Introductory Course
12 Classes2 monthly sessions for each Class
+1 hour individual consultation per month to answer all your questions
U$S 50 Each class or U$S 1000 if you pay the whole course up front you save 17%
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Astrology Basic Course - Syllabus
LESSON 1 – Introductiona. Signs and their glyphsb. The Zodiac, degree divisions, the Cardinal Crossc. Qualities, Elements, Gender of Signsd. Rulershipe. Introduction to the Planets, their glyphsf. The Sun and the Moon
LESSON 2A – The Planetsa. Houses, the human development and evolution b. Cycles and Phasesc. Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
LESSON 2B - Outer Planets a. Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Plutob. Asteroids
LESSON 3A – Retrograde Planetsa. Dignityb. Retrograde planets, Mercury to Pluto
LESSON 3B – The Signsa. Difference between Signs and Housesb. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo
LESSON 4A – The Signsa. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
LESSON 4B – Introduction to Chart Reading a. Michael Jackson b. Nikola Tesla c. Alexei Navalni
LESSON 5A – Introduction to Housesa. Human development and evolutionb. Areas of Lifec. Hemispheres and Quadrantsd. Classification by elemente. Classification by position
LESSON 5B – The Houses a. Areas of Lifeb. Houses 1 through 6
LESSON 6A – The Houses a. Areas of Lifeb. Houses 7 through 12
LESSON 6B – Introduction to Aspectsa. Ptolemaic Aspectsb. Squarec. Conjunctiond. Opposition
LESSON 7A&B – Introduction to Aspectsa. Trineb. SextileIntroduction to Configurationsa. Grand Trineb. Small Trinec. Mystic Rectangled. T-Squaree. Grand Cross
LESSON 8A - Practice with charts a. Planets in Signs b. In Chart Interpretation
LESSON 8B – The Nodes of the Moona. Moon Cycle, Lunationsb. Karma, Past Lives, Rahu and Ketub. Calculation and Cycles of the Nodesb. Meaning of the Nodesc. Practice with your Birth Chart
LESSON 9A – Practice with chartsa. Planets in Housesb. In Chart Interpretation
LESSON 9B - The Nodes of the Moona. Meaning of the Nodes Aries to Virgob. Practice with a Birth Chart
LESSON 10A – Practice with charts, Aspectsa. Hard Aspectsb. Soft Aspects
LESSON 10B – The Nodes of the Moona. Meaning of the Nodes Libra to Piscesb. Practice with a Birth Chart
LESSON 11A - Practice with charts, Aspectsa. Configurations
LESSON 11B - Eclipses a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. How to read a Birth Chart
LESSON 12A – Practice with charts, Moon Nodes
LESSON 12B – Eclipses a. Eclipse on the North Node b. Eclipse on the South Node c. How to read a Birth Chart
LESSON 1 – Introduction
a. Signs and their glyphs
b. The Zodiac, degree divisions, the Cardinal Cross
c. Qualities, Elements, Gender of Signs
d. Rulership
e. Introduction to the Planets, their glyphs
f. The Sun and the Moon
LESSON 2A – The Planets
a. Houses, the human development and evolution
b. Cycles and Phases
c. Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
LESSON 2B - Outer Planets
a. Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
b. Asteroids
LESSON 3A – Retrograde Planets
a. Dignity
b. Retrograde planets, Mercury to Pluto
LESSON 3B – The Signs
a. Difference between Signs and Houses
b. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo
LESSON 4A – The Signs
a. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
LESSON 4B – Introduction to Chart Reading
a. Michael Jackson
b. Nikola Tesla
c. Alexei Navalni
LESSON 5A – Introduction to Houses
a. Human development and evolution
b. Areas of Life
c. Hemispheres and Quadrants
d. Classification by element
e. Classification by position
LESSON 5B – The Houses
a. Areas of Life
b. Houses 1 through 6
LESSON 6A – The Houses
a. Areas of Life
b. Houses 7 through 12
LESSON 6B – Introduction to Aspects
a. Ptolemaic Aspects
b. Square
c. Conjunction
d. Opposition
LESSON 7A&B – Introduction to Aspects
a. Trine
b. Sextile
Introduction to Configurations
a. Grand Trine
b. Small Trine
c. Mystic Rectangle
d. T-Square
e. Grand Cross
LESSON 8A - Practice with charts
a. Planets in Signs
b. In Chart Interpretation
LESSON 8B – The Nodes of the Moon
a. Moon Cycle, Lunations
b. Karma, Past Lives, Rahu and Ketu
b. Calculation and Cycles of the Nodes
b. Meaning of the Nodes
c. Practice with your Birth Chart
LESSON 9A – Practice with charts
a. Planets in Houses
b. In Chart Interpretation
LESSON 9B - The Nodes of the Moon
a. Meaning of the Nodes Aries to Virgo
b. Practice with a Birth Chart
LESSON 10A – Practice with charts, Aspects
a. Hard Aspects
b. Soft Aspects
LESSON 10B – The Nodes of the Moon
a. Meaning of the Nodes Libra to Pisces
b. Practice with a Birth Chart
LESSON 11A - Practice with charts, Aspects
a. Configurations
LESSON 11B - Eclipses
a. Solar Eclipse
b. Lunar Eclipse
c. How to read a Birth Chart
LESSON 12A – Practice with charts, Moon Nodes
LESSON 12B – Eclipses
a. Eclipse on the North Node
b. Eclipse on the South Node
c. How to read a Birth Chart
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