Turn the Last Page of your Old Life
New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn 4º
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"Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar" Antonio Machado (Translation: Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking) |
New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn 4º
Solar Eclipse ruled by Saturn on the South Node of the Moon
South Node eclipses' energy is felt at the Soul level, in our spiritual consciousness. Past Capricornian issues of 500 years are brought to light to be solved in the New Era. They are starters for a new kind of life, identity, vital expression. Listening to our psychic insights (Moon) we can make plans, set goals for a new beginning related to the themes of the zodiac house where the Eclipse takes place on your Birth Chart.
A Solar Eclipse on the South Node of the Moon is the start of an energy leak, a letting go, a separation of what has already served its purpose. The South Node, also known in Eastern Mythology as Ketu or the Dragon's Tail, is the excretor of karma. In fact, eclipses are caused by the proximity of the Lunation to the Lunar Nodal Axis, which confer the fated flavor to them. Understand by fate, those events, circumstances, and effects that are completely out of our human control, and are originated by the accumulated unconsciousness of the entire history, not only of humanity but of the Earth existence.
We are ready to turn the page on the last 30 years of our lives, at least, considering the pulverizing demolition Pluto has been doing, and the rebuilding Saturn has in turn started. We are starting to walk a new path. Yes, change is the only constant, but this one is all encompassing because, by 2025, when Pluto leaves Capricorn, he would have completely decomposed and recycled all its structures. Is he in your 4th house? He is transforming your emotional, home and family life. Is he in your 9th house? He is transmuting all your beliefs, higher understanding of the scheme of life, and your goals for the future. Where is he transiting in your chart?
A Solar Eclipse on the South Node of the Moon is the start of an energy leak, a letting go, a separation of what has already served its purpose. The South Node, also known in Eastern Mythology as Ketu or the Dragon's Tail, is the excretor of karma. In fact, eclipses are caused by the proximity of the Lunation to the Lunar Nodal Axis, which confer the fated flavor to them. Understand by fate, those events, circumstances, and effects that are completely out of our human control, and are originated by the accumulated unconsciousness of the entire history, not only of humanity but of the Earth existence.
We are ready to turn the page on the last 30 years of our lives, at least, considering the pulverizing demolition Pluto has been doing, and the rebuilding Saturn has in turn started. We are starting to walk a new path. Yes, change is the only constant, but this one is all encompassing because, by 2025, when Pluto leaves Capricorn, he would have completely decomposed and recycled all its structures. Is he in your 4th house? He is transforming your emotional, home and family life. Is he in your 9th house? He is transmuting all your beliefs, higher understanding of the scheme of life, and your goals for the future. Where is he transiting in your chart?
There is a profound transmutation at the mundane level as well. Since Pluto and Saturn are both with their respective planetary South Nodes, imagine a huge sewage pipe, draining all Capricornian social, political, economic structural junk. Humanity purging itself of old toxic behaviors. If you haven't noticed, you've been in another planet. Just look around and see the out of control insanity, corruption, absurdity, and chaos.
We are ending a 500 year cycle of Saturn Pluto in Capricorn. By the way, this eclipse is at 4º ♑️, exactly the degree where the Saturn Pluto conjunction took place in 1518. Although the Lunar Nodes at that time had already moved to the Gemini Sagittarius axis, but Uranus was in Taurus as he is now. I refer you to my previous article to learn about what happened then, how it relates to the present, and to see the chart. I will soon write some more about the Great multiple conjunction of January 12, 2020.
In fact, if you follow the rulership of every cosmic body in the chart, the theme is Saturn! He is the Lord of this Chart, the Lord of Karma, Time (Chronos), societal structures and political conventions that ensure people's security. Pluto demolished, and Saturn rebuilds. There is a sensation of time suspension, do you feel it? Saturn holds us accountable, also requires us to take personal responsibility, to have discipline, to use time wisely, to work for what we want and need, in other words, Saturn demands us to behave as adults.
Solar Eclipse on the South Node conjunct Jupiter
A Solar Eclipse is a starting point, a seed planted, but as such, the start is still in the dark. Not only does the metaphor of the seed inside the soil represents something in the gestation state, but also, a Solar Eclipse is the interception of the Solar light covered by the Moon, therefore, the consciousness is overshadowed by the unconsciousness. The results of this Eclipse will only be seen in the future, most probably in six months when the new series of eclipses take place in June and July.
Generally speaking, people are deprived of something from the past that is no longer viable. In this case the planets, including the Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Capricorn will be the actors that open the karmic portal and dislodge the energetic waste. Belief systems, ideologies, philosophies are purged of outdated principles. Wisdom, optimism, the higher mind, and our understanding of the Universe cosmology are also refined. Inappropriate expansion, and acquisition of material fortune are purified as well. Cultural awareness of differences, long distant travel and foreign exchanges are reduced and clarified. The administration of higher justice may be thwarted as well, with the natural law and the benevolence losing their brightness. For more details, I invite you to read my report on Jupiter in Capricorn.
Even though, Eclipses are more potent with conjunctions and oppositions, the following aspects are not negligible either at this time.
Solar Eclipse trine Uranus in Taurus
Uranus in Taurus, in harmony with this Eclipse, promotes change of our material values. Radically shows where our concept and use of the Earth resources is faulty. Uranus, Lord of the Sky, the abstract scientific mind (Venus, ruler of Taurus, in Aquarius, Uranus' home) shows us where and when we need to take responsibility for the present economic system that is, not only inexorably depleting our planet, but at the same time closing the doors to our survival. Taurus represents our physical survival, the food we eat, the substance that generates the life energy. New technologies and scientific research will develop new ways of mass food production, hopefully sustainable!
The eclipse visible area on the Earth may give us a hint of the places where its effect will most powerfully manifest. The main area will be the Indian Ocean, and the countries around it, namely, from South Arabia to Japan, passing by Yemen, Oman, India, China, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, North of Australia, and the Koreas. I don't discard the possibility of a natural weather event at a big scale. Remember that a Solar Eclipse is a 'seed', so events will not necessarily occur the exact day, but within the following six months.
Solar Eclipse square Chiron in Aries
The events unleashed by the eclipse, may exacerbate the need of migration (Jupiter) for survival reasons (Chiron in Aries). Displaced peoples would suffer for lack of enough sustenance, shelter and safety. Cultural contacts between very dispar peoples may create more political and economic tensions that can aggravate the xenophobic sentiments already existent.
At a personal level, we may have an identity crisis realizing that our culture, ethnicity, gender orientation, religion, political affiliation, etc. highly factors in our ability to being accepted, supported, and integrated into society. Being 'different' can become a survival factor. Many people will react empathically realizing our own fragility, having to face our own human vulnerability.
If the Human Race is to be preserved, it is critical to become aware of its vulnerable present position, and wake up to the fact that we need to change our ways to favor human thriving instead of corruption, enmity, pollution and destruction. Read more about Chiron in Aries in December 2019.
Eclipse Season
This is just the start of this eclipse season. Observe and pay attention to what happens around you, in your personal life, in your country. Signs of the eclipses' meaning will be all over the place. In my opinion, the prevalent chaos (Pluto's work) is awakening in people the need to restore order, security and peace (all planets in Capricorn) and their longing for a place to relax, be safe, a place we can call home (Cancer North Node). It is time for people to take into their hands the responsibility to build (Capricorn) their own safe haven (Cancer), however they need it to be.
Reading about the Cancer Capricorn Nodal Axis, you can understand what this Eclipse Season has been bringing to you, according to your Rising Sign.
NOTE: Planetary transits only
affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or
Progressed planets and points on our chart.
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