Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Courage to be Oneself - The Leo-Aquarius Lunar Nodal Axis 2017-2018

The Courage to be Oneself
The meaning of the Leo-Aquarius Lunar Nodal Axis 2017-2018

Since May 2017 through November 2018, the Lunar Nodal Axis is Leo-Aquarius. The lunar Nodes are the geometrical points of intersection between the orbit of the Moon around the Earth and the ecliptic (orbit of the Earth around the Sun). In the Astrology of a Natal Chart, they symbolically represent the person Past Life (South Node) and this Life Purpose (North Node). The transit Nodes (where they are presently in the sky) represent Humanity's collective evolution.

With the South Node in Aquarius and the North Node in Leo, the Collective has felt a pull towards a more authentic creative expression of its true feelings and convictions. In a society that has embraced the impersonality of technology, and virtual relationships through smart devices that can do it all for you, Leo wants to show up in person, to touch, to vibrate in love or anger. Leo wants to feel Aquarius rebellion of the people in the heart, it wants to climb the stage and show their disgust, their indignation, their compassion and sadness, their solidarity, and all the "50 grays" of emotional expression. Leo says, Forget the phone dating up, meet me face-to-face; forget the Politician's automatic answering machine, show your face, take the responsibility of your shame.

Aquarius had researched and developed food technology, transportation technology, medical technology, pharmaceutical technology alright. But Leo wants to see if all that ingenious innovation can make people happy, can make people healthier, can make people enjoy their lives more intensely. Is the automatic life a life worth living? Is it more authentic? Can I better love and be loved with it? Leo is questioning, aren't we forgetting our social skills because of the technology use? Isn't it harder to connect to the other through devices? No, in some cases, yes, in others. How many times, you sent the wrong text message because your "smart" phone corrected it for you? Or, did the other understand what you really meant, or was an important body language message missing in that text? On the other hand, when you see a sonogram of your baby in gestation, and you can see his or her features, and even genitals showing the sex, you are exhilarated. That life inside you has a face, becomes more real, your waiting is a happier time.

When I was still in my country, our family met an American immigrant who happened to be black. He told us how happy he felt in his adopted country, how welcomed he was and how free he could walk on the streets. He sadly said, 'in my country of origin, I am not but a number...' Aquarian lifestyle has become so impersonal; technology reigns in all aspects of our life. We apply and interview for a job in front of a screen, we order our supplies and groceries online, we talk to people through Internet, texting, not even verbal phone conversations. For the records everywhere we go, we are a virtual file; be it in the hospital, in the school, college, club, even pharmacy! Leo wants to feel life. He wants to show up, give hugs, and kisses, cry when he's sad, laugh out loud when he's happy, talk and be heard, show off when he's proud. Leo is ruled by the warmth of the Sun, he gives life its vibration. He wants that on the stage of life.

Slowly, human beings have been loosing their identity as such; Aquarius technology and lifestyle have been creating robots out of our bodies. We are 'tracked' by apps and devices, where we go (maps), who we talk to (phone), what we write about (texting), the pulse of our heart (health app), when we do what (calendars), our routine, the music we listen to, and even the conversations we have off device. I was once talking to someone about disabilities, and the following day I received an email offering me to apply for disability! Another time, I was making an appointment with a specialist Doctor, next thing I know is that I found an ad on my Facebook page offering me that specialist services. Out of the blue! And we let them be because that's the only way we can interact with this system. But Leo wants to go back to nature, to the natural way of being human. No need to throw technology away, but to recreate its functions and uses in a way that helps us to be the best human beings we can be.

Aquarius has shown us how to improve food production among other very useful scientific findings. Leo wants to
be healthy the natural way, respecting life for what it is, respecting Mother Earth, animals and plants in an ecological way. Ruled by the Sun, Leo respects the life that the Sun generates. Leo has given us the courage to voice Nature's defense passionately. We have been changing our lifestyles and redefined our values and priorities regarding the respect for life. People become vegan, vegetarian, and adopt other lifestyles coherent with those values. 

 Leo, the child in us, has been teaching Aquarius, the detached scientific in us, to live with this passion, to show up as real, tangible actors on the stage of society.

The process will continue to evolve as next year, when the Lunar nodes migrate to the Cancer-Capricorn axis, Humanity will demand social and governmental institutions for a space and time that it can call home, where it can feel safe and secure, and where life is respected and protected.

Let us all engage consciously in this Human evolution.

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