Saturday, June 29, 2019

Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019

Solar Eclipse – July 2, 2019 – 10º ♋️ 

First, if you are not familiar with what is an eclipse astronomically, I recommend the Mr. Eclipse website. There, you can even see a picture of a Solar Eclipse on the first page. In summary, a Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, close to a Lunar Node and eclipses or ‘covers’ the Sun light in such a way that, for the duration, the daylight becomes dark.

This one is a Total Solar Eclipse, but will only be seen fully in the Southern Hemisphere across Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. We can expect for sure that those countries will be directly affected by it. I’d say, especially Argentina whose Sun is 17º Cancer, and Mercury 6º, Venus 11º; and Uruguay with the Mercury at 7º and the Moon at 8º ♋️.

How the Solar Eclipse affects us

In our personal lives, psychologically, the Moon represents the unconscious mind and memories, the Sun represents the soul consciousness. Together, they are the lens through which we see the world, and our existence in general. The fact that the Moon, or unconscious, eclipses, or covers the Sun, our consciousness, means that our hidden conditioning from the past, and even from past lives, comes to the surface and supersedes the conscious awareness. We are able to see what was hidden before. It has a ‘fated’ flavor because of the close contact of the Sun Moon conjunction with the Lunar Node. 

We call ‘fate’ whatever we don’t understand the reason why it happens. Generally speaking, fate or karma is the unconscious conditionings playing out in our life, which appears as spontaneous reactions from us or events coming from outside. Those conditionings are related to what has happened behind the veil we crossed when we were born. They are experiences, actions we did, people we met and interact with, and we forgot when we reincarnated.

The series of Cancer Capricorn eclipses started last Summer with the Solar Eclipse at 20º ♋️ July 12, 2018. This Cancer Capricorn eclipse ‘season’ lasts until July 5th 2020 with the last Lunar (completion) Eclipse in Capricorn. It means that we are working with the same evolutionary theme in different ways for about 2 years. The degrees activated by it are 20, 15, 10, 24, 10, 4, 0 and 13 in that order. You may look at your own Birth Chart to locate those and identify how the eclipses are affecting your life. Or you can order a reading with me to find out.

Eclipses have a cycle of 18.5 years, meaning that they repeat approximately at the same degree. Last time we had a Solar Eclipse at 10º Cancer was July 1, 2000, and the Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2000 at 24º Capricorn. Surprisingly, even the date is exact! So, if you feel that what is happening now in your life is a ‘déjà-vu’ kind of theme, is because IT IS! Only, now it may be higher in the evolutionary spiral. Situations, circumstances, events and people related to your personal theme may resonate with what happened in 2000, and even 18 years before then, around 1982.

This is something Astrologers have observed and correlated for thousands and thousands of years, with themes in society and personal life. The repetition of the eclipse cycle allows us to understand, process and develop the particular evolutionary theme (according to the zodiac house where it falls on our personal chart). If you compare with previous cycles, you can see a pattern clearly defined in your life.

Fate or free will?

Every time we incarnate, we are born with our own plan, usually consequence of previous soul evolution. The plan is 'written' in our Birth Chart. We are free to take the challenge or not, but every repetition of the theme gives us the opportunity to further our evolution. If we resist it, the evolutionary urge could become more intense every time. Considering Pluto and Saturn participation in our present particular Eclipse cycle, we can find ourselves in a pressure-cooker kind of situation. Especially because Pluto has a power out of our control. We are not able to deny or elude what he is ‘suggesting’; in fact, his suggestion is a kind of atomic power that is able to transmute us into a new form. This is why, his work is often referred to as the Phoenix coming back to life from the Ashes, or Death and Rebirth. So, wait until the Lunar Eclipse July 17, when the Moon will conjoin Pluto! Saturn on the other hand suggests some kind of separation, renunciation or sacrifice, particularly because the South Node has also a draining effect.

Aspects in the Solar Eclipse Chart

The New Moon conjoins the North Lunar Node 🌚☌ ☊, and opposes the South Node sandwiched in between Pluto and Saturn. Pluto has been decomposing and recycling the content of our Capricorn zodiac house. You can find general information on the Blog about the Lunar Nodes in the Cancer Capricorn axis. The South Node of the Moon breaks us free from our deepest unconscious patterns of behavior and conditioning coming from past situations, from this or previous lives. The memories are related to fear, abandonment, separation (Saturn), obsessive desires, and sexual, and life and death traumas (Pluto).

Remember that Saturn ate his children, which mythologically symbolizes our ‘adulting’ process over time (Saturn was also Chronos, the God of Time). With the South Node we are leaving behind childish behavior, outmoded life structures (particularly those marked by the zodiac house where Saturn is transiting in your own Chart), and even unconscious programming (also called Karma), and past life unfinished business. Saturn, now retrograde, is taking review of old decadent structures of conditioned responsibility, discipline and reality. When he comes back direct September 18, 2019, he will have a new plan, new structures to rebuild that area of life. In fact, Saturn supports very gracefully the spiritual work Neptune is doing for us in Pisces, helping us materialize it, and bring it into our daily reality (♄ ✽ ♆). (Please read more extensively about the still active Neptune trine to the North Node and square to Jupiter in my previous Blog post)

The transformation this Eclipse 'Season' operates is applied to the events taking place in the area of your life where Cancer falls in your Chart. Because this New Moon happens on the North Node, it will initiate, add something or enhance that area with something that will have a positive incidence or impact for the next 18-year cycle.

Uranus, stellar performance in the Solar Eclipse Sky

If you are an Aquarius child, Uranus is your ruler, then this Eclipse is affecting you even more. 

The Sun and Moon sextile Uranus, Mercury and Mars square Uranus and trine Chiron. Uranus revolt in Taurus is about shocking changes to implement revolutionary physical, sexual, and material values. His soft relationship with the Solar Eclipse indicates a smooth acceptance of this new beginning. Personally, an unexpected event, meeting an unorthodox individual, or a sudden creative insight is an opportunity to totally change the person's future.

The stressful interaction of Uranus with Mercury in Leo, with a little push from Mars, though, makes for a clever stimulation of our mental ability and activity that can electrically trigger a surprising assertive decision, or an impulsive communication. Mars in Leo adds passion to the mix and in certain cases can be violent. Depending on the personal chart, the addition of Mars energy, can relate to an unexpected conversation about sexual issues, or a long overdue assertive statement regarding relationships or gender preferences, etc.

At the same time Mercury and Mars (4º orb) almost trine Chiron means that whatever the Uranus-Mercury-Mars conversation triggers, it will soon (when exact trine) bring healing to our sense of inadequacy and uneasiness, or inability to assert our own individuality in that area of life occupied by Aries. If Chiron is in the 7th house, is about sustaining appropriate relationships, if in the 3d house is about appropriate communication, or thinking. (Refer to my previous blog post about Chiron activation in June).


The Solar Eclipse energy is powerful and unavoidable. Events can come from outside. However, it is up to our level of conscious awareness, the way we can use them for our advantage. The consequences and our future depend on the choices and actions we take. The more aware we are, the better. Hence, the need for us not to take the Eclipse as just an event to watch for its magnificence, but rather to take time to retreat, reflect, ponder, meditate and set priorities and goals for a happier, wiser, and more loving life. With several planets in 'retrograde' mode, reflection is favored. If we are tired of the repeating patterns modality, the Eclipse Season is a great time to unstuck ourselves. Blessings and much love to you!

Watch my Solar Eclipse July 2 youtube video

For personal readings, please contact me at
Follow me on Facebook and Tumblr as Sat Sangat. I'm also on Instagram as pukavypora (it means radiant smile in Güarani language).

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