Friday, November 1, 2019

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 2019

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 31 to November 20

Mercury is now traveling the path Venus visited three times last year from October 5 to November 17, 2018. Look back memory lane and find out what was in your mind and life then. You will find yourself revisiting those circumstances, events or relationships. 

Many of the world events today were already in the news then, and we are still analyzing, trying to understand them, and find solutions to them. Without being specific, and not to participate in the discord, the subjects are, namely, migrations, borders, protests, political corruption, political power struggles, power alliances and breakups. What are your personal themes?

Under the microscope are our fixed patterns and ingrained psychological conditionings regarding energy exchange in the form of resources, money or sex. With an empowered mind, we are ready to dig out our real desires, manipulations, obsessions, taboos, financial or sexual secret deals that are part of our unconscious patterns of behavior. 

Mercury slowdown helps us go within to learn about our most intense emotions, to probe our sexual behavior patterns, to probe our relationship with energy, with power, money and resources. Mercury in Scorpio goes there with a magnifying glass of skepticism or suspicion, like a spy looking for the truth.

Scorpio is the natural 8th house of the zodiac where our traumas, transformative crisis, shared resources and energy, sexual partnership and taxes are processed. Mercury transiting there is revising all of that at a deeper level. Some people will find themselves having to face sexual problems with their partners or just within themselves. Issues of disempowerment can require to reset boundaries, for example in codependent relationships. This retrograde may cause a crisis to give them the opportunity to set themselves free, learn how to love & empower themselves and provide their own emotional safety. This period presents a great opportunity to use psychotherapy, counseling an energy healing if necessary.

November 11, Mercury will, in perspective, cross the center of the Sun, it's Mercury's eclipse. Going to this link, a map shows you that it will be most visible in the Southern American Continent. This transit will certainly help reveal much about those secrets that need to be released and purged. Emotional and mental stubbornness, denial, corruption, treason, infidelity, betrayal of trust, emotional or sexual manipulations, codependency, obsessions can now come up to the surface for us to see them and decide if we are ready to cleanse our life or dig deeper our grave.

In the world stage, South America will have much to learn about their politics with this Mercury eclipse. Not only does Mercury conjunct the Sun, but he will be at 19º ♏️in sextile to Saturn Pluto midpoint and the Moon will conjunct Uranus at the same time. Since Mars had been squaring Pluto since the beginning of November, the oven is too hot to bake.  There is great social and political polarization. This energy lends to manipulative, secretive, even criminal power deals. People may face repression from one side, and running for shelter to the opposite side, they may be caught between two fires.  There is a need to be careful with alliances that may backfire with treason.

Charon taking Psyche to the Underworld

Considering all the aspects that Mercury will make going backwards and forwards in Scorpio, it is a very active retrograde period.

The Mercury sextile to Pluto on November 10-11 at 21º ♏️is then a great opportunity to empower ourselves, to recover the power that we have been giving away to outside sources, be it partners, situations, work dynamic, career, family, political party, country, etc in the name of safety and security.

November 18 and 25, Mercury semi square (waning 45º) Jupiter, the first time retrograde, second time direct. Jupiter supports our quest for the truth, and the need to not only use reasoning, but allow ourselves to listen carefully to our intuition, the answers that come to us without knowing. We know but we can't explain how we have received that knowledge.

Almost same influence will Mercury receive from the trine to Neptune, November 13 and 14 retrograde and November 28 direct at 15º. Mercury will reactivate the Jupiter Neptune square that had us in a foggy state of mind almost the whole year, trying to guess what the truth is. Spiritual revelations can help us awake from that long dream of ours.

At the same time almost, Mercury also sextile Saturn, November 13 and 14 at 16º and November 30 at 17º. Another opportunity to realize where our boundaries are, and maybe deconstruct them and reconstruct them. We may recognize how much fear was the cause of our submission to authorities that did not even deserve leadership, and how much they have used fear to control, manipulate and restrict our lives.

At the retrograde station at 11º ♏️, Mercury will trine the North Node of the Moon for the second time. By then we would have gone through a complete revision of our values, maybe also our financial resources and energy, and in some cases our sexuality (Scorpio represents all of that). With the North Node, we have the opportunity to set a clear path to real safety, by trusting our own personal power, building the self love and recognizing our own value and using them to achieve on our own the safety and security of Cancer North Node. We aim to the safety of our families, the nurturance of our children, the security of our homes, and the protection of our food resources to ensure our survival.

The most interesting aspect is with Chiron because Mercury activates him at the beginning and at the end of his retrograde cycle. Both (103º and 135º apart respectively) are karmic and challenging. There is no surprise that we feel vulnerable with all these deep digging into the unconscious mind to get out the accumulated 'toxins'. However, Chiron can help us heal if we are willing to release the rotten stuff we have stored for so long. The challenge is to clean up the obscure and broken compartments of our mind.

I wish you the best. Make it a great healing event in your life! Sat Nam.

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chiron in November 2019 - Love Your Wound

Click to read the Myth of Chiron
November 3 - Venus in Sagittarius waning trine to Chiron 

By now, we have completely understood our own Love wounding. We saw it fully with the Venus Chiron opposition in September. We were challenged to make adjustments accordingly with the quincunx last month.  The insights have been internal though, but now it's time to show the results in the outside world. Someone or something appears in our life that makes us realize the progress we have made accepting our vulnerability and loving ourselves. We realize that even though we are wounded, we still have the right and ability to exist, love and be loved.

While with the waxing trine we tend to perpetuate stressful relationships, or attract relationships that are not satisfying; with the waning trine we tend to have gained a profound understanding of the karmic (conditioning) sexual experience that makes us stick to or break with that partner. Venus in Sagittarius doesn't focus much on the details, she has a broader perspective of enjoying adventures and exploring a spiritual experience together. She's sympathetic, generous and optimistic. This feels comfortable for the wise Centaur Chiron.

By assuming the new insight and assimilating it within, we are ready now for the next step. Since the Moon in Aquarius sextiles both, Chiron and Venus, the emotional detachment supports the clear vision we've achieved. We may now accept that new partner because we understand the love dynamic between our own wound and his or hers. On the other hand, with the new perspective of one's own wound, one may understand that it's better to stay away, or break free from the present partner. In any case, there are more possibilities to heal self love and relationships.  If there is a break up or a new tie in the horizon, it will probably not happen until the next third quarter square, when Venus enters Capricorn.

November 8 the Moon conjuncts Chiron, starting a new cycle. And November 22 the Moon opposes Chiron. Visit Chiron and the Moon Phases to understand the Moon Chiron cycle.

Your wound is your strength

November 21 - Mars in Scorpio quincunx Chiron in Aries

Because he is its traditional ruler, our warrior Mars is at home in the Sign of Scorpio. Tired of being frustrated in Libra, trying to reconcile, having to consider the desires of others as well, looking for justice and not getting it, now he can be assertive, and act with determination.

On the other side of the zodiac, Chiron is unsettled with his feelings of not belonging, and his inability to be recognized for who he is, as he is. Chiron represents the people protesting around the world asking for recognition of their existence, and their right to participate in the distribution of resources in order to survive. It is the limping body of Humanity, with its primordial vulnerability, with the fragility of its disempowerment.

However, Mars, as also the ruler of Aries, where Chiron is, and now transiting in Scorpio, can stubbornly fight to uncover secrets, defy authorities and conditionings. Mars in Scorpio not only can he act obsessively, but can be subversive, manipulative, and can use undermining tactics. Their inconjunct relationship produces tense circumstances, events, that can either make the warrior be passionately aggressive or have Chiron excessively suffering. Considering the closing Mars opposition to Uranus, (exact Nov. 24) violent explosions of anger, impulsive and unexpected disruptions can provoke anger and even military attacks in reaction to people's demands of freedom.

Apollo entrusting Aescalapius to Chiron for his education

November 26 - New Moon 4º ♐︎ trine Chiron

Be in the look out for my New Moon report, where I will read the whole chart. The Moon and Sun make a waning trine to Chiron, which is the point of maturation and sharing of the emotional balance achieved at the 'fullness' (opposition). This is a very comfortable and harmonious creative energy that we can use in order to heal the feelings of unworthiness, insufficiency, and disadvantage of our identity.

If we make conscious efforts to accept our vulnerability and heal, this is a protective energy that sheds the light of understanding on our issues. We can become more compassionate with our own 'wound' and more empathetic with the others'. If we try to find refuge in our victimization though, we may end up throwing a hypersensitive temper tantrum ('poor me' syndrome).

The Sun (Apollo, Chiron's adoptive father, see the post about the Sun's trine)  always helps us manifest an expression of the healing, either by showing an assertive attitude, finding a creative purpose or by becoming healers of ourselves and others.

November 26 - Venus square Chiron

This is the last quarter square, which is waning. So, it is a time of deep psychological experiences that ask for change and for a break with the past patterns of behaviour related to our sense of inadequacy and our vulnerability. Something in a relationship can put the finger in your wound and once more we we feel the pain. "I'm not good enough", "he/she would never accept me", "they reject me because [fill in the blank]". You expect more than your partner can or is willing to give, and that can resurface your sense of not measuring up, feeling inadequate or unwanted. The solution would be to reflect objectively and evaluate all the qualities that you have to make the relationship work, in spite of any perceived fault. This way, you're forced to recognize the ways in which the partnership is balanced with equal give and take. The last quarter between planets is the crisis in consciousness, when we realize something that needs to be incorporated.

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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