, depression, jealousy, that we actually learn who we are, what we want. By learning to manage those strong emotions, we learn how to harness them and direct our power efficiently. So, fly the kite!

Let's use this great opportunity for healing relationships! Make it a fabulous day and Moonth! Much love!


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