Sunday, October 3, 2021

Daily Transits - October 5, 2021

 The Great Halt in the Sky

Starting today, October brings a halt in the sky. Until now, you've been feeling frustrated because the personal (faster) planets have been moving forward at a good pace, which incite you to do things. But the power houses of the Heavens, the slower moving planets, have all been retrograde. This feels like a rod in the wheel, you had to stop, inspect and revise the issues at hand.

The Powerful Ways of Pluto-The Rape of Proserpina

During October, several of them stop on their tracks in order to change direction. Today Pluto stations at 24º♑️19', however he won't move for a long time yet. In fact, he's been at the 24º mark since August 12, and will not budge from it until November 29. Blessed your heart if you have a planet or important point there or in any of the Cardinal Signs. The ruler of my own chart is opposite in Cancer, so you can imaging the overhaul it caused in my life, and of course for two years! If you do have a direct aspect, you know what I am talking about. Nothing will ever be the same as before, your planet has 'died' and been reborn (symbolically). 

During the Libra season Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun square Pluto. Mercury three times, the third during the Scorpio season. That is one of the main reasons October brings such powerful energies of change in direction, transformations, death and rebirth. The upcoming New Moon is just the start of a new stage in the transmutation which will last for several months, probably until the Spring 2022 at the Libra Full Moon (which, by the way, will be also square Pluto!) Stay tuned to my New Moon report coming up soon. 

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