Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Chiron in October 2019 - The Pain of Being Different

This tree was born with a hindrance that made it stronger, Palmetto Texas State Park.
The faster cosmic bodies of the Solar System have turned the corner of the opposition, we finished the Chironic growing cycle. From now on, the cycle is about assimilation and dissemination of the lesson, the equivalent of the Fall and Winter Seasons when farmers harvest, gather, store and distribute or share the food.

The Moon in Capricorn square Chiron - October 4

The Moon's waxing quarter square is the crisis in action stage of the Moon-Chiron cycle, when we are triggered and challenged in the emotional progress started at the New Moon in Libra of September 28. Something or someone touches our wound  once more and we come back to the same feelings. What we perceive as different, defective, not good enough in ourselves hurts once more. But somehow, we take a small step forward in the process of accepting it. If we consciously welcome it, stay with the emotion and hold a loving space for the suffering, not only does it loose the grip, but we also gain self assurance, and just another dose of self esteem that help us understand its healing power. Remember, the healing is in the wound.

The Most Important Activation

Mars opposite Chiron, October 8th

Around the world, people have been protesting for the right to BE, for the right to EXIST, for the right to express themselves, and their bodies to occupy a space. Considering the rest of the Astrological Chart these days, we can expect not only those protests to continue, but the situation to heat up a notch or two. As the ruler of Chiron, Mars opposition can be aggressive to say the least, and in any case we may see the 'wounded warrior' in many places. As the Nodal Axis continues its backwards motion, the Mars Chiron axis squares it as well. Not only will those protesters be more determined and assertive defending their rights and need to be recognized, as 'different' or unique as they might be considered, but they will demand a change from the Establishment (Capricorn) that denies them the safety, shelter, food and the physical space in the world they ask for (Cancer). Unfortunately, on October 8th we may hear even more bad news, because governmental authorities are not ready yet to give concessions... probably not until next year. We'll see.

In our personal lives, we may encounter a person or situation that, intentionally or not, stirs our deepest Chironic wound, and throws us into an emotional breakdown. Then our conflict will be against our own outdated psychological structures (Capricorn) that don't allow us to accept, nurture and love ourselves as we are (Cancer). However, we can use this opportunity to sit with the suffering and study it intentionally, asking what it is, why it hurts, where it comes from. Then, we may find a way out, and the eventual healing process can be initiated.

Inconjunctions to Chiron  

From the Sign of Scorpio, Mercury (October 5), Venus (October 10), the Sun (October 25) and the New Moon (October 28) all quincunx (inconjunct) Chiron. This is the second quincunx corresponding to the transformational energy of Scorpio. The first one corresponded to the analytical and healing energy of Virgo when we were looking for a 'medicine'. Now, we may feel frustrated by our vulnerability, and we may have a tendency to overcompensate, to underplay or overplay the wound, avoid the feelings by magnifying the other planet's archetype.

With Mercury, we may have the tendency to obsessively think about the injustice that gave us our particular vulnerability. We may find opportunities to talk about the hurt we feel and make it look more pathetic.

With Venus, we may overcompensate the suffering by emphasizing the pursuit of our desire for pleasures of any kind, food, sex, shopping, anything that can cover the pain or make us forget the vulnerability.

With the Sun in waning quincunx, we are adjusting to the wound awareness gained with the opposition last month. We have a new or different perspective or perception of the suffering and need to start assimilating it. We may have exaggerated its significance to attract attention. Another way of shedding the Sun light on it would be digging deeply (Scorpio) into the issue to seek the hidden answers of why our individuality is so vulnerable, 'why do I have to be this way?' kind of attitude. The Scorpionic quincunx is the start of the healing. At this stage we may even try to prove ourselves to others by demonstrating, 'this happens to me because I am ____'

With the New Moon, our emotions can go overboard once we feel something or someone 'touch' the painful spot, or we may feel victimized by our 'wound'.

Awareness and Healing
The Moon at 2ยบ ♎️Libra on October 25, will oppose Chiron casting her light on him like did the New Moon last month. Once again, as she does every month, we have another opportunity for awareness. The more conscious we are of our individual vulnerabilities (signaled by Chiron in Aries), the better the chances we have to find a balm, the 'medicine', that healing method.

Remember that the 'medicine' is in the wound. As we heal, we become the 'medicine' for others with the same kind of wound. Many of us spend our whole life avoiding the suffering of facing the 'wound', until one day (usually during Chiron Return, around 49-51 years old) life throws us cold turkey inside of it. We may go through an experience that tears apart our soul, and breaks us into pieces. Then we are forced to do the healing, we are forced to pick up the pieces and glue ourselves back together.

If you're ready to learn about your personal Chiron, ORDER YOUR READING.

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