Sunday, March 29, 2020

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction 2020 - Meeting of the Titans

Phoenix rising from the ashes

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction 2020

To discuss the Jupiter Pluto conjunction, one needs to consider that they are not alone, but their company is not the most suitable. Mars and Saturn in Aquarius are at close proximity as well at the first Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4, which sets the tone for the initiation of this cycle. 

We have the three traditionally so called 'malefic' planets reunited in two Saturn-ruled Signs! We, Astrologers, all agree that the highest boss of everything that has developed since December is Saturn. Discussing the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020, I stated that in that event's chart all the energy led back to Saturn.

Considering that, there is agreement as well on the submission of the other planetary energy to the challenging coldness, seriousness, discipline and dire straits Saturn imposes, Jupiter in Capricorn can only expand and increase to the limits Saturn imposes. At the time of the first Jupiter Pluto conjunction, Mars is meeting with Saturn in Aquarius, a Sign also traditionally ruled by Saturn, plus the modern ruler, Uranus. Saturn Mars and Uranus are at odds in an almost 90º angle, which implies clashes between tradition and innovation, which makes for explosions of energy.

To understand how profound this crisis is, let's remember that in the term of just a couple of months, five new outer planetary cycles have started. Outer planets mean that these are longer cycles, so the changes will develop along a much longer period.

Let's talk about Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld

Evolutionary Astrology associates Pluto with the evolution of the Soul. Pluto is the basic energy force that maintains the atom's integrity, the life force that generates and takes away life. That's why, Pluto is associated with life, death, and rebirth and regeneration. The atomic power can be contained in one atom or multiplied infinitely in order to put together the matter that gives the Soul a form (Saturn).

Life is evolving, dying and regenerating constantly. We, the human beings have to evolve with it. According to Jeffrey W. Green, Pluto in the Chart represents the deepest most intense desires based on evolutionary factors. As a collective, Pluto describes the 'pre-existing patterns' with which we associate our identity. In Capricorn, Pluto is associated with the materialistic corporatocracy that uses the Earth resources for the sole purpose of ambitious building of wealth and prestige.  

Pluto in the same Sign with the South Node of the Moon, indicates an 'evolutionary karmic reliving condition, because of failure to deal with, or resolve successfully, the issues described by the house and sign that Pluto and the South Node' occupy (Jeffrey W. Green, Pluto). Pluto has called us many times with much evidence that our present materialist based paradigm is unsustainable. Have we listened, and changed accordingly? 

When we follow Pluto's compel, we can slowly transform, if not, we have to go through a catastrophic transformation. We can't avoid, ignore or deny the basic principle of the life force and its natural evolution (Pluto). When people do not naturally follow Nature's evolutionary process, then Pluto promotes the release of the life generating energy in a catastrophic disaster.

We can compare a Plutonian catastrophic evolutionary event to the nuclear fission, or atomic bomb. When the same force that holds the atom together to sustain life, is liberated, it destroys life. Wikipedia states that the  

"Nuclear fission is a process where the nucleus of an atom is split into two or more smaller nuclei, known as fission products. The fission of heavy elements is an exothermic reaction, and huge amounts of energy are released in the process."

Therefore, Pluto is a force to reckon with. We have been called to change for a long time, but as a collective, we have ignored the call. Then, now, it's too late for a soft call. We are under a consequential catastrophic transmutation. Last Pluto Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn in 1518 (see my previous article), a virus was also introduced, the smallpox, in America. The Conquistadors brought it with them and the entire Aztec civilization was destroyed just in a few months. This paved the way for a redistribution of power and resources at a global level. The Europeans rose in power, the Native Americans fell under their power. If you remember your history, Moctezuma declared that they have been warned that a White God would come one day. Had they listened to the warning? 

Here we have a virus, a minuscule particle of DNA, that enters a cell, mutates its DNA, generating such a reaction that the cell explodes. Then this process triggers a spiritual 'upgrade' that completely transforms our life. Surviving possibly depends on your spiritual evolutionary condition, and how Pluto and the Moon Nodes are transiting on your own chart. Like a computer, if it can tolerate the upgrade, it keeps functioning, if not, then you need a new one. 

Jupiter's Marble, by Juno Spacecraft NASA picture

Pluto and Jupiter were brothers in Mythology, once they defeated their father Saturn, they divided the world among themselves and Neptune. Whereas Pluto rules the Underworld, Jupiter rules the Heavens, but they are brothers in good entente. Jupiter has a long term vision of prosperity, likes justice, and supports higher knowledge. However, in Capricorn, an Earth Sign, Jupiter, the expansive gaseous planet, doesn't do well, he's at 'fall', constraint to the exigencies and rules of Saturn, the Lord of Time and the solid material form.

At a collective level, Pluto Jupiter Saturn and Mars work together on destroying obsolete government, economic, financial power systems, in order to redistribute the resources and wealth. We had a hint of this process at the last Jupiter Pluto conjunction in 2008. The power hoarders are disempowered, and those who have no power are empowered.

At a personal level, look at the houses where they are transiting to find the themes and area of your life affected, or order your reading with me.

What to expect with the 2020 Jupiter Pluto conjunction

April 4th , 2020, Direct @ 24º 53' ♑️with Pallas Athena @ 25º 39', and Saturn at 0º 54' ♒️
June 29, 2020 both Retrograde @ 24º 07' ♑️ and Saturn at 0º 08' ♒️
November 12, 2020 both Direct @ 22º 51' ♑️and Saturn at 26º 56'♑️

Artist is Elihu Vedder (1836–1923).
Photographed in 2007 by Carol Highsmith (1946–)
Public commons picture
  • Overhaul of all socio-geo-political structures and systems
  • I like that Pallas Athene is involved in the first conjunction, because she contributes her strategic intelligence, her ability to think and develop patterns in order to implement solutions. I see her compensating for Jupiter, her father, who is at fall in Capricorn. Since, wise Pallas Athena is a sharp strategist and fighter for justice, fairness and peace, she is at ease in Saturn's home. 
  • In his "2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction" essay, Astrologer Patrick Watson states that this duo have been historically responsible for 'extreme magnification'. He quotes Alan White saying that 'Pluto makes big things small, and small things big'. Therefore, we can expect a wider spread of the Covid19 illness, and an exponential increase in its consequent impact at all levels of human life.
  • In spite of the widespread of information through the internet, the duo is also exposing the significant degree of ignorance among human beings. 
  • People's beliefs and ideologies related to political activity as well as religious convictions are in the process of transmutation, due to the blatant exposure of corruption, and decadent or obsolete concepts.
  • Higher knowledge achieved through research can be either expanded, rejected or both in different contexts, due to the extreme conflict of interests now at play affecting the global economy and the big fortunes of the world.
  • However, this new Jupiter Pluto cycle may see scientists focus deeply on the research on DNA based medicine.
  • Long distant travel should transform notoriously, if it has to survive.
  • Having this crisis affecting all human beings without consideration of social, religious, economic, ethnicity, nationality, sex or gender, let's hope that cultural or status discrimination is erased from our consciousness.
  • The crisis may awake people's deep desire to study and learn. Educational systems may undergo a profound transformation.
  • As a logical consequence, the collapse of the global economic system with its currency and financial organization is obvious. The situation created by individuals and countries burdened under an overinflated debt, in many cases, impossible to be paid, shows that this virtual system with no material support is unsustainable. 
As I said above, these are times when we witness powerful release of energies, at the same time we are to stop and suspend our life as it was, for some time. Let's not be idle either, and use the isolation as an opportunity for retreat, reflection, pondering, but also a chance to use the power of our imagination to envision and plan the world we want to live in. Remember that before creation, there is imagination. Let's brainstorm so we can later create a better world for everybody. 

Make these times a GREAT TIME! Sat Nam.

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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