Monday, May 27, 2019

New Moon in Gemini June 3, 2019

A New Moon is a Sun Moon conjunction, the Sun light doesn’t allow us to see the Moon, and it represents the beginning of a new Moon Cycle. In Gemini, the New Moon activates the Air quality, which is the intellectual activity. It represents a new stimulation in the domain of the mind, thinking, communication, information, skills, relationships with people in our immediate daily environment like siblings, classmates, neighbors in Gemini’s natural house, or in the house Gemini falls in your personal chart. At the same time, it’s also a completion of what we have experienced in the previous lunar cycle.

We have been experiencing mind fogginess so far, with a combination of Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces and opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius. Jupiter with his enthusiasm and optimism was lost in the big picture. Mercury busy speeding up in Gemini, his own home, was lost in the details. None of them had a clear understanding of what was going on in reality. Look at the Pisces house on your own chart to find out where exactly was your mind seeing things in pink, with Neptune rose-colored glasses.

With this New Moon opposing Jupiter -even though in a wide orb-, we start to see profiles taking shape. It’s not until the Moon detaches from the Sun a few more degrees, and that she opposes exactly Jupiter that more light is shed on the issues at hand. Hopefully, we finally can start seeing clearer in the middle of the information fog. Will Jupiter help us learn the truth? Or will Neptune still wear his rose-colored glasses?

In our personal Chart, we should focus on the 4th leg of the T-square, the Virgo house. There is where we can rebalance the instability. Virgo is the grounding Earth element that is missing and the place where we can turn to find answers. Contrary to Pisces with its rose-colored glasses, Virgo is the 'reading glasses', so to speak, that can show the reality.

The New Moon is also making a karmic quintile, with Chiron. This gives a very creative energy that increases the healing process Chiron is doing in Aries. It helps us by speeding up our growth regarding the feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability of our personality and uniqueness. You can read my blog posts about Chiron in Aries. This aspect with the New Moon is an open door leading to a new perspective on our identity healing. The healing process can mean literally the physical healing of a head injury if Aries is your Rising Sign.

Venus in Taurus is barely separating from the trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This means that the intensity in love, and the transformation of values will eventually start to fade away, just for a time until Venus reaches the opposition. So far, our feminine energy has been empowered, we felt that we can easily control the desires, we have a hold of our finances in a beneficial way. The progressive and relentless transformation in the house marked by Capricorn received a benevolent support from a very stable loving agent, Venus feeling at home in Taurus, be it in the form of another person, a financial situation, or new pleasurable circumstances.

Venus Trine Pluto, marked with green lines on the chart, is nicely supported by a T-sextile with Neptune at the apex. Neptune adds its dreamy, inspired imagination, unconditional love for all concerned, helping us see how the situation or interaction benefits everybody involved. Even though Neptune can have the tendency to escape to the clouds of imagination or even hallucinations, this time, it's also sextile Saturn, which brings it back to the dirt of physical reality. Our dreams may now have a chance to be realized.

Chiron receives also the Uranian influence of a semi sextile. I wrote last week about it as well. Uranus, a little constraint in Taurus, diverts his discomfort with Chiron into a very detached and impersonal escape.

Jupiter is backtracking to make a square with Neptune again June 16, but I will talk about this in the June Full Moon article.

We shouldn’t forget the major influence on this chart, one that lasts, and is very strong, all year long, Saturn Pluto conjunction and the South Node. They are dismantling and rebuilding the house occupied by Capricorn in your chart. Pluto, already in the last third of the Sign, has done most of the work, although, he will keep at it without truce until 2024, 5 more years. Pluto and Saturn have so far, helped us get rid of unconscious conditionings, family lineage baggage, and probably past life karmic imprints. Pluto has certainly destroyed and decomposed anything there that doesn’t serve you anymore. He’s the vulture in Nature cleaning dead carcasses to the bones. We will be left with the bare bones of that house structure, there is no more room for superficiality. When Saturn comes back direct, with his strict discipline and patience, he will help us rebuild new structures, boundaries, and a new reality.

The North Node in Cancer is the compass we should use to navigate our ship to a safe port. So, don’t dwell on Capricorn, look rather for comfort, support, shelter, home and family feelings in the zodiac house occupied by Cancer. There is healing there.

A chart that was mostly Earth (Capricorn and Taurus) and Water (Cancer and Pisces), with just a pinch of Fire (Aries and Sagittarius), has now enough Air (Gemini) to make sense of it all. So far we have been dealing with the emotions about practical issues. We already realized that when we are overwhelmed by emotions, our mind is confused. Now that the Sun, the Moon and Mercury are in Gemini we got the 'light bulb' lit! Remember, your planets or points in the house of Virgo (also ruled by Mercury) can help you get out of the confusion rut. Becoming aware of the energy dynamics of the cosmos is an amazing tool to navigate life. Make sure you use it.

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