Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction - Part I

Saturn, Pluto, the Sun, Mercury & Jupiter
in Capricorn

This is the chart of the Birth of a New Saturn Pluto in Capricorn cycle,  the end of the Era started in 1518, and the start a New 700 year Era until they meet again in 2754. The chart shows how Humanity will be evolving during that period. 

Next time Saturn and Pluto will conjunct at 14º ♑️December 14, 2754
Much has been spoken and written about this historical conjunction in 2020. Some astrologers, referring to a thorough study of historical events related to the Saturn Pluto cycle, talk about the rising and falling of empires, the building and destruction of walls, prisons and forteresses. Others give advice on how it can affect you personally. Some others offer an intuitive or psychological insight. Others yet focus on the present time events and developments.

To add my grain of sand to this 'castle', I previously wrote about some previous ominus historical events triggered by the hard aspects between Saturn and Pluto. Please feel free to read about it HERE.
Now, I will focus on the January 12, 2020 chart as the Birth Blueprint of a New Era (written in several installments). I would like to reflect on the next step of Humanity's evolution as a collective unit, and as a reflection of the process by which the Infinite Creative Consciousness realizes itself. 

"We are the way for the Cosmos to know itself" Carl Sagan

All around the world there is a polarizing tendency. People are divided into factions fighting against each other, as if there were only two options to choose from, or as if we were not all the same. It seems to me that Humanity has maximized its separating desires, thus falling in complete chaos. People seem to believe that the solution resides in winning over the opposite faction. The mistake is to look for change in the other, or outside of ourselves, when the only way to resolve the present crisis is to change from within, and come back to our human nature. Let us remember that 'the other person is you' (Yogi Bhajan) therefore, fighting against the other is trying to annihilate ourselves. 

The historical conjunction of 5 planets in Capricorn demands maturity, it's the call for Humanity to enter adulthood. However, there is great resistance to change, especially because the powers that be, the socio-economic-political establishment doesn't want to give. However, some people, especially those in power, might want to entrench themselves, to grip harder to what they believe to be 'real', in an attempt to control and dominate the whole world, which will cause much suffering for everybody for a while. But the chart indicates that no matter how much Humanity resists, even kicking and screaming, there will be a powerful transformation. 

Chart Rulership

The chart is ruled by Saturn because following the rulership of each planet, one ends up always on Saturn. The Lord of Time, Karma and Maturity is seating on its own South Node, indicating the release of ancestral karma, or having the past come to the surface to be acknowledged and resolved. Whatever good deeds and atrocities Humanity has done, it has come back for its final reckoning. 

According to 'Cosmos and Psyche' by Richard Tarnas, (pg.91 excerpt) Saturn in Astrology represents the "principle of limits", boundaries, dryness, structures, obstacles, restrain, imprisonment, time, the past, karma, contraction, concretion, necessity, tradition, constraint, materiality, mortality, age, maturity, mortality, the ending of things, gravity. Saturn burdens, challenges, hardens, fortifies, confines, divides, defines,  shortens, cuts, negates, opposes, strengthens, forges through tension and resistance, regidifies, represses, maintains conservative and strict authority, declines, deprives. Saturn represents deficit, the labor of existence, suffering, defeat, failure, loss, alienation, old age, death, etc, etc, etc. The list goes longer, but this is enough to get the idea of an Era ruled by Saturn!

Pluto adds intensity and darkness to all Saturn traits. Even though the Saturn Pluto cycle lasts between 33 and 38 years, meeting in different Signs every time, their meeting in Capricorn will not happen for another 700 years, which leaves us with the beginning of a long long long period. 

Hernán Cortez and Montezuma 1519
The accumulated karma encompasses the history since 1518 (please read my blogpost). What was the most significant event the developed during the sixteenth century, starting around that year? Many say it's the Martin Luther King revolutionary rebellion against the religious authority of the times, namely, the Catholic Church. It may be part of it. However, I sustain that the most dramatic transformation for Humanity was the so called 'Discovery' and Conquest of the American Continent. Starting then, the world powers were redistributed, with blood and horror, domination and submission, discrimination and genocide. The motivation? Christianizing the 'savages'? Or rather load the Church with the gold they extracted -again- with blood and horror from the aboriginal peoples land? The motivation for that invasion was economical and with it, the hunger for power and control of the resources. Then, the aboriginal ‘American’ empires were falling and new ‘European’ empires were rising. The West and the East started again fighting for power as they did in the previous Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1284, that timed the seed of the subsequent rise of the Ottoman Empire.

Is there anything new today? The world will certainly see new empires taking over the decadent ones.

The only news today is that Mother Earth, our Pacha Mama, is exhausted, and on the verge of agony. Soon enough, we, insignificant human beings, will deeply regret having raped Mother Earth, because we will need food and we will not find it so easily, we will need water, and there will be none. 

It is my belief, (and I respect that the reader may not share it), that people alive today are reincarnations of all those who lived through those Ages. Personally, we should pay attention to whom we cross paths with, because most likely is someone with whom one has a story to resolve. Yes, Saturn makes us grow up, advance to maturity, behave responsibly with perfect integrity. Even if we don't want to grow up and take responsibility, we will be held accountable.

Moreover, Jeffrey Wolf Green, one of the pioneers of Evolutionary Astrologer, states in his book Pluto, " The natal position of Pluto describes the preexisting patterns in identity association that the individual naturally gravitates to in this life. The South Node [of the Moon] describes, from a prior-life point of view, the mode of operation that allowed the individual to actualize or fulfill the desires or intentions described in the natal position of Pluto." 

Having Pluto conjunct its ruler Saturn, and in the same sign of the Moon's South Node, may cause Humanity to repeat or relive the karmic past, "because of failure to deal with or resolve successfully, the issues described by the house and sign where Pluto and South Node fall in." Although, J. W. Green states that this condition is rare. Phew! However, and at least at the beginning of the New Era, there could be a tendency to resist changes, and repeat the power struggles, crimes and manipulations of the past, with the intent to cling to what is known and feels comfortable in the face of the unknown. 

On the other hand, it could be a time to receive what was previously sought. In the past, Humanity, feeling vulnerable, has had a strong tendency to trust its social and political security in the hands of a few who held a centralized power, or patriarchal feudalism. This had ended up in a huge gap in the distribution of power. Some are absolutely empowered, others absolutely disempowered. This might be an Era where a redistribution of power is possible, only if we consciously focus in the right direction, but not without struggles, conflicts, scarcity, and pain.

Both those possibilities could coexist for some time, and there could be a future rebalance of power  and possessions between the haves and havenots, between people who have invaded and stolen lands from others and the peoples who have been deprived of it. This may not be achieved without major conflicts as we already see around the world.

The ball is already rolling, what is supposed to happen will happen. These are the natural consequences of 500 years of history. Trying to avoid them is like trying to stop the ocean with the hands. However, what role do you, do I want to play? What is the part you and I will play? Do we still think this is about 'us against them'? I am certain that through the events that will develop during the next 5 years we will finally understand that the other people are us. When we pollute the ocean, we are polluting ourselves, when we hate something or someone, we are only hating ourselves. Peace and harmony can only be achieved when we finally learn to LOVE OURSELVES, as individuals and as a species. (continues in Part II)

Much love to you! Sat Nam.

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  1. much to think about, thanks for the writing

    1. Thank you for your visit here. Let's make a better world, together.

  2. Love the article...Love is the only answer


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