Saturday, December 21, 2019

The January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction - Part III

World Chart of the New Era

Mine is an attempt to read the Great Conjunction chart as the Birth of a New Era for the World. The series starts HERE. I will explain the meaning of each Zodiac House using some of the methods I use to read any Birth Chart. This way the reader will also have a sense of how I work. I start here a series of posts revealing the meanings through the houses rulership. 

Choose and hold the direction you want to go in your life.

Third house ruler, Mercury, is in the 10th house. 

The mind of people is much on what is going on in the public sphere than in their private lives now. Nothing new, right? Especially when millions of people are glued to the media around the world, listening to what their government officials are doing and saying, even though they should know that the politicians keep the truth well hidden in the underworld of their dealings.

With the same token, people may be inclined to be more secretive and protect their information, especially since the media culture promotes openly sharing private lives and then the media owners turn around and sell people’s information to the higher bidder. Not only that but, technology, marketing and skills (all ruled by Mercury) are now so well fine-tuned that it is super easy for the tech savvy to breach into virtually any system not protected by a long series of 36-characters passwords. So, yes, protect yourself by protecting your information!

The communication area gets a more complicated twist because Mercury is overpowered by Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, and no less by the Sun that makes all of them invisible. Mercury, since he is neutral, always infuses himself with the surrounding planetary energy. For this reason, governmental institutions will have a strong grip on media, communications, and the freedom of speech. Moreover, they can implement heavy-to-digest censure, restrictive regulations, propaganda (not that people haven't seen it lately), manipulations, and generate new laws that heavily thwart all communications, and media businesses. 

Writers, journalists, teachers, broadcasters, translators, interpreters, and communicators of any kind will most probably be constraint to obey new laws that blocks the free flow of information. People can expect the Internet and all media outlets to be heavily regulated, manipulated and manipulative, flooded by propaganda and 'official' public information. People will read, this time for real, the 1984 book by George Orwell, cover to cover. 
The regulation of communications goes very well with the innovative body implanted chips mentioned before. From now on, people won't even need to think for themselves, they will be thought instead. 

Neighborhoods, short distant travels, commute, domestic travel, marketing, advertising, and early education may as well be heavily controlled by a central power and surveilled by the organization of law enforcement (Mercury conjunct Saturn Pluto). The Sun, as the center of the Solar System, in other words, the Boss, overpowers them all. I’m not sure how this will translate in physical reality, if there will be a totalitarian authority in charge of the obscure communication dealings, or in fact, if the sunlight will not allow the underworld influence to see the day. Let’s hope for the best.

Meanwhile, we are the only captain of our personal lives. We can turn the energy around and have it work in a positive beneficial way for us, if and when we transform our way of thinking and our connection with the environment (Mercury). Are we willing to change our behavior online? Will we continue to expose ourselves and make ourselves vulnerable navigating the Internet? Users, clients and customers are who define what the one in power offers and sells. For example, adults should learn how the media work, and teach the children how to behave in public networks. Early basic education is another area ruled by Mercury. I’m afraid that the common folks have to take education in their hands because it is obvious that governments are not interested in people’s learning or understanding anything.
Reading and learning can be liberating. Read!
Remember that Astrology shows what we are doing, because the Universe is inside of us. If we change, the cosmos changes. We are the creators of our own reality. If you want something to change, change it in yourself!

Fourth House ruler, the Moon, is in the Fifth house

In turn, the Moon in Leo is ruled by the Sun in Capricorn conjunct our titans, Saturn and Pluto. The Sun there represents a maximum unipersonal government authority. However, it could also represent one’s personal core essence and personal expression of it. Home and family life as well as our comfort and intimate safety, again, is heavily watched, regulated and surveilled by the head of the state, whoever that is, and wherever one lives. 

As I said before, Saturn in Capricorn is the motto energy in this chart. The Sun in Capricorn is the Lord ruling everything public, political, institutional, governmental. If there is a totalitarian authority is because each one of us has made it so. How? Giving our personal power away in the name of safety and security, expecting that the government will watch after the people. Mistake, it doesn’t! Saturn gives a dry and barren feeling to this era, with many restrictions and much contraction. If people don’t change the dynamic and mature, Saturn may bring scarcity to the households, and separation from family members.  
Be the Captain of your own life.
Families should focus their efforts on providing a safe place for children (Also North Node in Cancer). Home may be a place where children thrive, where the confidence, comfort, joy, satisfaction and security will be provided by trusting the higher authority, who in turn ensures the family protection. There will be a tendency to look for enjoyments at home, having leisure and entertaining activities mainly within the walls of the house. All family members may participate together in the practice of sports, artistic expressions, education or going out to performing events. You decide who the maximum authority is. Part IV

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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