Monday, December 27, 2021

Daily Transits - January 2, 2022, Jupiter square Nodes of the Moon

 Jupiter square Nodal Axis

Scene from the film "Crossroads", 1986

    During the last 18 months or so, most of the eclipses were square Jupiter. Today, Jupiter at 1º Pisces exactly squares the Nodes of the Moon (at the New Moon in Capricorn), wrapping up his gigantic karmic message. Hopefully, you've been lending an ear to it, and it doesn't catch you by surprise, because now, everyone -and you- is standing at a crossroads. And you don't have control over it, this is why it's called 'karmic'. 

    A crucial situation, circumstances or event will present itself to you and you have to make a decision to leave something behind and go in a 90º direction. Will you turn right or left? -that is the question. Jupiter in Pisces increases your emotional state, your sense of merging with the whole Humanity, with the whole Earth, with the whole cosmos. It may submerge you in a profound confusion. Your life may turn upside down, downside up, and for some time, you may not be able to decide if you go right or left, up or down. 

    Remember that Jupiter rules the South Node and it's now separating from it. The True Nodes will change Signs (Taurus, Scorpio) in just a few days. Whatever Sagittarius governs in your birth chart, you are 'separating' from it in some way. If it were your fourth house, for example, your belief about the value or the dynamics of your family may not be valid anymore, or as significant as before. It could be that a loved one is leaving the nest, like going to live independently, to another geographical place, leaving you empty-nested. Or that you need to stop relying on or attaching to your family roots as you have been doing so far. Jupiter heading on towards the North Node in Gemini, in that case will pull you towards the tenth house, a new career, civil status, or public reputation. 

    Notice as well that all the planets are packed on one side of the Nodal Axis. This has a karmic effect whereby individual lives are subject to the development of the collective destiny. This configuration "considerably reduces [personal] free will" 1 , and makes for significant global reversals of fate affecting entire communities. 

    Another factor these days is that most planets, especially all the personal ones, are gathered within the last quarter square of the Natural Zodiac. The World looks dark, because an Era is closing. We are the final destroyers of the past... but also the creators of a New Era. Then, no matter how extreme the media may describe the worldly events, keep an eye on the New Beginning. 

    The new is coming March 23, 2023 when Pluto enters Aquarius. I invite you to look at this beautiful Cardinal Fire (active change) chart with six solar bodies in Aries (the initiator of a new life)! and Saturn freshly in Pisces! Gorgeous! Let's make it happen by wrapping up the destruction of the old. Don't hesitate to leave behind what you no longer need, that what is hurting your life and blocking you from stepping up into your future! Change directions, the North Node is calling you. Because that's not all (watch video "A peek Into the Future" with José A. Millán in my youtube channel). Here is our path down the road, February 20, 2026 when Saturn and Neptune meet at 0º Aries. (more about it later)

1- "The Covid-19 Genesis and the Emergence of Third Millennium Spirituality" by Bernard Duchatelle; in ISAR Magazine, December 2020, Volume 49, Issue Number 3.

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