Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Tale of Chiron - Activation in July 2019

This is a continuation of the series I am writing on Chiron. If you are not familiar with his story, I refer you to a previous post about him.  After studying Chiron's astrology from different authors, and having matured his archetype with his whole Revolution on my own chart, I have personally adopted him as the co-ruler of Virgo, my Rising Sign. Barbara Hand Clow makes the suggestion that Chiron is the actual ruler of Virgo, and I immediately agreed. Writing this series maybe I end up convincing Virgos about it. In any case, my sharing is part of my own Healing Journey.

Transits Activating Chiron - July 2019

July 6
Mercury ALMOST square Chiron
Not yet, because Mercury will turn retrograde July 7 at 4º ♌︎until 23º ♋️. However, in fiery Leo, Mercury can be dramatic and spontaneously childlike with a message, conversation or understanding that can help us heal the wound of our identity (Aries). Just pay attention. Mercury will come back with the definite answer beginning August.

July 7
Venus in Cancer square Chiron, and sextile Uranus

Venus in Cancer wants to be all cozy, gather the family around the fireplace in a cold winter night, eat her favorite homemade food, and enjoy the harmony of her home. And when the children fall asleep, she likes to slip with her lover under the covers for a warm embrace. 90º away, Chiron in Aries doesn't really know what to do, he feels insecure about her accepting him, he feels too ugly, insecure, inadequate. This is the true story of Belle and the Beast. He is so afraid of her kiss. He thinks, 'and if nothing happens? if she kisses me and I remain a monster?' He can't bear the idea of feeling ridiculous. For him, the best option is not even attempt it, and completely renounce to his dream of love.
With Uranus in between them, Venus is not too conforming. She is willing to seduce Chiron in unconventional ways, maybe becoming more intellectual, becoming friends, talking about scientific subjects.
Then Chiron, with the Uranus influence of the semi-sextile, is forced to diverge the energy by creating a solution that doesn't have to deal with the reality of the problem, or deals with it indirectly, with a detached, aloof, and sterile approach. Read about his Maverick friend, or foe? It also comes to my mind my favorite movie, Cyrano de Bergerac, where the 'beast' takes the vicarious approach to send his love letters to her lady. I have cried the hundred and one times I watched it.

Then, Chiron turns around and goes find the most horrendous witch of the forest, the one with a wart on her nose, so he can feel beautiful around her. No kidding! Having Chiron in the first house in a hard aspect with Venus, not only can the person always be attracted to the impossible, unattainable, unavailable love, but unconsciously has a tendency to find an ugly mate or make ugly acquaintances in order not to feel 'so bad or ugly' himself. This he does to ensure not being abandoned, because, in Chiron's mind, "how can the 'ugly duck' reject the awesome 'swan'?"

Chiron first wound was his mother's rejection, the second was his abandonment by both parents. This is why "True love can't never be made without Chiron". One needs to be able to parent oneself, and it is a long road of learning unconditional love. One needs to learn to accept oneself, with all the faults, shortcomings and deformities, as a whole perfect imperfection, like a parent should have loved us. Once we have made our own journey, we become healers. We talk about Chiron, and we do the Chiron touch on others with his magic wand.

July 8 Chiron Rx

Chiron looks back, he is 'retrograde'. Because he is so insecure, he reviews every step of his way. This time he will take 5 months to go back until 1º Aries where he was March 8 this year. From now until December 13, we will revisit everything related to his archetype during those previous four months. Time to reflect, meditate and ponder about our wound.

July 10
Mars in Leo trine Chiron Aries

Remember, Mars rules Aries! Mars has a great impact on Chiron travels in Aries. With the unexpected outburst from eccentric independent Uranus 90º away in Taurus, the sweaty and fearsome warrior climbs the stage and becomes an actor in this play. Of course, he's not too skillful at it, he may not even have a script, but he dares, has initiative. He doesn't really worry about making a career out of it, so it doesn't really matter how good or bad his performance is, he just shows up and does it.

This impulsive attitude lets Chiron leave behind his insecurities, after all, "if Mars can perform without skills, I can with all my talents!" -he thinks.  And he starts to see his skills. He is dexterous with the bow and arrows. He has endurance in the run because of his horse legs, so he can go long distances fast. He can make potions because he's studied Alchemy. He is an alternative healer, so can cure people with his herbal and energy healing techniques. He is an Astrologer, so he can help people understand themselves better and make better, sound decisions. With a newly gained confidence, he says to himself, "I can do it!" Chiron is making progress in his 'retrograde' reflective mode.

July 28
Sun in Leo square Uranus trine Chiron in Aries
Apollo Belvedere c. 120–140 CE

The Sun is the epitome of acting and creating, shining bright in his own home, and stirred up by a square to Uranus, performs unexpectedly on his own stage. Now the Sun calls Chiron on stage, gives him the fiery spirit and confidence about his differences (Uranus), so he comes out and performs himself. Even though Chiron can see his 'imperfection' clearer, the Sun's warmth, love and generosity fires up Chiron's spirit with the power of forgiveness. Remember that Apollo was Chiron's adoptive father. Apollo, the God of the Sun in Greek Mythology, was the one who cared for, raised, and taught Chiron until he became an adult. Apollo enlightened Chiron, he taught him all he knew about diseases, healing, music, poetry, songs, dance, archery, and who knows what else! Apollo must have trusted his disciple very much because he assigned him the education of Asclepius, who became the God of Medicine, Healing, Rejuvenation and Doctors.
So, now, Chiron trusts Apollo's advice, and he is ready to climb to the stage and perform with confidence in his talents, with the conviction that he is there to help others heal as well as he did. After all, Uranus says that it is OK to be different, weird and queer!

August 1
Venus in Leo trine Chiron

By the end of July and beginning August, Venus comes along to the Sun stage in Leo as part of the cast. Once more, she stirs Chiron's sensitivity to his ugliness and disharmony, but this time his painful love has matured. Chiron is now ready to take the challenge of unconditional love. His enlightenment allows him to "see beauty where [he hadn't] noticed it, and find value in what [he previously] dismissed as ugly or worthless" (Melanie Reinhart, The Healing Journey, pg 207).

Next month, I'll tell you more about Venus and Chiron story, because that belongs to the month of August. I hope that little tale inspires you to take a second look at your Chiron in Aries, and transfer its symbolism to your life now, so you can heal that wound. Much love to you!

Make it a good month! Sat Nam.

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