Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Daily Transits - December 30, 2021 - Prelude to the New Moon

Prelude to the Capricorn New Moon:
Sun Trine Uranus

The New Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus.
    As the Sun in Capricorn approaches the 12º mark of the New Moon, he first squares Chiron in Aries (8º), then trine Uranus (10º), and later semisextile Saturn (12º). The Moon does the same, but all in one day, on the New Moon day. So, this New Moon carries all three blends of energies picked up along the way. It has the flavor of the wounded warrior, the rebellious teen, and the earnest wisdom of the old person.  

    What you start at this New Moon has also all those energies. It may bring with it some old wound, pain, suffering related to who you are, or of what you identify with (Chiron in Aries). You may feel that your creative power, your joy or your vitality is not good enough, that you cannot express it properly, or that it takes a lot of effort and time to express it. 

    Your 'seed' project may urge you to free yourself from a bond or an attachment, or make a sudden change. Sun trine Uranus makes your peculiar creativity look cool and acceptable though. A trine is not always benefic or a good influence; a trine means that the energy flows easily without obstacles, like a river downstream. Here, Uranus is as eccentric, erratic, surprising even shocking as can be, but there's a certain harmony in the flow. The stridence doesn't hurt the eye.   

    However, the 'seed' could also take a long time and a huge amount of work (Capricorn and Saturn) to break the ground. The soil of circumstances may not be yet adequately fertile for it to grow. It may take the Water of the Full Moon in Cancer for it to see the light. You will need patience because it may also need even six months until the Full Moon in Capricorn for you to actually see the outcome. 

    For now, just wrap up the previous Sagittarius cycle during the dark balsamic Moon, and start thinking about your new Capricorn project. More about the Capricorn New Moon in my youtube video coming up soon. 
Sat Nam.

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