Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Remember January 12, 2020?

Remember January 12, 2020?

Ceres and Pluto in the Underworld

Remember January 12, 2020?

What some don’t remember is that the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn was almost exact with Mercury, the Sun and… CERES! Remember how the authorities (Sun) empowered themselves & the institutional structures (Saturn, Pluto) were “taking care” (Ceres) of us in such a “motherly” way?

Ceres is obsessed in protecting her offspring, desperate looking for Persephone after she disappeared, or was kidnapped by Pluto, and trying to rescue her. It was not until Mercury went down to Hades that they were able to ‘negotiate’ Persephone's liberation.

Well, Ceres in Capricorn doesn’t do it for free. She has ambitions. But she organizes things, takes responsibility in nurturing, teaching people to be responsible and disciplined, gives them tools in order to succeed over the adversities brought about by Pluto and Saturn.

Ceres Pluto conjunction in Capricorn ‘may signify intense emotional crises brought about through the loss or separation of loved ones. Intense grief, sorrow, and depression my result’ says Demetra George. And regarding Ceres Saturn in Capricorn, the government institutions and their authorities took upon themselves to do everything for us (as parents overdo their care for their children?) because we were not ‘adult enough’ to take care of ourselves on our own.

But the other side of Ceres symbolism is that she ushers the dead to the other world. According to Demetra George in her book Asteroid Goddesses, “she governs our need to understand the death process and thereby resolve our fears about dying”

Finishing her 4-year cycle, Ceres is now back in Capricorn, squaring the Nodal Axis and approaching Pluto again. This time around, she will conjoin Pluto at 0ยบ♒️24’ on December 8, 2024.

Ceres in Aquarius 'fosters self-determination and the recognition of the rights of others.' Taking care of people implies accepting eccentricities, originality, weirdness, and freedom. "This manifests as being a 'rebel without a cause'".

Ceres with Pluto in Aquarius could mean that during another certain crises of sorts, the science, technology or Internet ‘have to take care of us’ for our own good. Especially, the powers that be may take special interest in 'caring' for those who are not able to "gain inner control and self discipline to be able to handle the responsibilities of freedom." There may be deadly consequences for those who rebel against such ‘care’.

Pluto in Aquarius reminds me of the Reign of Terror in France in the late 1700's.

This time around Saturn and Uranus – Aquarius rulers- will be in Pisces and Taurus respectively in a sextile, and Uranus will trine the Pluto Ceres conjunction, so the whole context may not be that clear. Let’s wait and see.


Demetra George with Douglas Bloch, Asteroid Goddesses, The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Reemerging Feminine.

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