The last push of the Leo / Aquarius Lunar Nodal Axis.
Here are some guidelines of what you might have been experiencing during the last year and a half according to your Rising Sign -to a lesser extent, Sun and Moon. In order to know your Rising Sign, you need your exact TIME of birth. Go to or to and input your info. The Rising Sign appears as AC in the chart, and it is the Eastern most point, located on left of the horizontal axis where the House 1 starts. It represents the Sign that was rising on the Eastern Horizon at the exact time of your birth. That sign has defined your innate personality, the way you show up -incarnated- in the world.
The Sun Sign may also be considered for this interpretation. However, the Sun Sign rules more the things, events, situations, conditions, decisions that you choose, generally after 30 or 35 years old, when your Ego starts to define who you really want to be.
The Moon Sign is also important, since it represents your emotional mind, the way you innately react to life events, people and circumstances.
In any of these three cases, the houses are counted from the one where the AC, Sun or Moon are located. For example, if your Moon is in Capricorn, 7th house, you'd count that house as the 1st house. In this case, Aquarius South Node was transiting the 2d house (own resources) from your Moon, Leo North Node was transiting your 8th house (shared resources) from your Moon. You calculate the same way starting from the position of your Sun or AC.
Here are the interpretations of the Leo/Aquarius Nodal Axis transit by sign. However, it would have been different or somewhat combined with other transformations depending on the totality of your personal Natal Chart, which is UNIQUE for every person. All the planets, angles and points play a role in the person's chart. Additionally, there are other astrological calculations than Transits, such as Progressions, Solar Arcs, Resonances, etc. that have other nuances to contribute. A serious Astrologer takes many calculations into consideration before giving a reading.
One more and very important factor to consider is that the Cosmic energies affect and impel our own energy field, but we are FREE to use them one way or another. For example, you live in a flood zone, your house is flooded, you loose everything (energy out of your control); now you have choices to make; you can rebuild in the same place, you can restart from scratch in a new place, you can fall deep into desperation, you can start a community living project, etc. You are the commander in chief of your life. Very often we realize that events, people and circumstances come to our lives just to provoke us into actions that in the end will define who we want to be. This way, we can't ever say "I am a victim of this or that". We are what we choose to be. And even if actions are provoked by external happenings, the outcome comes ultimately from our decisions. Look at some notorious examples of people like Ghandi, Oprah, Nelson Mandela.
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Lunar Eclipse August 11, 2018 Chart in Austin, TX. |
North Node in Leo / South Node in Aquarius
Aries rising sign, Sun or Moon, had to focus in creating their own happiness, looking for it in romance, in their creativity, discovering a new creative expression. Some decided to start dancing, partying, painting, acting, eating in restaurants, going to nightclubs, having children, or just having fun by themselves. On the other hand, they had to leave behind their old tribe, old networks of people who were not going with them. They broke outdated alliances, abandoned organizations, old dreams and wishes that had already served their purpose.
Taurus rising sign, Sun or Moon, were asked to change their personality at home. They started shining their light on their emotional and physical stability, security, and coziness. They have been looking to build the feathery happy nest that can contain their most intimate comfort. For that purpose some may even have moved homes and found a happier place where they could blossom, al the while putting aside issues about their career, public life and reputation, and all their performance out in the world.
Gemini rising sign, Sun or Moon, underwent a process of evolution in their way of thinking, communicating, learning, maybe doing business, or learning new skills of any kind. Their mind has changed personality, it's now happier, more radiant and ready to shine. They may find themselves reading, writing, and exchanging ideas left and right, more active in social media, answering more emails than usually. At the same time, they have to let of outdated belief systems, concerns with foreign people, countries, places. Maybe even they renounce or dropped out from higher education pursuits. If they had teachers, gurus, religious leaders, they now are ready to let them go and their philosophies, and ideas. They prefer to be close to home, with siblings, roaming around the city and learning first hand from the immediate world.
Cancer rising sign, Sun or Moon, is happier with a new radiant self esteem, they learned about their self worth, they may have increased their personal earnings, and may have ended up with a fatter bank account. But also, they may have gained weight having so much fun eating whatever they liked non stop. Their values -moral and material- are on the spotlight for review and restatement. They are draining the money that they had from other people; their conjoint account with business or personal partners may have gotten thinner, as well as, maybe, their sexual activity. They may have ended paying mortgages or spending the rest of their heritage. Traumas, and life crises are out of the picture by now; no more digging into the dark matters of life.
For Leos, Sun or Moon, their focus had been enhancing their persona, shining bright their heart in the way they show up, their physical appearance, and their whole personality. They have increased their charisma, they look more attractive, no matter where they are or what they do. They're happier with their body, their personality because they have been cultivating their own spirit, their own ways. This reminds me of Frank Sinatra's "My way", ha ha. At the same time, they have been impelled to let go of partnerships that put them down, and don't value them. They now stopped caring about what 'the other' may think or do, with a "take me or leave me" attitude. I am what I am, if you like me, stay, if you don't, leave! Although, I have to say, that Leo's have had it really hard, having to stand by themselves, and learning to do things by themselves not being able to count on 'the other'. Used to be the King of the Jungle, they always expected others to be there for them and be their 'vassals'. This way, they have gained in strength and total personal independence.
Virgo rising sign, Sun or Moon, had to completely change their daily routines and lifestyle. They don't want to fix things -or people, situations- anymore, don't pay more attention to health issues, pets are not important anymore, or if they had one that was very important in their lives, they may have said goodbye to it one way or another. They also have let go of conflicts, even ended a certain specific argument, especially at work, with coworkers or service people. They are now more focused on their spiritual life, or they have traveled to far away places. Maybe they have shone light on their secret concerns or sorrows, discovered or been made aware of hidden enemies undermining them, like people doing things behind their backs or their own self-undoing. Addictions may have come to light as well to have them work actively on getting rid of them. Some may have shone light on their karma or started a selfless service project of some sort.
Libra rising sign, Sun or Moon, were asked to go for their dreams and wishes, to gather with a new 'tribe', to find their new social nest where they really can feel happy, instead of looking for happiness in their own creative expressions, and just having fun by themselves, or just keeping busy with their children. They saw their romantic life fade away, their artistic talents only shown in their performance groups. Their children are not the center of attention anymore, maybe they are out of the house into the world, starting their studies, their own family or career. Libras are now finding their social environment where they can build connections or alliances and feel happy among friends.
Scorpio rising sign, Sun or Moon, have been focusing on their own public reputation, either through career, any public function out in the world, or changing their civil status. Events and opportunities had them thrilled at making decisions about they way they are seen active in society. All the while they have been less attentive to their inner, personal emotional foundation, their home and family environment has taken backseat. They are out there to be seen and to shine on stage.
Sagittarius rising sign, Sun or Moon, had been traveling abroad, meeting strangers, foreign people, other cultures, learning new thing, speaking other languages. Or maybe they are shining the spotlight on their Higher Studies, went on to Graduate Studies, or follow their incline to investigate a new belief system, adopted a new religious or spiritual philosophy. Maybe they acquired a new teacher or became teachers themselves. Other may have ventured into publishing. At the same time they distanced themselves from siblings, relatives, neighbors, classmates, team mates, and the city environment they were accustomed to frequent.
Capricorn rising sign, Sun or Moon, as earnest as they are, they have been pulled into shaking transmutations of any kind, some have been touched by the soft hand of a newborn, others by cold hand of death, or a traumatic regeneration of some sort. Some may have had their first sexual experience. Others could have had an intense psychic awakening, or kundalini rising that has opened the invisible world to their six sense. Still others may have joined resources with a personal or business partner, taken a loan, or received a heritage. Less attention was given to their personal values, moral or financial, to their possessions, and their own bank account in favor of a joint one. Also they have focused away from their body, its energy, and what they eat.
Aquarius rising sign, Sun or Moon, together with Leos, and probably more than them, were the hardest hit, because they had to let go of their own outdated image they had built for themselves in the last 19 years since the Nodes were in Leo/Aquarius last time between 1999 and 2000. Remember your decisions then? Who you wanted to be, the new identity -freedom flavored, most probably- you decided to take at that time? Well, you have already extracted all its juice by now. It's been a time for a new persona to be born. Aquariuses now have a new idea of themselves to identify with. Maybe they have been considering a new physical image, a new way to show up, new personal style or appearance. They are ready to let go of their old -selfish, standoffish, aloof- skin because their focus now is their partner, whom they want to make happy. They want to be the best for him or her, so they can count on each other to be happy together in an equal exchange. Huge step for Aquarius who can love everybody as friends, but normally, please don't ask them to tie the knot, or 'lose' their freedom. Bravo!
Pisces rising sign, Sun or Moon, have been working really hard on letting go of old psychological, karmic and subconscious baggage, abandoning their undoing, escapist and addictive behaviors, and the tendency to isolation. They have stopped fighting their hidden 'enemies', whatever those were. Instead, they have been called to keep an eye on and do something about their health, daily routines, fixing what is out of order, in themselves and around. Maybe, they have needed at one time or another to attend to a pet, develop a closer relationship with it or take a better care of it. They have been letting go of addictions, to regain their physical strength and health. They have probably started a new diet or exercise program. In order to do repairs, they certainly have been dealing with service staff, that helped them rearrange things around the house and by the way gave them the opportunity to do some deeper cleaning under the fridge and under the pieces of furniture they had to move. Decluttering the closet and the forgotten cabinets was also possible.
One more detail about this analysis that I clarify here. It is based on a Whole House/Sign system of calculation, which means that every House only contains one Sign. However, the most usual system used in Western Astrology is Placidus, that takes into account the time zones, longitude and latitude of the birthplace. With Placidus system, the lines dividing Houses may fall in the middle of a Sign, then the Lunar Nodal Axis may have transited two houses occupied by one Sign. This means that the subsequent Eclipses may have fallen one time in one house another time in the next or previous one.
Let's see an example. Each House has 30 degrees. My Sign of Leo is split into the 11th and 12th Houses at 11 degrees. Therefore, some of the Eclipses fell on the 12th house, others on the 11th. Take a look at your chart to find out how Leo and Aquarius look like there. You'll discover that the eclipses affected more than two areas of your life, maybe actually four. Both recommended websites to draw the chart offer the option to choose Placidus or Whole House (even other systems of calculation).
When I do your personal Natal Chart reading, I use Placidus, which is very accurate. Although, I also use Whole House calculation for other complementary studies if you ask for them.
Next Lunar Nodal Axis coming up in November is Cancer/Capricorn. If you feel inclined to find out what it will all mean for your life, just email me at for a personal consultation. Prices vary based on the kind of information you'd like to learn and the amount of work I need to do. So, make sure to include your questions. I will answer back with the estimate and my PayPal account information to make your payment.
Please make comments below, and feel free to ask related questions or share your Leo/Aquarius Lunar Node Axis story.
Pam Gregory, "How to co-create using the Secret Language of the Universe"
Celeste Teal, "Lunar Nodes, Discover your Soul's Karmic Mission"
Lada Duncheva, Youtube channel, 'North Node in Leo'
Simon Vorster, Youtube channel, 'Understanding the Moon Nodes'; 'How the Nodes shape you'.