Sunday, September 29, 2024

October 2024 Critical Events for the USA - Decisive October 9

We are in between eclipses and have seen enough catastrophes already from fires, explosions, mad water, mad humans and a great boost to wars. However, October starts with a punch, the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10º♎️ 04’, with the Sun pretty close to USA Saturn. Americans can expect significant events already in regards, most probably, to the President (Sun).

However, the biggest event for the USA comes October 9 when Jupiter turns retrograde at 21º
♊️20’, exactly conjunct the USA MARS!

This is a signature for an expansion/increase/boost (Jupiter) of aggression (Mars). It falls in the 7th Whole Sign House of associates/enemies. In the past, this transit coincided with the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941. This time the transits are more complicated. The Jupiter Mars conjunction squares the natal USA Neptune! This may imply a subvert/covert attack, which may include or consist in a cyber-attack of sorts. Since Neptune is in the 10th house, the Executive/Head of State may be involved in some way. The attack may come from open enemies, or the USA may attack another country, or announce some direct implication in a war.

But, that’s not all. Not only is the USA having the Chiron return, but at the moment, Chiron squares the natal USA Mercury. This may indicate a painful conversation/ news/ announcement/ realization. Chiron in 5th WSH implies something wrong regarding the country’s diplomacy/diplomatic representatives or negotiations.

The strongest (tighter) aspect is the square from transiting Uranus retrograde to the natal USA Moon, from the 6th WSH (problems, military activity, conflicts) to the 3d house of communications. This may relate to unwelcome news for the American people regarding health problems, or war conflicts, open enemies, or other things going wrong.

Also, transiting Saturn in the 4th house in semi sextile to natal USA Pluto indicates internal problems in the country, like economic troubles, scarcity, some kind of hardship affecting the people.

Since the 4th WSH is opposite the 10th representing the opposition to the Executive. There have been indications of the President’s health weakening, and his authority being in question. The 4th house relates to the opposition party as well, and Saturn transiting it, indicates restrictions and adverse attitudes against the executive power or against the President per se.

In summary, I think, the month of October brings decisive moments for the USA that may compromise its peace, the economy, and the future in general. Just pay attention to the news, especially from alternative sources to mainstream in order to get an accurate picture of the current state of events.

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