Friday, September 20, 2019

Saturn Direct and Conjunction with South Node of the Moon

Image from NASA, Saturn's rings are melting

Saturn Station

Saturn Station Direct takes a total of around two weeks, from September 11 to the 25. From Earth point of view, Saturn seems not to be moving in the sky, he’s getting ready to turn ‘Direct’. It means that our study time is over now, we finished reviewing the past, reflecting on the unfulfilled projects, we’re done reconsidering the structures of the area of life occupied by Capricorn. Are we ready to take the final exam?
Saturn has reached the 13º55′ ♑︎where he was on January 22, 2019. So we’ve revisited something that happened from January 22 to April 30th (20º ♑︎). We re-evaluated our responsibilities, and we faced the limitations or discipline necessary to solve the demands of social conventions, of psychological conditioning, or of personal commitments. We experienced frustration and fear in the process, because we couldn’t accomplish or couldn’t have what we wanted when we wanted. Saturn always makes us wait, work harder, and responsibly for the things that are precious to us.

If we submitted to his discipline and fulfilled all his requirements, now we are ready to start that ‘thing’, project or dream all over again with a better vision, better tools, and better consciousness. If we wanted to do something the same old, by repeating our ineffectual automatic pilot, now we know that Saturn wants us to reset the button and do it His way.

While Saturn transits those 7 degrees for the third time all over again until December 24th, we may see people, experience events and circumstances show up again, so we can apply a new approach to them. It’s the final test for the next 28.5 years. We have the chance to bring closure, new insights, and healing to old stuff. Then, once he passes beyond the 20º, we can start a fresh cycle with a new level of maturity, new structures, having a new sense of responsibility, and discipline.

Saturn Direct

Saturn starts his direct motion September 18. That day, the Moon in Taurus, where she is the happiest, trine Saturn! We have the emotional temperance, steadiness, comfortable strength and clarity to face the new stage in the process, to solve relationship discomforts, to make sound decisions, and work with integrity at the project at hand.

When Saturn, finally!, turns direct, he is at 13º 55′ ♑︎ and will go over those 7 degrees  once more until 20º ♑︎. From now on, we are reviewing those circumstances or situations for the third time, from a new perspective though, with a new approach, and definitive actions. Saturn will reach the 20º♑️mark on December 20, 2019, just a few days before the Solar Eclipse at 4º♑️. At the same time Pluto would have reached the haunting 22 º♑️on December 19, 2019. It's like getting all the cast on stage for the fateful January Conjunction. I wish I were able to keep a chronicle of world events that have happened when Saturn was at 20º♑︎, not only because he stepped and stopped on it two times, but because Pluto has gone over and stopped on that same degree four times. However, the Saturn Pluto conjunction at 22º only happens once; not that we need or want more than that, just saying.

For those of you who love data like me, or the reader who wants to dig out some news from the clouds that can exemplify what the theme is all about, here it is.

Pluto direct at 20º♑️from 2/6/18 to 3/19/18; and from 12/13/18 to 1/12/19;
Pluto retrograde at 20º♑️from 5/27/18 to 7/13/18;  and from 8/24/19 to 11/10/19.
AND, none of the eclipses have occurred at 22º♑️, but two were opposite in Cancer 20º: Solar Eclipse 7/13/2018 and Lunar Eclipse 1/10/2020.

Diving a little deeper, according to the Dwadashamshas, the Hindu method of Signs subdivision by 12, the 20º♑️blends with the Libra energy of learning to balance, equal give and take relationships, fairness and justice. If we consider this nuance linked to societal structures, conventions, and government institutions, we see how much humanity needs and could use right now a re- balance and re-distribution of power between the different sectors of society.

However, with the same method, the 22º♑️blends with the energy of Scorpio, which doesn’t look as good, considering that this Sign often represents crisis, trauma causing loss, destruction, and death, that what is hidden, occult, and the wealth of the underworld. The theme of the Saturn Pluto conjunction there, with this nuance, could mean in fact, a great upheaval to the economic resources of the world, and the restructuring and redistribution of the shared resources, all caused by a great loss or cataclysmic event.

In any case, many serious Astrologers don’t see that event as “sunshine, rainbows and daisies” as Patrick Watson ironically titled his report on the fateful conjunction. Looking back in History, Saturn and Pluto have never made good friendship. I also reviewed some unforgettable events linked to them in my Sat Sangat Astrology blog.

If you have planets, angles or other points at 20º or 22º, consider the unique privilege of having such a rare transit, that will certainly erase lifetimes of karma. Not without some level of pain, but the more we accept whatever comes, the better we will do during and after. So just relax, everything is out of control! (Ajahn Brahm)

Saturn Conjunct South Node of the Moon

While Saturn gains speed forward, the South Node of the Moon comes ‘retrograde’ towards him. For a couple of weeks they will have this ‘fateful’ meeting, that is very significant in preparation for the final meeting of Saturn with Pluto in January next year.
South Node of the Moon glyph

The conjunction will not be exact until the 28 of September, significantly, the day of the New Moon in Libra. However, Saturn is traveling direct getting faster every day, and the South Node is normally going ‘backwards’, so it looks like they are running into each other to embrace. The applying period is powerful. The past, or past lives stuff (South Node) is coming up to meet Karma (unconscious storage of actions and immemorial conditionings). The sense of time is distorted (Saturn is Chronos, the Lord of Time), we may have déjà-vu moments, run into people we’ve met before, visit situations and events that needed some sort of closure... or a new start. All those happen with the purpose to revisit them, bring them to our awareness with a new perspective, a new strategy, and give them closure.

A significant piece of scientific data that agrees with the process of dissolving structures, boundaries and restrictions, I found watching this NASA video where scientists have observed the ice melting of Saturn's rings. According to this, and on a side note, what a waste of the taxpayers' money in the Wall building!

To build new structures, we should be ready to drop old obsolete patterns of behavior, limiting unconscious conditionings, restrictions and social conventions that do not serve us any longer. We are shown (’in your face’) what we need to leave behind or end in order to ‘mature’, to reach for our higher self, to envision our true life purpose (read about the purpose of the North Node in Cancer for your own Sign).

It may mean that we face an important turning point in our life, where we are forced to close a chapter, sacrifice something we were attached (bound) to, give up a certain cherished goal and embrace freedom, the freedom to be ourselves.

For those who resist the change and Saturn’s discipline, it may be a bitter pill to swallow. It may even involve physical pain, especially in the skeletal system (Saturn rules the bones or ‘solid’ structure of the body). A bone injury can indicate that one is refusing to rebuild or re-pattern anew, and can force us to look at reality face-to-face, without sugar coating or any cherries on top. Fear and depression are also possible if we refuse to accept reality. So the best option is to surrender to it, accept the discipline and necessary sacrifice, and take the required responsibility. In addition, Saturn requires integrity!

I am curious to learn what this will give in the political arena, with certain politicians that are now in the hot seat. 😇 The US chart has this transit in the 2d house of own finances, resources, and economy. The head of the state has this transit over his 5th house of creative self expression, romantic relationships and children. Where does it fall on your personal chart?

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fall Equinox - September 23, 2019

Fall Equinox CHART
September 23, 2019 @ 7:50 am UTC/2:50 am CDT

The energy of this chart paves the way to the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. It is important to pay attention to the events that develop this day (a few days before and after).  Change is in the air with seven planets in 'Cardinal' (change of seasons) Signs. There is only one in a Fixed Sign, Uranus, which, as the Lord of electricity and revolution, does anything but stay put.

The Chart as a whole seems to be telling us that some important information coming out triggers a series of events that will culminate in the Saturn Pluto Conjunction of January 2020 with a significant structural transMUTATION of political issues and governmental institutions.

Capricorn, when the goat gets to the top, the only way out is DOWN.

Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, even though still invisible under the Sun rays, is much activated (behind the scenes?) by several aspects. In fact, Mercury will be invisible until November 13, 2019. Then, in Libra, he is not as happy as Venus, who is enjoying a very elegant and harmonious home life there, AND she becomes visible exactly this day. Maybe, today she is letting out some information she's been holding on secretly about her relationships, values, financial matters, possessions or all of the above. Together with Mercury in Libra, there might be talks about balancing the economy, or straightening the financial situation.

Whatever they are chatting those two, will have serious implication for the future (North Node of the Moon in Cancer) and will certainly turn a corner leading to the power dismantling and governmental structural reconstruction that Saturn and Pluto are effecting in Capricorn.

In addition, Mercury, who makes seven different aspects, sextiles Jupiter, quincunx Neptune, squares Saturn, the Moon, and both Lunar Nodes. We shouldn't subestimate his 'silver wings' influence, though, just because he's invisible. He's working hard, but in hiding. With Jupiter he's trying to learn as much as possible, with Neptune he may confuse fantastic scenarios with real intellectual knowledge. We, should be careful, ourselves, and try to separate illusions or delusions from logical thinking to avoid being duped. Fortunately, Saturn can call Mercury down to earth, somehow. However, Mercury, our mental activity, and the communications are at a crossroad, challenged to turn towards the North Node of the Moon.

The house of Cancer is especially strengthened. The Moon with her North Node, not only heightens the mind's psychic ability that we can trust, but also boosts the feminine, yin energies. This will manifest in energizing women, mothers, family and nurturing issues, the public, the regular people in the streets, the less fortunate in need of help and care. We may see large crowds, especially of women take the streets with a cry to protect the Earth, food sources, and the safety of families. The changes operated through the energy in Capricorn will greatly affect families, women, and the needy, hopefully in a positive way.

The goat (Capricorn) may be able to reach the top, but from there the only way out is down. Conversely, the crab (Cancer) walking sideways, even though only stays at the same level, it can avoid obstacles by moving around them, without the need to 'conquer' them.

 Crabs walk sideways. Freshwater and Marine Image Bank, public domain.
In Virgo, a Mutable Sign, Mars actions to correct, heal, repair something are favorably supported by the Lord of Transmutations, Pluto, whose relentless power is demolishing corrupt political structures. Saturn, now 'direct' is now taking final exams on discipline, responsibility, maturity, integrity and accountability regarding social conventions and contracts, political and societal institutional structures, until December 24, 2019, right a day before the strike of the Solar Eclipse at 4º ♑︎, December 26.

Jupiter 'direct' square Neptune 'retrograde' will certainly bring the truth out in the open and for everyone to see. What has been hidden from the collective will show its (ugly?) face. And since Jupiter is not only higher knowledge, but also justice, especially strong in his own house of Sagittarius, there might be a truth needing some law enforcement or the intervention of justice. That new information can change people's beliefs, and inspire us to dream of a better world. This will have to operate an adjustment and a compromise leading the energy towards the North Node in Cancer (see above).

The Sun entering Libra may impel people to make decisions and changes to restore balance. In Libra, the Sun, as the Lord of the Harvest, quincunx Uranus, may have revolutionary impulses to generously redistribute resources.

However, a few days later during the New Moon in Libra, the Sun and the Moon will oppose Chiron, at the same time, reaching a pick of emotional awareness of our vulnerabilities and feelings of not measuring up to the occasion, and starting a new cycle in relationships. For this one, I refer you back to the September episode of Chiron activation.

Much has been said about Neptune's bad rap regarding his deceptive and misleading influence. However, Neptune can also give us clear vision and profound understanding of an unseen reality. He can inspire our life, and take us to higher levels of awareness and spiritual development. Of course, there is some level of evolution necessary in order to be able to tap into the energies of a higher realm. Intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance are his tools, if we learn how to use them.

In any case, Neptune is still in harmony (trine) with the North Node of the Moon, which supports this spiritual evolution in our human experience. It's just a matter of taking advantage of this energy, to envision a future of compassion, charity, service to human beings at disadvantage, unconditional love, and protection of Nature. Many are awakening to the understanding that we are all interconnected, just because everything comes from the same source, a Black Hole of Energy. Yes, we are all the same dust. Whatever we do affects us all.

Lastly, but not least, there is also a loose (7 degrees orb) trine between Saturn and Uranus, both well planted in Earth Signs. After all, it seems that they agree about the necessary innovations in governmental structures (Capricorn) and change of values (Taurus) and of use of resources, and operate in accord.

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