Saturday, December 8, 2018

North Node in Cancer South Node in Capricorn

November 6, 2018 to May 5, 2020

What is the Zodiac Sign of Cancer?

It is anything that one identifies with home, safety, care, emotional fulfillment, family, nurturing, coziness, comfort, the hearth, a place where we can relax, people whom we can trust, count on and lean on, one's closest emotional bonds, land, farmers, land owners, farms, real estate. 

What is the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn?

It is finding security in social construct, conventions, all public life, institutions, government, everything we do to contribute to society within its parameters, political structures, public administration, maturity and progress over time, longevity, obstacles, barriers, borders, walls, discipline, responsibility, reaping what was sowed.

No wonder they are opposite, right?
Rahu (North Node) swallowing the Moon by Anandajoti

Well, the transit Lunar Nodal Axis is the points of intersection between the Moon ecliptic and the Earth ecliptic. That means also that the North Node in Cancer will always exactly oppose the South Node in Capricorn. They are considered karmic astrological points. The North Node, the prow of our 'ship', defines where our desires take us, the South Node, the stern of our 'ship', what we leave behind or use as assets in order to conquer the North Node objectives. Like with a boat, the South Node of the Moon, is the poop, or 'it poops' what is no longer useful, or finds a new way to use it in order to achieve the North Node designs. 

These are astrological points that bring events, people, circumstances, things of any kind to our life, but that we do not have a chance to choose. Some astrologers call them "fated events", but it means everything that is out of our control. Every Birth Chart has this axis. It determines what the person pre-chosen life purpose is. It seems that every life we live, we end with new desires, maybe things that we didn't have a chance to finish, needs that we couldn't fulfill, etc., and we decided to come back (imagine how strong of a desire that pushed us to incarnate and start all over again!) to achieve them. 

The Nodes travel through every sign for around 1.5 years, and take about 18.5 years to make the whole loop around the Zodiac. This is another cycle of psychological evolution for the human being. 

This time around, the transiting Nodes on the Cancer and Capricorn axis are taking us Home, and away from the need to perform in society, from reaching status goals, public recognition, career carving and climbing, and such. We will feel the need, and events will push us towards finding comfort, care, safety and emotional bonding with what is familiar, nurturing, relaxing, in places and with people whom we can trust. 

We will look for public institutions and government decisions and leaders that will support and promote our need for security, nourishment, and shelter. We will discard any other societal structures that do not fulfill our basic needs, or do not make us feel comfy. Having a steady ground where to stand will be the most important need to satisfy now. This may lead to our choosing who stays and who leaves our life, on the basis of trust, and satisfying the need for support, especially emotional support and mutual protection.  

Next are some ideas about how the transiting Nodes will affect every Rising Sign (you need the time of birth in order to find it). This analysis are based on Whole Sign/Whole house system, where every sign corresponds exactly to a house. In general, is accurate, but remember that depending on the time and place of birth, the house cusps change, and they can fall at the beginning, middle or end of the sign. Also, if any of your natal planets are in Cancer or Capricorn, they will be affected by the respective Node. 

will lean on themselves to satisfy those needs for comfort and security. You may not be able to count on a partner, or your relationships, either personal or business. So you will strengthen yourself to keep up with the challenges. You will become more independent to satisfy your needs and take responsibility for yourself.  You may build a new physical appearance to feel better about yourself, regardless of what others think of it. 

will focus on their most private area of their life, even the mind, their psychological wellbeing, maybe finding a spiritual practice that will emotionally support you. You may want to isolate, hide out or go on a retreat. Or you may end up in the hospital for some reason. You can rebuild your daily schedule, your health routines, even restructure your work place or find a new job that will allow you to nurture yourself spiritually or disconnect from the world. You may decide to travel far away, and ditch the boring routine of daily activities.

will prefer finding comfort and nurture your social groups, your social life may become your family instead of leaning on your children. You'll find your life joys among specific interest groups where you can even show off your creative abilities. Your creativity may also help you increase your income, or broaden your social network, or both. 

will focus on finding comfort and safety in your public life, career or social status, public work, identity or activity. The private life will be only important whenever helps you achieve your public objectives. The home may be the base for your public activity, or the place to exercise your career.

will focus on finding comfort in learning new things, higher understanding or knowledge, higher studies, religion or belief system, grandchildren, travel to countries with different cultures, appreciating folklore or cultural traditions, learning another language. The basic knowledge obtained through written or verbal communication will serve the purpose of those objectives. Also people in your daily environment may help you, but they will not be the focus of your attention.

will find safety and comfort joining forces, energies (including sexual) or finances with a partner or an organization that can provide those resources; will focus in acquiring psychic abilities, studying and researching occult, taboo or hidden knowledge, like Astrology, divinatory practices, or digging into dangerous situations (detective work), uncovering rotten materials from inside the earth, acquiring power and control, and most of all, experiencing deep psychological transformation. You may use your own resources, finances or possessions for any of those activities.

will find comfort and contentment in your long term trusting relationships, personal, contractual or business. Your whole person, even your body, and the way you show up in the world will be completely dedicated to such partnerships.

will find comfort in organizing and following your daily routine schedule, taking care of your pets, dedicating time and effort to your health, using any therapy or method necessary to heal illness or imbalance, and gaining fitness. Also is the perfect time to remove any self-undoing behaviors, like addictions of any kind, or any habit that makes you miserable. You will feel drawn out of your seclusion mode, of your hiding den and of those secret habits behind close doors, in the bedroom, retreats, visits to the hospital, or the prison! It's time to leave behind the hidden 'trips', parties and drinking sprees. It's cleansing time, says your sixth house in Cancer!

will find comfort in your children, your creative projects, your romantic life and everything that is fun, entertaining, performing, parties, restaurants, sports, and fun people. The social groups or organizations where you belong, your acquaintances and the money you make in your career will help you achieve those desires.

will find comfort and safety inside the walls of your own home, with your family or those you consider family. You'll want to decorate, make your house very comfy and cozy bringing anything that can enhance your emotional life. Any benefit from your career will be invested there. You could even end up working from home.

will find comfort and contentment in your immediate environment, your neighborhood, the people with whom you work, play or socialize daily, the people you meet at the coffee shop every day, your siblings, and any spoken or written communication through internet, TV, phone, etc. You may focus on the marketing of your products or skills, even learning new skills. The higher knowledge that you have gained before, or your belief system, religion, cultural traditions, or ideals will help you in any of those endeavors.

will find safety and contentment in the acquisition of material possessions, and increasing your personal earnings and finances. Here you may need to be careful because your body may want to accumulate some mass. ;) You may feel hungrier and assimilate more from what you eat, thus increasing your weight. Your shared finances and energy from your personal partner or business partners will contribute to achieve those desires.

We all should  have already started  to feel the shift. Please make comments about your experience.
Remember that, even though we all receive the cosmic energies, we are free to use them positively or negatively. I mainly mentioned the positive aspects of the Nodal Axis transit, but some people may choose to go the destructive route. The transits should also be considered in the context of our own Birth Chart in combination with our natal planets and positions. Every person is a UNIQUE individual. If you want to find out how this transit applies specifically to you, please feel free to contact me at to request a reading.

I invite you as well to visit my yoga youtube channel at Sat Sangat Kaur Yoga, where you can learn Kundalini Yoga and how to develop a practice according to your personal Astrology.

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